update on moi :) | Arthritis Information


SOOO im moved in to school! incredibly sore from my 5 staircases and moving in, hopefully this joints will get used to it lol but i doubt it. I start classes tomorrow

rash is going away. not really itchy but still visible. Lyme test came back negative. no more news on lupus stuff but they didnt do more tests, will see rheumy in a few weeks and see what she says. in the meantime prednisone and no humira ever again in case i was allergic, which seems likely, rheumy saif humira half life is 2 weeks and ive been off it for almost 3 and its mostly gone

hope you all are ok and enjoy the last bit of summerBummer that it seems to be the Humira.....I hope she can put you on something else. What haven't you tried yet?

Good luck in school chicky!!!!! STUDY!! LOL
ive tried enbrel and humira...... i think she wants me back on enbrel but it didnt even help sooo i dunno. will be home from school in a few weeks to see her.
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