weight loss | Arthritis Information


Hello everyone its been awhile since i last wrote. I am now taking hydroxtchloroquine 400 mg a day and arava 1 tab a day. has anyone ever have weight loss due to ra? since jan i have loss 30 lbs due to being sick in the morning and all day, the drs dont seem to be a worried as i am but as of today i weigh 100 lbs! i dont believe its dur to the meds, i just started the arava, have a script for mtx never got it filled still scared. side effects, gosh there are so many of them. and why do people with mtx get mouth sores, i dont understand that. i am going to start mtx on monday, i have to at this point for my children. the dr says its ok to take arava, plaq,and mtx all together is that true? it just seems like a lot of medicine.

well i hope all is well with you all. talk soon

Hey cmcg!!  I know their can be  a lot of different side effects with MTX, but it doesn't always go that way.  I take it with enbrel and I don't have any side effects, except that it seems I'm losing alot of hair.  But that's only when I see it in the brush or shower.  Their is no noticable thinning of hair on my head.  Maybe I always lost this much and never noticed cuz I wasn't looking for it.

Anyway, I just wanted to offer some encouragment.  Mouth sores and thin hair and the rest aren't necessarily in your future.


hi cmcg  I have been taking mtx for 5 months fortunately like linncn

above i have had no side effects either, but like you since april 2

i have lost 48 pounds, everybody around me is concerned but unlike

you i was fat to begin with so i am grateful. I just find it so hard

to eat when i am in that much pain maybe i am just weird.

best of luck to you and god bless

I've been taking MTX since April and Enbrel since July. I have seen some hair loss, but that could also be attributed to post-partum crap (at least that's what my doc says). I don't know. It seems like a lot, but I've noticed taking folic acid daily helps a bit. All the side effects sound really scary, but the benefits outweigh them.

Hope you are doing well!

Hi and welcome!  Now with the side effects to mtx, just because it says it could happen doesnt necessarly mean it WILL happen.  I have been on Mtx for about 3 yrs or so now and the only real side effect i have found is that my tummy gets upset but I take 2 benadryl and im good to go.  In the begining everything is very scary and overwhelming.  We have all been there before so we all know what you are going through.  Feel free to ask any question that comes to you. No queston is stupid. 

Oh and watch out for Linncn shes a stalker she just dont wanna admit it.....


Hello and welcome,

Weight loss is a symptom of RA, but for me I think the weight loss was due to the meds.  I feel nauseous from time to time and am too tired to cook often.  I have lost over 25 lbs in a year, but I was overweight so I guess it is a good thing. 

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