OT: Daily Chit Chat - Sept. 2 - 07 | Arthritis Information


Rise and shine Sleepy HEADS!!!

I am awake and it is 4:30am. I am thinking about going to bed. I am yawning.

Sorry I was not around yesterday.... I slept my day away. I was trying to catch up on the sleep I missed out on the few days before. MIL says you cannot catch up on sleep. I beg to differ there

Yeah... we did not go to yard sales as planned it was raining. So, I slept and then around noon (I think) hubby woke me up and I could not move. I was to take my pred around 7am, but I did not get up. So when hubby did finally wake me up at noon, I was swelled, stiff, and hurting. So I told them to go to town without me. I missed out on McD's

Hubby told me his dad had ordered Pay-per-view of the Alabama football game ... I HATE FOOTBALL

Yeah... FOOTBALL SUCKS!! I like messing with FIL & Hubby and telling them that son is going to be a male cheerleader

Well... it is 4:40am... I guess I am going to go lay down. I am leaving hubby asleep in the livingroom floor

What's your husband doing sleeping on the floor?  I'd leave mine there too lol. Mine is snoring next to me; I keep whacking him but he won't shut up!  I hate snoring.

I'm getting ready for the beach.  I leave at 6:30 to claim "my real estate".  (I don't like people putting their blankets right next to mine.  Huge beach and yet people feel the need to sit down right on top of you.)  I have a sunshade tent and then put down a sheet to my left, a sheet to my right and one in front.  Ha! 

Have a great day all

Morning!  I soooo do not want to be awake right now.  My allergies are really bothering me today.  NOt much is planned for today.  Going to church, though not really feeling up to it.  I know thats bad eh?  But it was the pastors bday last weekend so they are doing something for him today so yea.... 

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Good morning...well, no, not here...here it is 11pm on Sunday night. See that's what I hate I can never join in these morning posts as for me it is the night after the morning  Good morning girls!

I could not get comfortable last night... as a result I barely slept.  Grrr.  I think I'll send the husband and kids to chuch while I stay home this morning, as I am tired as Hell!  I will ask them to say a prayer for me. Oh and Joonie - you are like my long-lost whacky sister that I never knew about.  LOLOL!  Imagine if we were in the same room together. Wow Jasmine that certainly gave me a much needed laugh, good on you, I never do what I don't want to do anymore, I figure my life is hell enough as it is and if I don't want to go somewhere I just don't go, try that and see if it makes you feel better, I certainly wouldn't b e going for dinner for a dogs birthday.  Maybe I am selfish, hugs Janie.


                 Good Morning Everyone

Hope ya'll are all well this morning and have a great day!

I sat up with Trey until 4am this morning, he was having a rough night again

Joonie I missed you yesterday! Hope you feel better today

Jasmine you and Jonnie together would make me bust a gut laughing. I don't think I would survive, ya'll are too funny

Shannon my hubby tells me I will feel better if I go to church

Deb do you live on the beach? How envious I am!

Janie take care of yourself and get well. You must feel terrible

 Cordy you are going to have to start taking naps during the day so can hang with us across the "big pond"!

Well I'm off to get ready for church.check back with ya'll later.


Moana - tell God I said "Hi" and tell him to order his followers to put comfortable pews in His churches. JasmineRain39327.2752083333


 Jasmine you get on to church and tell him yourself! Take a pillowLOL - maybe I will go.  It's a beautiful day out, and I do enjoy the walk to church.  Perhaps I'll just take tramadol instead of vicodin, so that I don't bust up laughing when the altar servers start messing up.  There are a bunch of new altar servers and some of these kids get kinda nervous and forget what they're supposed to do.  It's cute.


 Yeah It's probably a good thing for you to go. I'd just snitch on ya anyway and tell God you were just layin' out

 Now my problem is staying awakeAh, Moana, you are such a sweetie and you crack me up too. I would love to hang out with you guys all night. Now that is my idea of a good time.   Have a good rest Cordy

Jasmine, you cracked me up - "Tell God I said Hi". 

I had a lovely day yesterday.  My husband, daughter, youngest son and his best friend went to a large auction.  I bought so much stuff and got some great deals.  It's mostly things I will be reselling, but I got a couple of Christmas gifts and some things for ourselves too.  It was a wonderful auction.

The coolest thing I got that I'm really excited about is an old Victrola in a tall cabinet that is LOADED with records.  We cranked that baby up last night and had fun listening to the old scratchy records, mostly fox trots, waltz's and polkas!  I got it for only !  It's now proudly displayed in my livingroom!

