OT - Recycling Lorster, Pip | Arthritis Information


So I'm not crazy! They just had a story in the paper about how the recycling program is being abandoned at the end of this year. It is apparently too costly for them, and they can't charge us anymore (I don't know why) They considered centralized drop off points, and even that they can't afford.

So we have NO recycling in our city. Isn't that just NUTS???


 So Katie does it all just go to a land fill somewhere? That is nuts!

Yep, it's all garbage now. It's amazing. Well you could always collect it and deposit it on the Mayor's front lawn!LMAO Oh he would LOVE that. The guy is so tortured, but really...he brings it on himself. Not the sharpest crayon in the box.

OK, I'm with Hillhoney!

Why don't you organize one of those 'everybody take their recycle-ables to City Hall after a month' thing.  Call the newspapers in some of the bigger cities!

They'd come up with $ then!



LOL You know, I think I will at the very least write in the online news paper about it. It's a step at least, maybe I can send a "spout off" and get it published even. That's what they call angry letters to the editor and angry opinion letters. Hah. The Editor just did his blog and it had nothing to do with the recycling, but I would like to see him do one, and get some ideas from us on what we should do about it. Done and done. Lets see what Mr. Editor has to say.

Good for you, Katie!

This is such an important cause, and I find it unbelievable that some people don't give a darn about it. - Especially a politician!

Let us know what happens, and good luck!

Seriously, could you put up some flyers in the Supermarkets.  The city will be accepting recycling on 9/30 from 8 to 5 PM?

If it's more than one person it's called a movement.  LOL

Alice's Restaurant Massacree



Some SCHMUCK responded back to me to stop my bitching because if they didn't charge us they would have to raise taxes to pay for it and it's "obviously a very expensive program"

ARGH! It took everything in me not to tell him to shove his ridiculous theories up his @$$

You go, girl!

Seriously, all those 60's people were right back in the day.  Look at the world we are leaving our childern.  They've pretty much gutted the EPA and the DEQ. 

I'm sorry - hijacking thread here - and does anybody besides me hate the new (ugly) polyester clothes that are out now?  Doesn't anybody realize it's a petroleum based product!



Katie, is there a place where you could take you cans and such? I dont know what they are called, hopefully someone will know what im trying to get at

This is a city program that has been discontinued, correct?  I would be very interested to know more about how your city government is supported.  Do you have a city income tax, or is it a property tax based structure?  Can you find any figures in news articles about how much the program costs?  Also, can you get a copy of your city's annual budget, so you can see how tax dollars are being divied up? 

What are state laws on the issue of recycling?  Start digging, we need to know!!!

Let's get to work now, you have a lot to do answering these questions for me!

See there Katie, Karen is giving you something to do while your at work **Pat Rice is our lead editor for the North West Florida Daily News. OH OH OH and this is the same crew of folks who let us vote on whether or not we wanted a million dollar conference center - which was voted down THRICE..........and then they built it anyway. Under some random law they probably made up.

It's actually really illegal - about the beaches.  Big fight about it in Malibu.  Seems a lot of rich folks wanted 'privacy' but that doesn't overrule the fact that the beaches were also for riff-raff.


But that's the thing about it, we don't even have a "beach bum" problem. They're just *THAT* greedy. Our hotel fights constantly with the condo across the street over the beach. They are all privately owned and they have their little community board etc etc. They have tried to rope a section off, and they have been known to scream, cuss, and throw things at OUR guests. We have called the cops on them SO many times. And the sheriff ALWAYS takes the ropes down, cites them, and leaves. That's it. You'd think after a while, they'd get sick of having to come out, and make them pay a fine or something.


Then again, this is the same police department that is SO BORED they stop by on a regular basis just to chat, and raid our breakfast. We like our boys in blue, they eat free. LOL

A couple years ago there was this 'phenomena' where people on cell phones and other tech gadgets would all randomly get together and do something wacky - then fade away mysteriously.

Too bad you couldn't arrange a 'whatever that was called' where people just showed up at city hall with empty cat food cans or something.



P.S.  Does anybody remember what that was called?  Wave????

YES! ANYONE!! PLEASE!! What is that called?????

A Protest?? It's that the word you are looking for?

Katie, you should start your own recycling business. Here in IL we get $ for alum cans. Last I checked several months ago it was around 60cents a pound.........of course that would require trucks/trailers and a place to store them. When I went to see my niece in Milwaukee they have 5 cents per can/bottle refunds on them.

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