OT - daily chatter 2007.08.31 | Arthritis Information


Good morning all!

Just getting ready to go to work... today is the big move.  We will finish packing up our personal crap for the movers and then everyone's dismissed at noon.  I will be working at the kids' school this afternoon... those wacky Catholics think they can just say a prayer for the computers and everything will be fine.

Goodmorning!  Jasmine thats funny what you said about the catholics heheh

We'll we've gotta walk to Kelsays new school and meet the principal and her new teacher once we find out if shes gonna be in the morning or afternoon and hopefully the'll bus her.  There is no way im gonna be able to wak her every day.  Its a half a mile just one way to her school so 4 times a day equals 2 miles.  UGG yea not gonna happen.  But we shall see what happens, if she gets to be bused she will be thrilled to death.

Hi all, am up early.  Woke up to Loki, my cat, licking my eyelids

It's going to be a quiet day.  Am sending Stan off to the golf course and I'm going to do some much needed housework and start packing up for storage.  We have 1 month and we'll be back living and traveling in our RV......happy times ahead.  We have a full schedule of travel until May, 2008.  We decided we're going back to Mexico for the month of April and part of May.  That's the best weather in our area and the quietest. And the best part is that's mango season - yummy. Mango margaritas. Nothing like them.  Sweet, sour, salty and delicious.  Don't know what my liver functions will look like after our little 6 week sojourn in Mexico!

My nose hurts a little.  You don't realize how much you move your nose and those muscles until something like this....you move your nose a lot.

Hi Jasmine, you mean a couple of Hail Marys don't work for the computers?  If it were so simple.  Watch out for moving, try and take it easy. 

I'm off to get some breakfast and some more coffee.  NEEEEED COFFEE.  Lindy

Missed you Kelsaysmom, that's a lot of walking.  Hopefully, she'll get to ride the bus with her friends.  The bus ride by themselves seems to be part of the independence thing.  They feel more grown up.  LindyYea she was so upset that she wasnt able to ride the bus at the other school.  She told me, Mommy next time can we move far away from school so I can ride the bus?  LOL So hopefully she can this time, but if not the principal at the school she is at now said the if she cant be bused in maybe the new principal can arrange something with one of the other parents that drives to school.  I got my drs note and everything stating that I have a hard time walking that far. So hopefully it will all work out.


Good morning to you all...not a good morning for me.

OHH No whats wrong Michelle???


I have finally succumbed to this nasty flare I started during FIL's funeral.  When I got up this am...I could hardly put my feet to the ground because of pain.  and the rest of my body feels the same.  I just want to crawl under a rock. 

I still have to take the kiddos to school...and then I am supposed to go to the pool for work on my back.  I am contemplating coming home taking a pain pill and just sleeping my life away.


Sorry your having a cruddy day. Your allowed to sleep extra. Drop them off and sleep like the dead.

yep!  I think I am going to call the Physical Therapist and say...poollattes on without me.  I don't even think I can manage to negotiate getting into pool.  I am very wobbly this am.  Morning all! Sorry to hear you're so sore Michelle :( Jays right, pass out and relax!!!

Shannon, I really hope she can ride the bus, that'd be great!!

I took my Tylenol PM last night..................and slept like a baby! Woohoo!! Man did I need that. We did not go car shopping this AM, Justin is exhausted and I didn't even wake up until about 20 minutes ago! That's okay, we might sneak onto the lot tonight when no ones working and look at what they have, then go tomorrow morning. I'm just glad I finally got some sleep.

Hello Folks,

It is a spectacular day in Connecticut today, and is supposed to be for the entire holiday weekend.  Time to do a little shoveling out of the cage today, in preparation for the weekend.  I took my meds and I'm waiting for them to kick in so I can move enough to actually accomplish something. 

Fool that I am I got up and on my way to the bathroom I saw something on the floor and bent over to pick it up without even thinking. 

My son's girlfriend is flying in from Chicago tonight, so time to get this joint in shape!  This is her 3rd visit since June - kinda sounds serious, doesn't it???  The good news is she's a great person and I like her a lot - and she's a very easy to please houseguest.

Ya'll have a good day.  I'll pop in again on my rest breaks!