I also got an old Victorian wicker doll carriage which is stuffed full of miniature doll furniture, dolls, etc.  That was only .  My husband got a pistol from the 1880's that was used by the military, and is so old you would have to use gun powder in it to make it fire!

We bought so much stuff - we used 3 vehicles last night and have to go back this morning to pick up the rest!  I'm so excited.  I'm hoping I can more than double the money I spent by selling this stuff on ebay and craigslist!  Woo Hoo!

How's everyone else doing today?








Hey Karen! I missed you yesterday

Gotta run, church time

I am hanging by | | this much of my last nerve. LAST ONE. >.<

I'm exhausted, I'm starving, my brain is a wreck.

Justin is sick as a dog and refusing to go to the ER. He has another abscess, and he's now popped it himself. As long as he keeps it clean, I won't say anything. (this isn't the first one so it really isn't as if he doesn't know what to do)

I am just so tired of being stressed. >.< I just had to vent. I'm going to get my hair cut soon, that'll be a nice break.

Justin IS feeling better now, but he was in misery all night and it's SO HARD to see him like that. It just kills me. *sigh* He has an appt soon at least, I can't remember the date.

Turns out the pred he's been on is probably the #1 contributor to the abscess as well. GOODIE!

Oh and yesterday we got into a fight about the car. LONG STORY and we have worked it out, but man that was stressful as well.

Welp, I need to eat something. OH and I have this HORRIFIC zit on my chin, and it's really weird, I've never had one like it. It's actually as if something is IN IT, something foreign and I have no idea what that would be, but it's INCREDIBLY painful and really nasty looking.

Joy! MMM I'm starting to feel better already. :) I love you guys. I know you're gonna laugh at what I posted and that makes me smile SO MUCH.

Thanks for letting me vent, it's my #1 therapy and you guys are GREAT to put up with it!! Men.  It's a wonder they haven't died out already!  Impossible creatures.  And a word to the wise... they are not like fine wines... they do NOT get better with age. Unless you count playing video games and acting like dorks. LOL I do count video games........but only because I play them too.  [QUOTE=moana]


 Yeah It's probably a good thing for you to go. I'd just snitch on ya anyway and tell God you were just layin' out

 Now my problem is staying awake

We're staying at my mom's and Anthony's Dad's - kind of in between both of them.  It's exciting as we're socializing our cats.  We're moving into the same house in Utah - so the cats need to get to know each other.  They are very cute to watch.

Anyway - happy Sunday all.  Sending positive energy and hoping everyone is feeling better this weekend!


Hello to all....I am taking a break from my day, but just a short one.  We are having friends over for a barbeque, but not till 6.  I'm actually pretty well prepared, and it is a gorgeous day here in Michigan.  Seriously, they just don't get more perfect than this.  Slept till 9, went to church.  Was getting a headache, but I took some ibu and it's gone.  I really hope the day is as nice for everyone as it is here for me.


Just popping in to say hi. It's about 1:30 pm Calif. time, and I JUST dragged my sorry butt out of bed. I had a rough time last night and didn't sleep much. Lot's of pain and stiffness today and I'm sooooo exhausted.

Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend! I'm heading over to my Mother's house to babysit as she doesn't get around well and will be alone this afternoon.

Guess I better go pop a couple of Ultram and get moving. What I wouldn't give to just crawl back in bed...


 Hey Link, you may not know this so ask your hubby, I'm sure he does...ever hear of the Appalachian Mountaineers?

 Hint: What is the greatest upset in college football EVER???


       GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any team that beats Michigan is my favorite team!!!

LOL Shannon, little ole Appacalachian is about 50 miles from me here in N.C. I know a lot of Trey's friends who are going there right now. They are wild! Michigan St. players had never heard of them.


Yeah... I am going to start taking my meds again tonight, that way I will go to sleep before 3am. The pred is not messing with me too much, but how would I know if it was, I have been sleeping

Well, we are off to the in-laws house for dinner again. I will try to be online later tonight to chit chat with ya'll.

Have a nice din-din everyone Woo hoo. It stormed A LOT today, so I canceled my hair appt and Justin and I napped on and off and watched classic cartoons all day.  I am SO GLAD. I'm in such a good mood now. And no one had to see my monster zit today, either. LOL It's still thundering as we speak. Hehehe Katie if anyone pisses you off you could just fart at them

Is this the weekend your son's girlfriend came to visit?


