Murphys Law - Pain AFTER my RD appt. | Arthritis Information


Alright well I was hoping it was just a fluke that my shoulder started hurting LITTERALLY the day after my RD appt, when it had been doing SO well. But sure enough, here we are on day 3, and I'm up to a constant stream of excedrine and flexeril. :| What gives?? I do think that stress has a play in it, that's for sure. I'm wondering though, if I should make an appt with my PCP to take a look at it, because it's in a new spot, and my neck is totally flexible. All the other shoulder issues I've had have been linked to my neck being screwy. Not the case this time!!

Hmmmmm..... I just had to complain.

I've had no x-rays and no MRI, as I can still move it, and moving it does not make the pain worse. Which is weird. But sounds (and from what I've read, seems right) like a pinched nerve. I'm just not sure WHICH nerve. And is it pinched from bursitis or tendonitits or the RA swelling something we can't see? That is the real question!

I wish I could find the site that showed where all the nerves run from your neck to your shoulder, and which areas of the body they effect. I had it and it showed exactly what I think was being pinched, and now I've lost it!! Grr!

I guess I just found myself something to do in my spare time tonight.I have the ache, but then I get sharp, intense stabbing pains, like an ice pick! *shivers* I just don't want to even move or breathe when it happens. Okay, that's not like my shoulder and sounds very painful.  Ouch! [QUOTE=arriscolwell]

Alright well I was hoping it was just a fluke that my shoulder started hurting LITTERALLY the day after my RD appt, when it had been doing SO well. But sure enough, here we are on day 3, and I'm up to a constant stream of excedrine and flexeril. :| What gives?? I do think that stress has a play in it, that's for sure. I'm wondering though, if I should make an appt with my PCP to take a look at it, because it's in a new spot, and my neck is totally flexible. All the other shoulder issues I've had have been linked to my neck being screwy. Not the case this time!!

Hmmmmm..... I just had to complain.

pain your talking about where it feels like a ice pick i always told

people around me a knife but you are right man does it take away

your breathe and then you don't want to move it just in case it

happens again. i know this doesn't help just wanted you to know

you are not alone. wish you could have a pain free night.