MXT and mouth sores | Arthritis Information


Hi i just increase my MXT and developed mouth sores I also increased my folic acid is there any thing I can do now while I wait for them to go away will cold sore medicine work or am I just wasting my money? 

Linda from NJ

Hi the sore IN the mouth? or on the lips?  I have used abreva on cold sores I get...and it does work.  I have found that it lessens the sore to about have the time u'd normally have it.

Do you get the sores on the outside of your lips or inside? I've found a couple different kinds that work on the outside of the lips but you have to use it the minute you first feel the tingle. If you've had them before you know the itchy/tingling feeling you get right before they actually break out. It's been my experience that if you use the medication before you actually see them or as soon as you see them you've got a bettter chance of getting rid of them quicker.

Sadly it's usually the most expensive ones that work the best in my experience. I've been using "zilactin-L" lately and I've found it to be pretty effective.

Hope you find something that helps you. I've gotten "cold sore" type mouth sores since I was a young child but the sun and MTX make them much worse. I know how horrible they can be. Also; if you are prone to get them anyway, I've foudn that chap stick with as much sunscreen as possible really helps also.

Good Luck!

Tell your doctor the folic acid isn't working and he/she can start you on Leucovorin.  It's supposed to work better to counteract the unpleasant side effects of MTX.  If it's cold sores on the outside, ask about acyclovir (prescription).  It's a pill you take immediately when you first feel the itch or tingle and it will stop it dead in its tracks before it "blossoms" if you start the pills early enough.    I use diluted peroxide every morning as a mouth wash.  I've been on MXT for over a year and the only mouth sore I've had was the one I had before I started to use the peroxide wash. I started the peroxide wash the same day the mouth sore appeared and it was gone within the week.  Lindy Hello Linda from NJ

Thanks to everyone who replied I got the sores inside my mouth I increased my folic acid from 1 mg to 3 mg so I am hoping this will stop me from getting them again I also started taking Z-pack for a sinus infection so maybe that was part of it .

Have a safe and happy labor day weekend yeah the BENNYS are going home

Linda from NJ  

Hey Jersey...


Hello Texas

I am only now taking 7.5 mg of MXT up from 5 mg I had a bad reaction last year to 15 mg so I am only taking a small about so far I have taken the 7.5 two weeks in row that is when the mouth sores started they do seem a little better I did up my folic acid from 1 mg to 3 mg so maybe that is the trick.

I believe PA is treated  very much the same as RA except all the new drugs are approve for RA first than they seem to be approved for PA I was taking Enbrel and it was working great until I became allergic to it I also take Prednison when I have a flare I think I was on that half of last year I just had my fourth Remicade infusion last week so I am hoping it is the one that will work so that I can finally start feeling human again LOL

It looks like you and I were DX'd around the same age I was Dx'd last March three months before I turned 40 didn't I read somewhere that life starts at 40 haha maybe it starts after we find meds that work anyway have a nice weekend and take care

Linda from NJ