 Are you saying we're boring or something Karen??

I can't talk I'm eating a banana sandwich and fritos

karen, brisen jumped on me last night about about our ikky southern foodYeah, Mona was out numbered so I got to say terrible things about your icky and disgusting souther food!  LOL

Yes, it is!  We have been having a lot of fun.  They are off visiting friends so I have some quiet time tonight.

We enjoyed a game night last night and it was so much fun.  It is a nice ending to a wonderful summer.


And I do say icky and disgusting with love. 

I just can't think of any other names for something called 'fat back'.


 Did you notice I said eat with your mouth full instead of talk with your mouth full

Karen Brisen said bad stuff and then she left to watch TV

 I keep forgetting your a valley girl Brisen

 Are ya wore out Karen? Glad ya'll had a good time

Ewwwwww...parsnips! As much as I love my veggies, there's TWO things I won't touch. Parsnips (taste like burnt wire) and Avocados (just taste like crap) 

I want to snivel, OK

Yeah, I'm pretty tired and really sore. Hubby wanted to go to the fair today, but I never would have been able to walk around a fair.  But that's okay, there are more to come before fair season is over!Go ahead and snivel all you want Mo. I mean it IS something you do well! hehehehehe!!Boy she's kinda surley tonight, isn't she Mona?


 I Have had plenty of practice and I do it well

 Karen did you see that ridiculous monster of a house thats being built in Conn?


 hehehehe your out numbered Brisen, Thank you Karen for taking my side

Well Mo? Did you notice Karen said she saw me giving you a hard time last night? And did you notice how she never jumped in to help you!!!

She was busy

 I don't know Karen but it was on the internet news. It still is not as big as our Biltmore House.

 Blood is thicker than water  ...right Karen

 Oh my cousin had their twin babies at church this morning. They're awesome! Boy and a girl. Do you notice a lot of southern folks divorcing and marrying ...like their SIL or Dil?? We have  a family like that at church and all their kids are first and second cousins

   Sooo sorry Pammy where are all your family? Here? In the US

Thats like our family Mona.  My husbands brother and wife divorced 7 or so years ago and this past May my husbands other brother married his brothers ex.  Much better match this time round (we hope).  My family is mostly at home in Toronto/Hamilton area on Ontario.  I also have one brother and his family in TampaYeah, it's kind of like shopping at the convenience store for a spouse!That must be so hard living so far from your family! I've never lived further than 20 miles from my parents.


 OH well I would have mistaken you for a good ole southern gal after that story Pammy

Brisen is in the corner flubbing her lips

 LOL  now I know your from WVA Pammy

Karen they shop for spouses at family reunions around here

 I don't think it has really happened to the large degree that it was a century or so ago.

Well it has actually been proven that marrying your first cousin does not cause a higher than normal rate of genetic defects!  But looking at some of my cousins, I have to wonder, LOL!  Of course most of us are brilliant!My daughter the social worker says that inbreeding does still happen and probably is among the less educated.Helloooooooooooooo ladies!

I was a MORON and ate cheese today. I've been paying for it all evening. Grrr. LOL

I am not looking forward to working tomorrow, and yet I am at the same time. Weird, huh??

Soooooooooo what's new?
We're talking about inbreeding.  Karen started the convo?

Right on Katie! Karen and her side kick Mo. 

Hello Katie,

I love you too Katie!

LOL Hey I wasn't saying it in a bad way.

Just look at it like this, I knew you started the convo because I know and love you THAT well. *grin*
Actually I think Mona started this one with her church folk story!  HI GALE!!! I think Link was going to a BBQ. I don't know Katie, what were you thinking???  You seem to have a feast or famine thing going on here!  One day you have severe heartburn cause ya haven't eaten for 10 hours, the next you're overstuffed and flatulant!


  BRB gotta phone call

 Hey Katie

Its a digital SLR  and I WANT IT!!!

What makes this camera you want so special Pam?

fudge-sicle & walnuts are MMMM....mmmmm.... GOOD!!

Ya'll should try it Pammy and Gale, we have a Sony Cybershot and love it to death. of course, it's an 8.1 mega pixel........which is super good. Katie, mine's only a 4 megapixel, so that could be the problem. But my neighbor has an off brand 4 megapixel and it takes awesome pictures! Go figure.fudge-sicle, walnuts and Orange Juice ! Now that is GOOD! Yeah our other digital camera is a 4.1 megapixel and eeeehhh it's okay. But our new Cybershot puts it to shame. SHAAAMMMEEEE. arriscolwell39327.8739236111Joonie - is it that time of the month or are you just especially hungry tonight??? 