Morning Ya'll!! TGIF!! Really in need of a long weekend. Can't wait to sleep in tomorrow. I think if I laid my head donw on this desk I'd fall asleep in 30 seconds.

Here's to hoping this work day passes fast.

OK this sucks!  Just got back from Kelsays new school and she doesnt get to ride the bus, I have to walk her....

I would call the principal ask who you can make an appeal to about this - perhaps you can apply for an exception through the school board.  Don't stop now, you need some help with this!

Well I just sent an email to the superintendant so we will see what he says.

Evening guys, I'll tell you about catholics and computers. My MIL is a devout catholic (I'll put that into context) I married her only son 23 years ago. I'm a methodist and he's a (now) non practicing catholic (nothing to do with me

Anyway she's mellowed over the years and we are fine.  So... back to the computer, I'm helping her get online... do the emailing stuff and chat to her friends (she's been widowed now nearly 3 years after 44 years of marriage), and really needed to keep in touch with her pals who all use the internet.

I spent the afternoon putting virus software onto her machine and she called her daughter and told her that I'd put a wall of fire onto the computer and it would eat all the bugs!!** hee hee

Kelsaymommy, can you pay for your daughter to get the bus? Its unbelievable that they'd say no if you are on the route. My son was out of area and we had to pay for him to get a normal bus... it is about 5 miles away though. I'd have had to get up earlier than I do already to walk there.

Speak soon am off to have some tea and meds.

The idea of finding another parent that picks their child up was a good one. Any parent that picks up their child in the afternoons would likely drive right by your house leaving the school. Surely someone would be willing to help you out. Maybe your daughter has a friend who's a car rider? If you don't know anyone; go to all opprotunities at the school where other parents would be there. School parties, PTA meetings, fundraisers, etx. Try to get to know some of the other Mother's. The friendships might be nice for you as well.

Maybe even walk up a  little early and scout out the car rider line. Maybe you know someone there already.

ALSO; Maybe there's an older child in your neighborhood or even another parent that also walks their child. Make friends with them and on the days when you can't make it back and forth to the school they would proabable be more than happy to help you with Kelsey.

I am so sorry Shannon!  I hope you can get an exception.  Call your doctor and see if the Nurse can call the Superintendant.  You may make yourself worse if you try this. 

Ok, I came home and took a half of vicodin at 8:30, laid down and just now woke up at almost 11:30.  The pain has eased some, but everytime I reach for something it shoots pain from my elbows all the way up and down my arm.  To walk causes pain to shoot up my legs and my lower back is punishing me with constant pain.   I think I will take another half of a Vicodin at 12:30, and just pretty much stay down. 

Hubby will love the fact that I still have not cleaned up the house from travels and the laundry still is not done.  Athough I did call him and let him know that I was taking a pain pill...which I rarely do in the daytime. 

By the time Wed. comes and they try the Remicade I will truely be a mess. 

Miss Katie how are you today????  Did you sleep last night?? How are your eyes?

I am sorry shannon. I know get a doctors note and get a pass for her to ride the bus. If you can get a handicap placard, then I am sure walking your daughter 2 miles to school is more than enough to make someone think of letting her ride the bus.

My day is soo sooo. I have only had 3 hours sleep. I am running off pred. I could go to sleep, but son is awake and will not take a nap, so here I am. Hubby went to work in the car. He said it did not overheat on the way to work. But after today he is not driving it anymore until his daddy looks at it.

I had to go with MIL to deposit money into hubby's checking account, as his credit card he tried to use yesterday, kept coming up as debit, and he did not remember his password, so... he used his check card and hopefully, the money that got deposited today will not let us incur overdraft fees. Son needed pull-ups. I have been working on him with the under-roos, but he will pee but not poo. He wants his diapers when he has to poo, and well... I do not know how to break him of it.

Started 20mg of pred today... woo hoo.... yeah... it does no good to take my meds, they do not make me sleepy. I just lay awake thinking of stupid stuff.

Like last night I decided I wanted a cat and make it an inside cat. And I planned on giving it a bath every other day or so, so it would be a clean kitty. Yeah... I do not know why I want a cat.


