03 september 2007 chatter chatter | Arthritis Information


Good morning to everyone. I hope you are all having a good Monday. The sun is shining here and the day looks to be a good one.I woke up feeling somewhat positive today but had a really strange nights sleep.( joonie you were at my local petrol station)

Hubby is on a week's bed-rest for the pneumonia, but I'll have to leave him alone for awhile to attend the picnic.  My brother visiting from Harrogate, North Yorkshire, is the one who has arranged this, and it means so much to spend time with loved ones you only get to see every two years!

Hope the rest of your day is sunny!Man You guys are up early.   I'm just having dinner, its 6:45 pm.Me too, I just had dinner here in Aus, whereabouts are you Pammy, I am in Hervey Bay.  Have a good day all of you, regards Janie.


Sorry didn't read right.    How is the weather up there today?


The weather is glorious, its like being on a permanent holiday living here.  Whereabouts in Melbourne are you?  Cordy lives not too far from here near the sunshine coast, so we are going to meet up one of these days.  Whats your weather like?  Janie. Cold but sort of sunny.   I was shopping today for a new camera to take on holidays but decided to just get a bigger memory card for the one I have.  We bought snorkels and fins yesterday so I hope we get lots of time to do NOTHING on our holiday.

OK, Its way to early to be up on a day off.....Ok so I have EVERY day off but its a holiday lol  didnt really sleep well last night worried about my grandma.  I talked to my dad last night and they dont know when the surgery is yet.  If its later in the week him and his gf are gonna drive back and Im gonna go back out with him.  They had planned this last month before she was sick, Im sure they are glad they did it.  He broke down and was crying on the phone.  I think I have only seen him cry MAYBE a handful of times,not even so when he does break down you know its bad.  I just hate the fact that I cant be out there for him. 

I'm sorry Shannon :( I hope all goes well for her. Justin just got off the phone with his mom. He said she is in MUCH better spirits and is talking about coming to visit us again. It would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath.

I work EARLY today! Yay? Yeah, yay, I like working early. I gotta get a shower here shortly, I'm just deciding on breakfast....hmmm...

I doubt that I'll have a chance to check in here today, its going to be so busy at work! If I don't, then I'll just catch everyone tonight after dinner. Be well!!!!!

Thanks Katie..I'm talking online w/ my cousin right now an she said that the cancer isn't in her intestines that it is in her pancrease.  My cousin is a mess right now as is everyone else in the family.  She says that she thinks that surgery is going to be Wednesday but nothing is set in stone yet.  I'm going to call my dad a little later this morning and see if anything is definite. 

If yall could keep the prayers coming it would be greatly appreciated.  You guys have been a great support though all these things this past week.

I went looking at the camera I wanted.  I didn't get it.  I didn't find that it was going to be much better than what I already have so I just ended up getting a new 2 gig memory card for my baby.  Saved lots of money though (more to spend on holiday).Hi, It's the Labor Day picnic for me today. I see the temperature at the park , near San Luis Obispo, Ca. , will be 95 degrees! I'll be cutting pies and cakes to serve to all the Democrats who come to enjoy the food and company. Music and speeches by the local representatives, Lois Capps, or Representative in Congress will speak, she is such a wonderful woman who sticks up for children and women (families!) on health issues and local Mayors, and Supervisors. It is such fun to live in a small community where I know everyone, even our Congresswoman. Have a great day everybody. LyndaThe husband is going on a safari today.  He hopes to bag an LCD TV for upstairs.  I've given him a printout of the model I want.   I can't go with him because we would have to take the kids, and then there would be no room in the car for the TV.  And I can't go pick it up alone, because I want to reach out and punch the bonehead salespeople at these stores. My husband looks and acts like an overpaid executive; he gets those salespeople to move quick without a whole lot of BS. [QUOTE=kelsaysmommy]

Thanks Katie..I'm talking online w/ my cousin right now an she said that the cancer isn't in her intestines that it is in her pancrease.  My cousin is a mess right now as is everyone else in the family.  She says that she thinks that surgery is going to be Wednesday but nothing is set in stone yet.  I'm going to call my dad a little later this morning and see if anything is definite. 

If yall could keep the prayers coming it would be greatly appreciated.  You guys have been a great support though all these things this past week.

                   Good Morning Everyone!

Glad to see ya'll are so chipper this morning! I slept until 10am

All you Aussies are about to wind down and we're just getting started. That is soooo weird

Shannon I am praying for your family and grandma, hang in there and keep us posted

Hope ya'll have a wonderful, pain free day! Don't work too hard Katie!

Jasmine hope hubby gets that tv you want without much hassel

Shannon~ That's too bad about your Grandma, still, you never know how things will go.  She and her doctors and your fam will remain in my prayers.