I really really want to go to Ruby Tuesdays and eat something from there. I was trying to talk hubby into going out on a date next Saturday, but... there is yet another football game next saturday.... I HATE FOOTBALL!!!


Oh and cartoons SUCK! They are a waste of tv time, just like commercials are a waste of tv time. Just play a good movie already!!

I guess we will know tomorrow. We are going to go visit my mommy and take her to the store. She does not have a car. So, we are going to take her to get her groceries.


 Sheww I'm back, who pooted?

I just looked at the clock thinking it was getting late, but it's only 9:15 and I'm soooooooo tired! I didn't even get up until noon today but I feel like I haven't slept in days. 

 Boy somebody cleared the room Sorry for the lag, I was just checking my lenses.  My old camera is only 3.2 megapixel and it takes fabulous shots.  Check below.  BBBUUUTTT..... The new camera is a digital SLR that I can use my old Pentax zoom lens on.  I love my old zoom it is 85-210 and gets you soo close up.  The new one is 7 megapixel.  The one I REALLY want is 10 megapixel but it is 00.00.  This one that I'm looking at is only 9.00.  1/2 the cost for only 3 less megapixels.  I think I will settle.  Pammy looks at GOOD camera's cause she's an awesome photographer.

The rest of us........yeah.............we take pictures............of our fingers, and the camera strap, and peoples feet.

Okay well I know I DO.

Well, guys... sorry to run, but I am tired. I am going to go lay down and see if I can sleep. I feel like I can go to sleep now.


 Royalty does not poot, Brisen

Hubby eats drinks and sleeps golf

I want a digital camera. What is the  best at the cheapest price. I saw a 7 pixel for 150.00 at wal-mart. Is that good it was a Kodak?

g/nite Joonie glad you feel a little betterYeah Mo-Nana that's a good deal! We got our 4.1 megapixel about a year and a half ago (maybe more) and it was 150. It's a Fuji, and works well, but our Sony Cybershot.....mmmm 8 megapixels of pure wonder. LOL And that one was FREE!!!!!!!!!! Mwuahahaha Nite Joonie, sleep tight!

depends if you are looking at a regular digital or digital SLR.  For a regular digital that sounds like a good price.   Hubby always says when you look at a new camera, look for the one with the most glass in the lens that you can find.


 Meaning a bigger lens? OH

Katie how did you get a free camera?

the bigger the lens the better the picture will be.  

And, thank you katie for your kind comments but I still take photos of the strap and my big toe sometimes lol

Gonna go now and check out that camera.   Will drop in when I get home.  Bye for now  guys   ttylHave fun shopping Pammy!Mo-Nana, the perks of working at a rich hotel!! Someone's kids left it behind. When the kids figured it out, they called. We had it and held onto it. I guess mom and dad were NOT happy that they left it behind, called us back and said please keep it, now they have to wait 6 months before we'll but them another one.

Rich people discipline(sp) their kids in WEIRD WAYS. We've had similar situations with cell phones, necklaces, and purses (like louis viton(sp) and coach, etc etc) They either say send it back, or keep it to teach them a lesson. Very strange. LoL

Mona, I have purchased 3 of the Kodak Easy Share cameras - 1 for me, 1 for my daughter, and 1 for my son.  I like them a lot.  I got a 7.1 megapixel with 10X zoom, with a docking station/photo printer for 9 from Amazon.com back in May. 

For normal, non professional use, I think it is an excellent camera!


Why would the hotel buy them another one?


ohhh I wanna work at a motel...I bet those maids could tell some story's

Wouldn't you rather work at a HOTEL than a motel??? 

 Karen I think thats the one I bought for my daughter last year for Christmas. I'll check and see. She loves it and has taken awesome picts of Emma. I just want a plain one I can work and is not too complicated.

Royalty doesn't stay at hotels or motels, we jet back across the pond every nightAnother cool thing is every 60 days we empty out the lost and found closet. WOOHOO! It all gets dumped on a table and it's a free-for all.  Are contract workers citizens?


I want to stay at The Four Seasons, I love "Pretty Woman"

The penthouse of course, but I'm afraid of heights...and wind and flying. I'm just a big old chicken

 I love/ hate bridges. It's too awesome to be too afraid. I just hold my breath.