Oh and yesterday... my daughter asked what a hooker was. UGH! I think she is getting this stuff from the teenage boys who ride her bus. Oh well... I guess she has to "learn" about all of this stuff sometime. They are affectionate, but not needy like a dog.  You don't need to walk them, they're (usually) quiet and in my opinon, emptying a litter box once a week is far preferable to picking up dog poops from the yard or "poop scooping" when you walk the dog. Joonie the things you think of and the way you tellus on here cracks me up.  Definitly keeps me amused throughout the day.  How will I know if i can get a handicap placecard?  Walking into the stores and such im fine its gonna be the 2 freakin miles a day that is gonna suck big whatever Joonie calls em

I mean the cat will use a litter box, and when it steps in there, it is gooing to have kitty pee & poo on its feet.

Do not mind me, just needed to tell someone I wanted a cat, but it had to have a bath every other day to get rid of germs.

Hubby's cellphone is dead or not picking up so I could not call him and tell him about. I know he will not let me get a cat, he does not like cats. Has something to do with a cat from childhood. He holds on to things from childhood like no one else I have seen.


Joonie my cat loves a bath. When he was a kitten (this is true), hubby was in the bathroom having a wee

I'm totally a cat person too. I like the fact I dont have to do a clear up and they never go in their own garden either!  I have great neighbours, they all have cats, so our gardens are respective toilets for respective cats if that makes sense.

They are good pets though.

Lovie, you are right about the cat hair, my boy is fluffy and I brush him every day but at the end of the week when I do my cleaning you'd think he'd been shaved

I get up at 6.30 every morning come down stairs (he stays in the kitchen/den overnight), and detol all the sides before the rest of the family gets up and starts doing breakfast etc.

Shame you cant get a cat with poodle hair, no alergies, no malting.. but I wouldnt be without my baby. He's very comforting and calming. He seems to know when you're having a bad day and will just pester me to have him on my knee to pet.

Yeah, I use to have a cat when I was 4. She was a pound kitty. My mom got her for me. She was already an adult kitty. I use to give her baths. She would take showers with me and my cabbage patch

I think I'm going to opt for an actual poodle instead.

I had a short haired german pointer for 16 years. She wasnt meant to malt and twice a year my carpets had to get hoovered every day.... they lied!

They breed dogs called 'labradoodles', cross between a lab and a poodle so that they can be used for blind people who suffer from alergies, you'd have thought they could do something with cat. I'd have a whole bunch of them. Hubby knows if he wasnt with me I'd be a cat lady. Love the hubby but would hate to have to make a choice!

I woke up with a very sore throat, and ache everywhere - right before a 3 day weekend. Lovely. Son starts school next week and we have a million things to do. I think I will send him to do it all on his own.

Other son enlisted in the Air Force a couple of days ago. I am so proud of him, but at the same time sad. Our house is the hang out house for all the teenagers and I am gonna miss all his friends just as much as him. He isn't supposed to report to boot camp until December, but got put on a "quick ship" list which means he will leave with 24hrs notice if his job comes available, so he can leave anytime. Last Christmas we had no idea it would be his last with us :(  seems kinda sucky to be in boot camp on Christmas, but oh well.

Joonie, we got our kitty at the animal shelter and we've had a littermaid for years. It automatically scoops the litter 10 min after they use it. we just have to change out the container it scoops into when it get full. with the kitten it's about every two weeks or so. and no smell.

Oh Deb, I'm sure I'll be in the same position in a year or so... my son wants to join the army or the police. Its great with all the bad press that you're so proud of him. We always get the feeling on the news here that you (as in americans) dont want their kids joining the forces.

Your kitten sounds wonderful.. any pics? My boy only uses his tray for a pee in the night. He always does his number 2's in the neighbours garden.... heee heee

Yeah... that littermaid sounds like a good deal. The litter box is the only thing that is making me not really push for a cat as I know, it would be my cat, and I would be responsible for the litterbox, but what if I decline again, and Remicade does not work like the Humira worked then I probably will not be able to tend to my kitty, and have to pawn it off on hubby, which I know he would not like.

See that is what happened when my daughter was given a peakinese puppy and she had to be kept in the house. Well... a couple of weeks after having her I broke my knee and I could not tend to the puppy poo and all like it needed to be done, and hubby ended up having to tend to the puppy and then about 2 weeks of him tending to the puppy we gave her away to a family member.

Joonie; Sweetie, you can't live your life worrying about "What ifs". A sweeet little kitty might be a lot of company for you during the day. I imagine your daughter could help you with the littler box if it came to that.

