Fell off curb into the street | Arthritis Information


Hey friends,

Yesterday I was doing a healthy walk on my lunch hour and an unfriendly encounter with a curb sent me sprawling facedown in the middle of the side street.  I was a bit shaken up, but felt nothing was broken (except both palms near the wrists were red from smacking the pavement).  Today I am doing good, but there is pain in that left wrist near the hand.  No swelling..no bruising...If I was going to have a problem (except for pain) wouldn't I know it by now? 


I think if it was anything serious Molly, it would be apparent by now, but that doesn't mean you haven't badly sprained it or something so I would do the RICE treatment, you know, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.  That should help.  Best of luck, Janie. 


You also may need to stabilize it for a few days/weeks.  You would have known if you broke anything by now....It would have kept you awake all night long and you would have had bruising by now.  Jane is correct remember to RICE it. 

Take care of yourself and stay away from the curb!!

Thank goodness you weren't seriously injured. I imagine if anything major occured you would know it by now. Try to take it easy and follow Janie's advice.

Hi, That happened to my granddaughter last week. She is 16 and was 'looking at herself in the storefront window' stepped off the curb and fell down in the parking lot, (embarassing!) she twisted her ankle and came in to show her father her owwie. She refused to do 'anything' about it and sure enough it was okay the next day, BUT she is 16.

I hope it was just a twist and not a sprain for you too. Lynda

I'm glad you weren't seriously injured Molly!  Did you do what I always do on occasions like that, jump up like nothing happened and look around to see who was looking?  "Oh, I meant to do that" kind of look?

My hubby took a tumble in the middle of the street in Chicago a couple years ago.  It was right in front of Wrigley Stadium, I always think of it when I see a picture of Wrigley.  Some poor old homeless man went over to help him get up, and my husband thought he was trying to rob him, LOL.  Meanwhile, I dodged traffic to grab his glasses which shot across the road!  Those curbs can be mean!

Hope you aren't too sore!

When I stumbled yesterday I was walking down the side walk and all these parents were sitting in the carpool line watching me. I was so embarrashed. One nice man rolled down his window and asked if I was alright though. I was fine ; Very embarrashed though.

I'm never very graceful; this was amplified when I was pregnant.  Once I was in Chicago for an Oracle training class and was walking from the train station to the Oracle offices (about a 4-block walk).  I was 6 months pregnant (but looked like I was 10 months pregnant!!).  I was walking with another woman who had been on the train with me; she worked downtown.  Anyway, I toppled over, and without missing a beat, she reached down, grabbed my arm, helped me back to my feet and we kept walking along, this time laughing hysterically.  And then I tripped again, but she reached over and kept me upright until I could stop laughing long enough to continue on.

I must be the least graceful of all, because I trip when walking down the hallways at work, and there's nothing to trip over!  If someone sees me, I always say "I hate tripping over those imaginary lines".  I usually get a smile.

Molly, I hope your pain goes away soon!

I trip all the time due to my hip pain. I don't always lift my leg high enough and catch my toe on those same darn imaginary lines.

Awww... I am sorry to hear about your fall, Molly Bee

I fell about 7 years ago chasing after my daughter who took off running thru the parking lot of a shopping center. She suddenly stopped and I did not stop chasing after her and I fell over her and broke my knee. Yeah... I knew I had broke something when I was laying there on the ground crying because of pain and I could not walk.

Hope you feel better soon, Molly!

Thanks for those kind words!  I am doing great.  I was sore for a couple of days, but other than "usual" RA aches and pains, I am doing really well.

Yes, it is so very embarrassing to fall down in public.  I've done it 2x in the past year...once on a slippery walk outside the Target store.  That one I could understand.

Enjoying a wonderful extended visit from my dtr and her 2 little ones...hubby has to work so she took a week off to come and stay w/us.  Evan is 2 and Julia is 3-1/2 mos....precious and sweet are they!  We're all enjoying them.  Right now they're napping....so I stole away to use the "per-puter" as Evan calls it.

Happy Labor Day Everyone!  Enjoy the remainder of the holiday weekend.


Molly Bee

I have an artificial left knee which I cannot bend more than 90 degrees do to scar tissue etc...

I was bowling with my daughters a month ago (good exercise for the knee) and fell. My left leg went completely under me and bent all the way back while my foot bent all the way forward. I couldn't breathe for the first minute or so, then simply said "ICE". A couple of guys helped me to a chair. My daughters stared, horrified, at me so I told them I was ok. I told them to continue to bowl. I couldn't tell them that I was unable to walk.

Long story short, I tore my calf muscle, and a bunch of scar tissue, and now I can bend my knee a little more than 90 degrees, and am back to bowling.

The nice people at the bowling alley still give me crap about the fall...

A few days on and I hope you're ok Molly. My son and hubby fall over imaginary blades of grass! Hubby once fell over a chain link fence that was 2 1/2 inches off the ground. He did a big exaggerated jump over it and his army boots, unbelievably, caught it. He ended up breaking his scafoid (little bone in the hand), and had to have a pot put on. I have to say that I laughed my socks off it was soooo funny.

I put ice on it it right away. There was hardly any bruising. But it was sore and quite achy for a couple of weeks. I'd actually forgotten about whacking it and made a appt with a hand and elbow specialist that had repaired the opposite elbow 6 years back because I was having ulnar nerve problems. Well golly they x-rayed it and and found a break. 

So if it is not lots better in 3 days time, it would be smart to have a doc check it out.  Don't be like Joonie and me...

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