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Dear all,

Hi my name is diligent,

I went to docs yesterday and he said if i can loose five pounds in weight he would put me on a weight loss drug iam13 and a half stone so iam going to try as my bmi is 33 so yesterday i started healthy eating and hope to continue with it.

So i have to go back in a month......

If anyone has any good ideas please share.



Everytime you feel like eating, drink an entire bottle of water.  It will fill your stomach up.  Eat regular meals though.  Yes, I agree with butterfly. Make sure you eat a full breakfast as that is most important with getting your metabolism running for the day. Drink as much water as possible, especially if you are exercising. The more you sweat the more water you should drink to help flush out those toxins your body is expelling. An easy way to loose, besides flooding yourself with icey lemon water, is to cut out all sugar. Use splenda (the only one that doesn't cause cancer), avoid fruit juice at all cost and never eat white flour. Your body sees white flour as being essentially the same thing as white sugar, I was told they are digested the same. Also, a friend of mine lost btwn 5-10 in a few weeks JUST by not eating anything after dinner. Otherwise, the calories just sit there while you're sleeping. Personally, I find that extremely hard to do, I'm a snacker, especially at night! Plus I have to take meds before bed with food, so that makes it really difficult. I have AS, so it's really important for me to make sure that I don't carry any extra poundage, so I'm contantly watching what I eat. These are just a few tips that always work for me.
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