Lots of our friends here have pets and they manage ok. I'm not saying run out and get a pet without thinking things through....I'm just asking you not to talk yourself out of it either because you are afraid of what you'll be able to do in the future.

Ok I am going to quit posting... it is feeding my pred thinking. I am telling you it is the pred. It makes me think a little way more than I need to be thinking.

Like the last few days, I keep thinking everyone is going to die on me and I am going to be all by myself. I know it is the pred. I think it is actually Eddie, he is the dark one of the personalities.

It just hit me the other day when we were going down the road and people put up crosses in the area where a loved one died in a car wreck and then there is an overpass named after a boy that went to my high school that died at the intersection before they made it an overpass, and then that little boy who died.

It is the pred. I will be happy when I am back down to 10mg or even 5mg. This high dose of pred is worse than LorTab paranoia IMO.

Nite joonie, happy relaxing, I'm going for a cuppa & a biscuit.

Hope I didn't say anything to upset ya.

Have a good weekend Joonie.

No Lovie, was not anything you said. I was just feeling like I was thinking too much again. I mostly do that when I am reading posts, it strikes me to think spin off stuff, and with the way I am right now... I am thinking WAY too much. It is just driving me nuts. Like lay in the bed for an hour trying to go to sleep and all I do is think. I even think of stuff while I am sleeping. It is weird.

I might as well clean house while I can. Maybe I will give the kitchen floor another go, since last time, it kicked my ass and never got finished. I might even scrub it with a toothbrush LMAO! Ok... maybe a scrub brush much bigger and hopefully easier on the hands.

Just try not to over do it.....but do something to keep your mind busy.


Deb, I understand the need kitty routine.  Loki, my cat woke me this morning by licking my eyelids.......definately got my attention.  I threw his little kitty butt out of the bedroom but then I laid there and listened to all 3 of them mewling at the door.  Finally got up at 3:30,  couldn't stand the pitiful sounds.  I'm tired and ready to go to bed and take a siesta.  Lindy  We haven't had eyelid hickeys, but TinyCat (oldest son always said "why do you call it a kitten?  It's just a tiny cat") loves to bite and claw my husband's toes when he sleeps.  And when he locks her out of the downstairs, she comes upstairs and hollers in my face.

Hubby told me "HELL NO! We are not getting a kitten!!"

I almost cried because he told me no. I teared up.

I want a damn cat! I will get me one too and it will be an inside cat and that is FINAL! [QUOTE=joonie]

Hubby told me "HELL NO! We are not getting a kitten!!"

I almost cried because he told me no. I teared up.

I want a damn cat! I will get me one too and it will be an inside cat and that is FINAL! Good evening!

We are recovering from the Belgian Invasion in our house (Belgian relatives staying over for the past couple of weeks). I have time to myself again now, and time to look at the internet properly again. I've missed posting here!
Joonie, what kind of pet would your husband agree to?

Hello ladies!! I am at work. Bleh. I slept like a baby last night, yay! My eyes are not as itchy today, but once again they were FINE until I got into work. Humph. This place is dirty or something.


Joonie I wouldn't give up my kitties for the world. We can't even grocery shop without thinking about them. Whenever we go out for the day, on our drive back to the house one of us always says "Hey! We have babies at home that miss us!" (yes we call them our babies) They make me smile EVERY DAY no matter what. I don't know what I'd be without my kitties. I have had a cat around me all my life, it's all I know. They are so fun and affectionate. :)

Samus pulled a similar "toilet stunt" I was brushing my hair (back when it was long) and it always got tangled in my brush, so I would pull it out of the brush and flush it down the toilet. So anyway of course I was standing there with the lid up on the toilet, and Samus apparently didn't know that was possible (she was only MAYBE 10 weeks old at the time) So she came barreling into the bathroom and flew "onto" the toilet........or into it, really.


We are checking in a rather LARGE group of people for a wedding...................................It's going less than well.

Can I go home now? Please? PLEASE?!!?!


I am STARVING!!!! Hmmm. What to eat, what to eat? ALMOND JOY! WOOHOO!!


These wedding people are REALLY starting to piss me off. They are incredibly rude and condesending(sp) :|

 Just tell them you have an incurrable disease and will breath on them if they continue!!! 