 My daughter hates bridges but loves flying, go figure.

She just called from Charlotte, been to a Josh Grobin concert...she's a big rocker Hmmm I don't know Gale? They stay for either 6 months or a year. Well most of them. I know for sure that a hand full of them are citizens now, and are talking about moving their families here. One girl has been here for almost 2 years, and she left behind a daughter and her mother. How sad is that?? But she says things are so much better here, and her daughter gets to go to a good school and has all kinds of nice things this way. She's always buying her presents. The exchange rate on our money over there is insane. We had one girl, who was a seamstress on the side. She would make beautiful dresses and sell them locally. But it was cheaper to send her mother the money, and have her pick out the fabric and send it to her. The cost of shipping and the fabric was HALF of what it would have cost her to get it here. I remember hearing about her getting like 10 yards of silk for a top she was making and some other things, for like .50. YEAH. insanity. I like Josh Grobin but my kids make fun of me everytime I put on his CD. Brats. Yeah Trey makes fun too. If it ain't country he don't listen to it! I'm glad it's not that rap crap I hate!

I'll catch you tomorrrow.


Nite Karen! TTYT!

g/nite Karen sleep well, you've beena busy little beaver

 I'm so sleepy and I had two naps after church, not counting the one I almost had in church Katie - doesn't Justin have an appt. with a new gastroenterologist soon? Seems like I remember you mentioning him possibly going on Humira...Yep, I can't remember the date to save my life either. 

 Katie does Justin have anxiety issues too?

Brisen, Trey came in from a party about 1am and he had drunk a few beers and it scared him to death! He had not taken any xanax, just his Zoloft and he got a bursting headache. He thought he was dying and I had to sit and talk and talk him through it. He swears he will never drink again so that could have been a blessing in disguise.

 Yeah this sucks trying to deal with this type of illness. It is worrying me and his dad to death, he is having more good days than bad now though

Crohns can be so debilitating. I have a friend who's son has it and before he was stabilized on Remicade, he literally looked like an AIDS patient. He had done so well on the Remicade for the past three years, but I talked to her last week and she said it's no longer working for him. I think you're right Mo, it probably/hopefully was a blessing in disguise. Christopher definitely has more good days than bad also, but boy when it's bad, it's pretty bad. When he's like that, I feel like I've been stabbed with a knife through the heart.Yeah he's already done the Remicade and it stopped working as well. So hopefully they will try the Humira on him. It's so scary when he's sick feeling. Coupled with the anxiety that he doesn't want to address, he can have some REEALLYY down moments. It scares the hell out of him. He doesn't want to have to do shots, and he's terrified of losing more of his stomach and intestines. The one thing that I don't know how I'll ever address or deal with if it happens, is if he ends up with a C. Bag. I know that is one thing he DOES NOT WANT. But let's face it, who WOULD want one? I just don't know what that would do to him. But it's a reality that may be faced one day. I keep it in the back of my mind, sort of always ready to face it, but I don't know why, because I don't know how I would go about it. That would definitely be a tough one Katie. Does Justin ever talk about the possibility of a colostomy?


 Katie I'm sorry Justin is going through this and so young at that Anxiety and type A personalities go hand in hand with most Crohns patients. If Justin isn't on an anti anxiety meds, he really should be.Gosh Katie, you and Justin are SO incredibly mature for your age. I can't even BEGIN to imagine dealing with the illnesses you both have had since a young age.


Trey has a lot of problems with constipation. The dr. keeps him on stool softeners. He has done the best without any help since he has started the Zoloft, wonder why?

Probably because the Zoloft can cause dry mouth and he's taking in more fluids. Dehydration is a major cause of constipation.I think what he doesn't realize is that his anxiety is NOT a result of the Chrons. Which he does think. When he talks to me about his childhood, and how he handled things, I see a person who has been riddled with depression and anxiety almost all of his life, and most understandably. That's something I'm working on getting him to see, and the seed has been planted - I see him point it out himself from time to time. I've explained to him the benefits of an AD - how it can level his moods out, help with aches and pains, and even make you gain weight, which is an issue for him. I think since I've started on mine, it's finally given him a chance to see it WORK WELL first hand. He's slowly gaining more faith in the idea of an AD. I'm pretty sure he'll ask for something when he goes to the doctor.

