New Health Insurance Stats | Arthritis Information


Record # Of Americans Lack Health Insurance

The news numbers are pretty alarming.  I don't have any answers but am willing to read and listen to the politicians who are or have developed some type of universal healthcare for the uninsured.



Here in Massachusetts, they have an initiative to have all citizens of the state insured.  They base the premium paid on your income and the standard is the federal poverty guidelines.  When I first came here before I qualified for Medicare, my local health center ran a match for me to see if I could qualify.  I did and only paid .37/mo.  I think this is a really good program.  It's helping to get people health insurance who can't afford it.Hi Steph, I've been reading about the initiative in Mass.  I'm glad that's it's working for you.  I've been wondering how it was really working out.  LindyI think it's going pretty well. If I remember correctly, there's something to do with your taxes also if you don't have insurance.  I think some sort of penalty.  I'll have to look into that more though.  I just heard a quick blurb about it the other day on my way to bed.



This is what I heard.  Belong quote is regarding the penalty for not having health insurance and being a resident of Massachusetts.  It's from Business week.  The Massachusetts health plan is financing a lot of low income people and families.  They cover anyone up to 300% of the federal poverty level.  The article states that the penalty is more geared towards the wealthy who can afford health insurance but don't buy it.  I'll include the link if you want to read the article.

"Beginning in 2008, individuals who don't have insurance will be subject to a penalty equal to half the cost of health insurance." 404_152510.htm