Or you could tell them you are friends with the chef...If they continue you will have to speak with him about his special "spice."

Ah, yes, "The Secret's in the Sauce".

It's always the sauce.

Anyone ever watch Meerkat Manor?  Geez, it's like a soap opera, this little meerkat colony.  Cool show though.


You guys always know how to crack me up! They just aren't very organized. If they were a little more "with it" we wouldn't be having any issues!!! How can you not be organized for a wedding?!?!?!?!??! Sheesh!!

I'll let you know Katie.  I have this reception to plan and I have no idea what I'm doing.

LOL You'll do fine. Really, you guys would sh*t if you saw the kind of people that ATTEMPT to hold weddings here. You have to wonder how they even made it to the STATE, let alone the damn building.


I just won two hands of solitare in a row!


Only they did it wrong. AND AND AND no one has ANY idea where this person is. She's supposed to stay here, but she hasn't shown up yet. Half of the people don't even know who she is, and the other half don't have her number.


I'm thinking "really???"

Is she a planner?  Or just someone's mom?I'm thinking I should get some vacuuming and dusting done tonight.  My fingers goin bad and tomorrow it'll be all swelled up and my hand will be useless.Just some random family member!

I thought they were being cross with you, and that is just NOT acceptable.  But they are just stupid!

Well, now that my daughter is finally putting things away, my brilliant dog has thought up a new game all by himself.  It involves him, the back pillow from my white couch, and a whole lot of spitty enthusiasm.  Way to go, Charlie.

Gosh wouldn't ya know it...It always happens trying to pick up and the dogs/kids are making messes! 

So sorry!

Oh they are! They're blaming ME for the missbookings!!


Link...did he chew your pillow up!??!

Nope!!  He was still just kind of rolling around with it.

Thanks Shelly. 


Samus has a toy squirrel that she rolls around with. And carries like a baby kitten. She's so clueless....

That's sooooo cute!!She is really cute. She does this thing.....if she's REALLY into what she's doing, and you sneak up behind her and just grab her butt, she FLIPS into this huge sommersault

It is sort of like the whole labradoodle concept. They have poodle type hair so they don't shed and are hypoallergenic. They also have short daschund (or hotdog) like legs so they can't jump on your counters either. A major bonus! Anyway it is called a Skookum. Mine is named Rover, as I got him when I was in a dog wanting mood, minus the right amount of commitment level to be a good dog owner at that time. You can see the breeder (and the kittens she has available now) at Laperm.com if you wish.     



Hi all,

Katie I saw this on page 2 and had to re-read it.

"I took my Tylenol PM last night..................and slept like a baby! Woohoo!! Man did I need that."  In my man brain I have a question.

Woohoo as in I happy or Woohoo as in (Woohoo) I can see where a persone needs both.

Melly, those are some pretty cute kittens, I like that blue eyed black little guy.

Katie, are your cats declawed?

LOL JAY! I say woohoo when I'm happy, always.


Link, no they're not, but they never use them on me. Well sometimes they forget, but it's not very often.

Link - How are the reception plans coming along?

Katie - Buy a car yet?

No Link, they have 2 scratching posts. Oh, and an old computer chair that we let them "claim"


No, no car yet....

Hi Gale, Katie, Melly and Linda

Hey Jay! Didn't see ya there when I signed on.I was just scrolling through today's chat thread, and I don't see where Mona has posted. Has anyone talked to her today? I hope everything's OK with her son.

Well Karen is cleaning house, cause her son's g/f is flying in tonight.


I have NO idea where Joonie is. Um. Yeah I'm an idiot, she's right here on AIM, why don't I ask her??


She says "oh I am looking stuff up"

Whatever that means!!!!!!

No, work was massivly busy today so I haven't been paying very much attention.


Hopefully she's having a great time with her son!

I hope so!

I do remember seeing that about Karen now that you mentioned it.

Moana has such a big heart I am sure this is all stressful as hell for her.

Hello! I am here. Still running off of 3 hours sleep. YAY!!

My feet hurt, we went to wal-mart... to see how bad of a mad house it was... and it was not too bad.

I went with MIL to Fred's earlier today, and man! As soon as you opened the door it smelled like "old People"

I miss the rest of the gang!  Yes, Mona does have such a large heart...I love her and the rest of you crazies!