He actually did something new today too, he joined a Chrons forum!! He hasn't posted yet, but he's been enjoying reading. He used to scoff and them and say he couldn't handle listening to other people whine. In order to dispel that myth, I've ALWAYS rattled off stories about you guys and the things we talk about. I think it finally worked!! He actually told me a little about a thread that he read today, which was neat to hear. :) I think if he gets into this forum, even just a little bit, it can do wonders for him.

Part of his problem is ignorance. He thinks there is nothing they can give him, except the medications he's already tried. But it's been SEVERAL years since he's been truly medicated, and I know that just isn't the case. I see on this forum alone many new treatments for both us and Chrons patients. I try to tell him about them, but I think he's a "I have to see it to believe it" kind of person with this stuff. So I'm hoping the forum, and his doctor visit will mellow him out about it as well.

WHEW. You have no idea how good that feels to tell. I don't really have anyone to talk to about all of this! I can't really tell him, as it's a sensitive subject, and he's sort of my work in process. LOL Thanks for listening....


 I know what you mean Brisen, I keep forgetting Trey and Katie and Christopher are nearly the same age. I can't imagine Trey ever being dependent without me and his dad. I've said Katie had to grow up and mature way before her time . Trey didn't want toLOL Well I'm sure my parents might disagree. Seeing as how the walls of our apartment are COVERED in toys (still in the package) and posters from cheesy B-Movies.... Yeah when mom was here last year she was less than impressed. I LOVE MY ARMY OF DARKNESS POSTER DAMNIT!! Don't forget the stars on your ceiling!  LOLGale, it's been two YEARS of baby steps! LOL BUT if I were to rattle off all the things Justin's been through in his short life, you would be nothing but amazed that he's not dead or in jail, let alone the Night Auditor of a multi-million dollar hotel, WONDERFUL boyfriend and one day husband, excellent kitty daddy, and best friend EVER. Now THAT gave me goose bumps!


 I told hubby the same thing, I never expect Trey to be totally independent.

 Katie you are worlds apart in age and wisdom than anyone your age I have ever known. We will listen to ya and hopefully give you some good advice every now and thenYeah I'm kinda hoping when we have kids we have girls.....I dunno what his male spawn would be like. LOL  I think there's a huge difference in maturity depending on what birth order a child is. And not to mention personality, experience etc etc. I sometimes wonder where I went wrong. How one twin can be so independent and the other so DEPENDENT. I blame myself so much of the time, yet don't understand how twins that were raised EXACTLY the same, at the EXACT same time can be so different.

 You and Justin are a paradox I'll admit

So mature in one way and so fun loving and eccentric in another way. You seem to be the perfect match for each other!


 I wish I had a nickle for every time I asked myself that Brisen. I think Katie has a good point too.

 Trey was a little more spoiled than the girls but only because he was very demanding, and I mean from birth!

Thanks Mo-Nana. It's nice to hear that :)

Gale, don't beat yourself up. Twins are hard, there's always a sense of competition, whether you realize it or not. And while they're so much alike, they will always be so very different.

Mona and Gale, you have to realize too that 20something now a days is NOT the 20 something it was when you were 20. Sorry, no offense there, it's actually something I've been noticing myself lately. At one point 25 was time to settle down and start getting serious about life. But if you look at statistics and demographics now, people are marrying later and having kids later. That has to have a correlation with maturity and "fun time" that people are taking. I think our generation has realized (subconsciously and consciously) that 30 is no longer too old to start anything, or even 40 for that matter.

Did that make sense?
And that's exactly how Christopher was. Michael was always laid back and waited his turn for whatever it was, while Christopher was loud and demanding...from birth on. I don't think I could have survived if both of the boys were like Christopher.Makes total sense Katie and I totally agree. People are marrying and starting families much later in life than they did when I was your age. Okay ladies, loved the chat with ya toinght!! But my shoulder pain has traveled down my spine and to my "butt bone" Hahaha so I'm gonna go stretch out in the bed with a muscle relaxer! Night girlies!!!!!! arriscolwell39327.9542939815


 Yep It did Katydid. When I was young 17 and married even in high school was not an unpopular thing. Now it's almost like child molestation. Trey has still never had a serious relationship for more than a few months. Not that thats wrong but I don't think he is capeable of serious, deep feelings for another person. I don't know if that makes sense either but I know I don't like how he treats his girl friends. They do make it easy though

Yeah me too girls, g/nite Katie and Brisen and everyone
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