Katie, the good thing about really busy days is that they're over before you know it.  Hope yours flies by

To all, hope you have a wonderful last day of summer!!  See ya later

Hope everyone has a nice day!


Ugh, it's almost 2:00 pm here and I'm still in my jammies, barely moving around.  Slept really late (10:45) for the Labor Day holiday (plus stayed up too late last night) and my hands and back have been in really bad shape this weekend.  And this past week.  And maybe the week before that.   Ugh, why does rheumy want to wait this out so long on the Imuran only?

I'm supposed to be unpacking the last of my stuff, but after 5 minutes my hands & arms hurt too much.  So I'm trying to stick to the lightweight stuff...creating the moving announcement and prepping for my little sister's wedding shower next weekend.  I'm not sure hubby really understands, and he wants everything done yesterday!

Hope you all have a good day (or night).

Shannon, you and your family will be in my thoughts.

It's soooooooo hot today! My Yahoo page says it's 111 degrees here in La Verne. Even with the air conditioning on, I'm sweating like crazy.

Oh well, just taking a break and checking in. I still have the upstairs to clean, but I'll be back later on this evening!

Keep cool everyone!

Sorry none of my posts have been happy lately....thats how my week has gone i guess

Hello all!!  It sounds like everybody had a pretty nice day, even those of us who had to go to work!!  My wrist has gone bad, quite painful.  Hope it doesn't last too long.  I never hear anyone talk about their flares in a way that sounds similar to what's been happening with me, I'm not really even sure that calling it a flare is appropriate.  It goes like this...I feel a stab of pain at/near joint, then either later that day or the next, it swells up, gets red and warm, lasts maybe 5 days from first pain till back to normal.  But it's always (since I started taking enbrel) just one joint.  Does that ever happen to anyone else?I made lemon meriangue pie for DD's birthday, now I remember why I don't make it anymore. At least I bought premade crust and she walked in the kitchen just as it started to get too thick for me to stir. Didn't take any Aleve until I was done, which was poor planning. Hope it turned out okay, as we're still resting from the steak and twice baked potatoe dinner. They're watching Predator, not my kind of movie.Link you're singing my song.  That's a lot of what happens to me! We had BBQ for dinner and it was wonderful! I'm all comfy. Yay. So, who's around? Hi all, something really strange is happening to me. I'm eating all the time and have gained 5 lbs, in 4 days! NOthing stops me from over eating??I've been trying to reduce prednisone from 5mgs to 3-1/2, then fingers began to stiffen so I went baack up to 4-1/2?? I wonder if fluctuating the pred is causing this out of control eatin??? Has anyone else had this experience? Been to a party and a BBQ picnic in the last couple of days. Great food everywhere. Eat, eat, eat, Got to STOP!! Deidre your lemon/meriangue pie sounds wonderful!! yummmmLynda

Hi everybody, just popping in to say Hi. Hope everyone had a nice holiday! For those of you in UK, Australia and New Zealand, hope you had a good week-end

Ours was very quiet. My Sweetie had to work (at golf course). It's the one day of the week that he works. It gets him his golf for free. But today it was 112 degrees at the course and he drives around in a golf cart for 6 hours. He was really hot & tired when he got home.

Shannon, I'm so sorry that your Grandma is so ill. My prayers are with you and your family.

Lynda, I didn't know you were in the San Lius Obispo area. We are almost neighbors. I am in the San Diego area. I think there are only a few of us in Southern California. I can't remember who (my meds

Hugs to all,


Oh.  Thanks Katie.  Good to know my RA is normal!!!


 Hey ya'll, how is everyone? I'm too pooped to pop! Had a great day with family and Emma, ate too much, bathed and groomed Poochie, hubby in the bed, and I just sat downHi Mo-Nana!!!!! My day has been great! :) How's Trey doing today?

It was all right.  We did our Labor Day bbq yesterday cuz my husband had to work today.  That was a pretty great party, although I think some of our friends wern't felling so chipper this morning

Sounds like you had a decent day at work and a pretty great day after??

Sounds like a perfect one, Mo


Hey Katydid! Trey is so far so good thanks. keep your fingers crossed. I'm sending him to work tomorrow, dad can deal with him Maybe that'll helpMo, are you liking your hair better today?I did, I did! As the days go on I feel happier and happier too. I'm really digging this Lexapro! :) Yeah Link, do you have a brace?? You need one if not. They're great for wrists. Thanks Mo, would if I could.  Have neither ace nor brace.  Is that a standard RA supply?  I didn't know.  Will have to stock up. In the mean time, I guess I will just have to suffer


 Oh yeah he works for his dad, that's why I'm not to worried about him losing his job. Hubby designs and installs clean systems for pharmaseuticals( don't shoot the messenger) all over the southeast.