Hi ya joonie! What's up with the no sleep girl! You need to be taking your Pred. as soon as you get up in the morning, not in the afternoon!

Hi Joonie...were you looking for a kitten at Fred's and Walmart or what?

Is Chris on AIM...'cause he never came back to post after his steak dinner...hhhrrrmmm.

No, hubby still told me no about a kitten. He is a meanie. I told him I needed someone to keep me company for when everyone else is asleep and I am awake and bored.

I tried to tell him I talk to him while he is sleeping, but he just does not believe me.

I have not talked to Chris since this afternoon. He is probably passed out on the couch with a full belly.

Hey it sounds like Joonie found that night time job she was talking about on another thread. Yeh Joonie

Jay, new cat litter works really well. We almost never smell out cat box. I LOVE tidy cats litter!!


Well my work shift is over!! I might be on later, who knows!! See y'all!!!!!!

Hi Mo! I was just going to PM you 'cause I noticed you hadn't been on today and I was worried 'bout ya. Everything OK with Trey?


 I killed myself cleaning yesterday and hubby and the kids made me go out to dinner tonight and I fell asleep on the sofa and I woke up. I slept all day throught bad thunderstorms. Back and neck is killing me

 Hey Linda and Jay! where ya been Linda? wheres Karen? Whats everybody up to today?

I'm still catching up on today's thread, but I've been told Karen is cleaning house.OMG!!  I've been feeling the last couple of weeks like I had a loose crown and it JUST CAME OUT!!!!!!  It doesn't even hurt. Oh, Ive just been, well, kinda bummed out the last couple of days. 

what is the 200 gift bags for? I am lost.

Hey Mo'Nana! Sorry you feel like crap today.


Planning my son's wedding reception.Link - try and get to the dentist as soon as possible so the exposed tooth doesn't break. Otherwise, you'll be looking at a new crown with a post and a root canal.  I speaketh from experience. 

Brisen I havent even started reading  the board yet! Wheres Joonie? She here?

Why is planning the reception bumming you out? Don't try and do it alone, get some help. It's definitely A LOT of work.Can't argue with experience.  Well, I suppose I could, but that'd be kinda foolish.

200 people??!! My goodness!! I do not even think I know 200 people.

Hail, Hail the gangs all here????

Well, I told my son and new beloved DIL that they were gonna have to whittle it down some.  I don't theink they've been alive long enough to accumulate so many good friends (every time I type friends, I do it like this  firends and have to go back and fix it.  It's annoying)Howdy Karen!  I had to reboot! stoopid puter! Hey Kare, did ya kill yourself cleaning like I did?Hi Karen

My daughter moved to Idaho 2 years ago, but fortunately, she flys home every couple of months to visit. AND, she and her new husband just accepted jobs in San Diego, so they will be moving back to California within the month! I'm soooooooo excited!!

I spent my night cleaning too.  My hand is goin south, I don't think I'll be able to use it tomorrow so I decided to get my stuff done tonight.  Maybe it'll be fine though.  I took my enbrel and MTX today, maybe it'll head it off??

Oh I still have another level to go, I'm just taking a break!

Sounds like I'm playing a video game, doesn't it!

I have a tri-level split house - I've done 2 out of the 3 levels!!!


Karen you ride a broom not a vacuum

Sorry you dont get to see you son Linda


OMG, my two-story house just about kills me everytime I clean it. I can't EVEN imagine going up and down a tri-level all day!Gale....a big YAY

I have a bi-level split entry foryer and the laundry room was downstairs. UGH!!! The most foolish place for a laundry room! Well when everyone moved out except Trey I had one of the girl bedrooms made into a laundry room. Best move I ever made

 I have vaccums for both floors. I refuse to lug a heavy Kirby up and down stairs.All is hardwood and tile downstairs so a cheapo sweeper works great 

Well I am lucky cause my laundry is on the same level as the bedrooms so I don't have to carry clothes up and down.  It's great - until the washer overflows!

Linncn, we are only planning for 130 ish.  But you sound like you are getting much better prices!

That's cuz we bought our homes before we got RA. 


Nice talking to you!

