OT my little trooper | Arthritis Information


Second day of school - she is a 4 yr. old who would not start kindergarten until next fall, but she made the lottery and got in a Montessori Pre-K program.  She is in a classroom with kindergarteners.

First day was great.  She wasn't tired at all, even though the hours are 9:15 - 3:30.  The teacher sent home a handwritten letter on a notecard, in an envelope like a thank-you, saying what a good day she had (and that she was very charming LOL.)  Great night, no qualms this a.m., walked in alone!

When I picked her up today, she said she had a good day, but seemed quiet.  We talked a little (eight crackers for snack - they write on the board how many to take; everything is 'integrated' learning).

Then she blurted out, "I wish you could get me early!  I wanted to cry and say 'I want my mommy! I want my mommy! I want my mommy!' when I was cleaning up that rice!  But I didn't."

Then it was over and she was fine!  Apparently, she spilled rice (?) and had to clean it up. 

So we talked about how it was okay to make a mistake, and that the teachers knew she was big girl and could clean it up on her own.  Now she is doing laps around the house.

The best part is...she still needs me LOL!  It is so weird.  You want them to do well and be independent, but then it kind of makes you feel bad when they can just take off without looking back.  I'm glad she shared that with me, and I'm also very proud she got through a rough time without a teary meltdown.


How did everybody else's first week go?

OMG That is the cutest story I've read all week!!! What a sweetheart!

Mine doesn't start until next Monday.

And you did so good, Mom!  I cried like a baby when she started Kindergarten. 


Pip, don't send her Monday, it's Labor Day!

Suzanne~  Awww, she is a little trooper.  That's such a sweet story


Suzanne, thank you for sharing that story.  She sounds precious.  Post a photo of her please!

Makes me remember when I dropped my daughter off as a freshman at college in Chicago.  We spent a few days there as a family, got her room all set up, her brother made sure her computer was all set, we hovered and prepared and she kept acting as though she couldn't wait for us to leave.  She put on this big front of the strong independent woman, who couldn't wait to live in the big city after living in a small rural town.

We said our goodbyes and left her dorm, went down in the elevator and out the door and I realized I left something in her room.  I couldn't get back in the door, so I called her on my cell phone and when she answered I said "Miss me yet?".  She was sobbing!  Her strong front cracked as soon as we went out the door!

But, like your daughter will be in about 14 years, she was fine.  She loved being on her own, and her inner strength and confidence helped her grow and blossom!  And that is as it should be!

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