Stiffness lead to pain?? | Arthritis Information


Hey all....I have had a lot of stiffness lately in my feet, ankles & knee's. I was just wondering if this is leading up to pain? I know that with my fingers, wrists & elbows it started with weakness and worked up to pain. it possible that it could just stay stiff? Don't get me wrong, they are SO stiff that I walk with a limp and litterally PULL myself up the stairs, but it's better than pain...ya know? It's been on my mind lately, thanks in advance!

Hi Staci,

I have not had RA for as long as many here, but for me stiffness does not signal that pain will come.  Sometimes I have pain and stiffness, sometimes just stiffness and sometimes just PAIIIIIN

Anyway no rhyme or reason with me


Staci,  My experience is the same as Pams.  It all fluctuates.  It is so unpredictable.  I have noticed that I get flu like symptoms right before a bad flare.  I hope you get relief soon.  Rox

Im not totally sure how to answer your ? but I know with me my stiffnes is becoming worse over time. My joints feel like they are chained and locked. I have some movement in them but its difficult. I walk with a bad limp even when the pain is not that bad. So I guess stiffiness doesnt have to lead to pain, sometimes it may be worse than the pain. Other times they happen together.

Hope this answers your ?. Sorry for rambling.


Thanks everyone...I appreciate the quick responses

