Methotrexate | Arthritis Information


Hi Lisa,

I've heard two different versions from two of my doctors.  One of them,  who was so worried that I'd been on MTX since 1989, except for a about 6 month hiatus and another for about 2 months, that he wanted to do a liver biopsy on me.  He said that the liver can only stand a certain amount of it going through the system.  Another one said that the school of thought had changed, and that it could withstand much more than initially thought.

During that hiatus, I had one of my worst flares.  It came on about 3 months after being off of it.  As the months progressed, and the HMO DR I had at that time refused to put me on MTX, as he was not familiar with it, I was getting much worse.  The straw that broke the camel's back was when I was unable to tear the toilet paper off the roll.  I got in touch with the insurance co., and  demanded to see an RD., who put me back on it.

At another time when we had to start with a new HMO DR, this one refused to put me on MTX nor allow me to see an RD.  He said Prednisone was the best anti-inflammatory medication out there, and that would be all that I needed.  After taking 40 to 50 mg. a day for a couple weeks, as prescribed, I fought back again.  The difference it makes is remarkable.

I don't know if any of this helps, but am sure others here may be able to be more enlightening.

Edit: and I will never take Predisone again, ever. 


MTX is a long term medication. It's my understanding that regular blood test should detect any problems with the liver long before it becomes a serious problem. You do need to make sure your lab work is preformed on a regular basis. No longer than every three months I believe.

Predisone on the other hand at such a high dose as you mentioned Janice would be very hard on the bones. I'd seek a second opinion on that. Yes; it easily makes a dramatic difference but you will also easily end up with osteoporosis long before your time. Be careful with that.

I have a standing order for blood work every 6 weeks, including LFT. As long as your liver function is being monitored, it is my understanding that Methotrexate can be taken indefinitely.

I've been on MTX for 17+ years, if my blood work comes back elevated I cut back a pill and drink lots of water, it has worked so far. I know it's working because if I don't take it because I've come down with a cold, I really start getting stiff, so I hope I can continue to use it.

I was diagnosed with RA this year and my RD told me that MTX had been around a long time and much was now known about it.  He said I should stay on it for the rest of my life.  He did not want me on the new biologics since they haven't been around very long and because I have previously (11 years ago) had cancer.  The RD only kept me on prednisone for 14 days.

It is my understanding that MTX is what will hopefully keep me from having the disfiguring effects of RA.  What works for me is taking 1 mg Folic Acid daily, MTX 2 hours before bedtime on Sunday and 1 mg of Folic Acid 2 hours later, then going to sleep.  The next day I don't feel too queasy.  I wish I didn't have to take MTX, but I feel 100% better than I did when I was diagnosed. 

I would imagine that a younger person (I'm 57) would feel that having to take MTX for the rest of their life seems horrible - - I felt that way years ago when I had to start taking a pill for high blood pressure.  I thought I was too young to have to deal with pills.  But, now I take pills for depression and cholesterol too.  I guess my motto is "better living through chemistry".

I do feel safer taking it than I did biologics. Since it's been around so long they know so much more about it.

I'm in year 5 now and hope I too can continue to use it for many years to come. Without it I don't get along nearly as well as I do.

I also refuse to ever take prednisone again.  They had me on it straight from 1989 - 2004.  I developed severe Cushing's Syndrome, and will do all I can to avoid that from happening again. I am concerned that I may be pregnant and I have been on Methtrexate for 6 years. Will this affect my baby if I am pregnant?

Hello Kim,

Please phone your doctors to discuss this with them.


Kim, I would phone your doctor ASAP if you think you are pregnant. Take care!

Thank you Mary B and Janice for your concerns. I have been doing alot of reading on pregnancy and methotrexate. It doesn't look good. I did speak with my doctor and he is very concerned. I won't know for a couple of days if I'm pregnant. I did get a blood test. My doctor says to get off of Methotrexate immediately. Thanks again.


Please pray for me that I am not pregnant.

My rhumy told me that I will be taking mtx forever.  last week she changed my schedule to Monday mtx, decreased my dosage back to 10 mg a week,  and embrel on Thursday's. we will see how this goes. my fingers are still hurting, trying to find out what works best. Not sure if this applies directly to Mtx, but for anyone worried about liver damage from medication, a very simple and inexpensive thing to do is to take milk thistle (silymarin) which can be found in the vitamin section of any pharmacy, Wal-mart, etc. It works to protect and support the liver. Most people on AP take it, but it would also seem to be helpful in a variety of other settings.    Best regards, Pat