Hi, thought I would chime in.....our washer & dryer have been in the basement. Hubby has been doing laundry or the kids are old enough 14 and 19 to do their own. Hubby has been remodeling our 4th bedroom into laundry room. Then I will have no excuse not to do laundry. Dang. But I will get a new tub that I can stretch out in. Can't wait for that!Nite Jay! Sorry you have to work on a holiday weekend.

Brisen that happens too when you build a home when you are young and healthy. You dont thinK about convenience and health back then

Brandon won't let me carry much, because if I am carrying something I usually fall down the stairs.  Of course tonight I almost fell down the stairs without anything in my hands. 

My son told me again this morning that he will ALWAYS be close to me in proximaty.  My daughter followed that up with "I will be a plane ride away." 

Planning a wedding...Please include us in this.  I have a feeling I will be planning one in about a year or two. 

Yep that's what we are paying for a lobster clambake, 4 hour open bar, cake cutting, champagne toast, and all the place settings, tables, etc.  I think we are renting different chairs cause we didn't like the ones they have, and we want to do our own linens.  Nite Jay...talk to ya tomorrow

  g/nite Jay sheww, you talk too much

Hey Shell! You better get that laundry room moved, Brandon wont always be available

CinDee you are going to love your new laundry room!

I think we paid 9/head for my daughter's reception. But that included an open bar, waiter-passed horderves, sit down dinner, cake cutting, and champaign toast. And we limited the guest list to 150.Brisen, do you remember what you paid for a photographer.  We are paying 00 and my daughter thinks that's a great deal.  I have nothing to compare it to though!Shelly, the more the merrier!!  Please join in, I can use all the help I can get

I know...just had to have some fun...I would love to design a home.  Our house was made in 1962, and we do not even have a private bath.  I hate how closed in the house is too.  I NEED to have the laundry room upstairs especially on the days I feel like this.  I should not be allowed to walk.  I have tripped over lint today. 

Karen, that does sound like a great deal. My daughter went WAY overboard with the Photographer....,000.

This is who she went with:



I know a photographer quite well that would not charge that much, and you would get the pleasure of his nutty wife???!!

well guys I am going to head to bed. We are going to go to yard sales with MIL in the morning. So I need to get me at least 5 hours sleep.

Talk to ya'll later

I wish you much rest tonight my dear.

Take care Joonie!


 You gotta look where Brisen is though Karen  everything is more expensive in California. 18.00 sounds like a good price.

OK, so my daughter's sitting here with me and we're talking about the reception and where I was looking at having it and she's told me that the food there is really really awful.  And then, reading what you guys are spending, I think that maybe that's why.  I'd better check out a few more places

Karen~ it sounds like you've got a really beautiful reception planned.  It's obviously going to be on the beach, did you rent a tent?

g/nite Joonie have a good sleep

g/nite Linda Have a good rest

By the way Brisen, that photographer's website was amazing!  Are any of your daughter's photos on there?

She had some of Kim's showcased earlier, but it looks like they've upgraded their site so I'm not sure if she's still listed. I'll have to check it out.











It's been a really long week and I need to get some rest. See y'all  sometime tomorrow. I'm sleeping in...

Nite everyone!!

Well, I'm exhausted.  I will have to get up in the morning and finish the cleaning.  My son called and his gf arrived and they have gone to a bonfire on the lake and will stay over night there and come home tomorrow (which makes me happy - no drinking and driving!).  So I'll have time to finish up tomorrow, instead of pushing to get it done tonight  YAY!

You all take care!  Good night.

Hi guys, ---  I'm suffering from forum withdrawals!  I have my son and his wife and kids staying with me for about 6-weeks or so.  Wow - I don't have to pinch myself to know I'm awake.  And I had two dear little boys in my bed this morning - that's just so cool!!

I'm doing OK - not overdoing things, my son is great with the boys, and with his old Mum as well!!  Luv him!!!  He's such a Honey!!

We've been having a lot of fun, today while my son was out, we were making cards for their Daddy for Father's Day, which is tomorrow (2nd) here.  3 yrs and 19 months.  Stickers and crayons and felts are great, and I love not to have to use paste as I did in the days before stickers!!  An ex-teacher, I have heaps of all sorts of stickers, and they found my sticker drawer today.  YAY!!  I was in the kitchen - jeepers - talk about needing eyes in the back of your head!!
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