Yes ma'am! Hit up CVS or Wally world when you have some time to browse. Take them out of the packages and try them on, find one that feels like its supporting what hurts YOU the most. And when you feel your wrist getting bad, put it on!! And wear it for a while. I'm lucky with mine, a lot of times if I can catch it soon enough, I can get away with wearing it for a day or so, and I've rested it enough I'm good as new!

 I like my hair a little better, hubby loves it

Katie I love you being so happy sweetie!

I can't believe you have no ace bandage LindaShoot the messenger?  Not if the messenger happens to  be everyone's Mo-Nana.  I'd be hunted down like a dog!  Besides, I like pharmasutical companies, and I like them even better with clean systems!!I have a library of wrist, ankle and knee braces.  Funny thing is, most of the time I use them it is due to injury, not RA.  Tripping/stumbling/falling, overexertion, trying to keep up with the 20-somethings, too much computer use....   the RA mainly affects my hands and feet.  Most of the rest of my aches and pains are traumatically self-inflicted

Katie, you mean the bandage prevents your flare? Is that a flare?  Or does a flare involve your whole self??

Hey Mo, I'm new at this.  Can't expect me just know everything.

I DID have a knee brace!!!!  I wore it when I was really messed up.  It helped.


 Hubby and son are clumsy too Jasmine, too much sports

Linda do you know what a clean system is?You know how you have that twinge of pain, and then for the next few days you swell, etc etc? Well a lot of time, I can feel that coming, and I KNOW if I wear my brace, and give that joint a break, a lot of times I can prevent that 5 day swelling stint. Make sense? I don't know if that's the case for everyone, but it sure works for me!!! It's worth a try, right??


 Hubby has carpal tunnel from driving thousands of miles every year. His wrist braces were special made from an othopedic place. It beats surgery! He doesn't have to wear them all the time.

When I was working at Wal-Mart I got stuck at the top of a ladder when my left hand froze on me. All the way up my wrist. We went to the doc and he dxed me with tendinitis of the wrist and thumb. It was sooooo painful. But the brace they gave me for it is AMAZING, and Ive never been able to find another one like it. I wish I could, for my right hand!  I've never had tendonitis but my sister gets it in her hip. She says it is extremely painful. She has to have a cortisone shot to be able to walk. Eeek! I don't have to have that. I think it was so bad the first time around because I didn't know what it was, and I kept working through the pain every day. I was 18, what did I know? LoL [QUOTE=moana]


 Linda do you know what a clean system is?


Mona, I don't know. It sounds good though.

Evening everyone! Finally got my house cleaned, so I'm relaxing with 2 Ultram and and Diet Coke.

Mo - What the heck's a clean system????

I'm kidding LinkI have the sweetest kitty in my lap. I thought I'd share. :) Shes so soft!!!!!


 See above post Brisen:...

Yippee for a clean house, mine stayed clean 2 days

Katie you were born smart [QUOTE=moana]


I'm kidding Link


 yep thats exactly what it is like Jasmine, anybody need a few pairs of latex gloves, masks, booties, hair covers, etc.....

So is a clean room the same as a laminar air flow room? Sorry guys, I'm stuck on this clean system stuff. 

Actually hubby doesn't have to go in much, he designs and installs as the building is being built, unless something tears up or has to be updated, then it is major headache I just lost the friggin remote!! All I did was go to the kitchen and get tea. WHERE THE HELL IS THE STUPID REMOTE?!?!?

 You know me Karen always talking about sex, I'm inbred royalty remember?

Let me ask hubby Brisen...BRB


Katie - check in the refrigerator. Ya prolly set it in there when you poured your tea!  LMAO Nah, I got it. It was under the covers, where I picked the kitten up. That fur ball is SUCH a distraction!!!!


 EEKKS hubby was already asleep, he said no and mumbled something else but I dont know what

 look in the fridge Katie

[QUOTE=arriscolwell] I just lost the friggin remote!! All I did was go to the kitchen and get tea. WHERE THE HELL IS THE STUPID REMOTE?!?!? [/QUOTE]

Probably the same place as our lost remotes.  I got tired of searching; now I keep one or two brand new generic remotes hidden in the back of the pantry.  I have actually found our remote control in my desk at work... near as I can figure, it wound up in my computer bag.  I probably gathered up everything on the couch and tossed it in the bag... mouse, external hard drive, usb hub, power supply, TV remote...


Mo - look above, I already told her to look in the fridge! LOL

Great minds think alike????  [QUOTE=Brisen]So is a clean room the same as a laminar air flow room? Sorry guys, I'm stuck on this clean system stuff. 


 LOL I saw Brisen

 Did you figure out what clean systems are?Night night jas!!!! Nite Jas!Holy crap! I just inhaled what SHOULD have been swallowed. >.< Ack ack ack ack!! Stupid tea.......... GETTING THIS TEA HAS CAUSED ME NOTHING BUT TROUBLE!!!


How's everyone bein' tonight?

Good, minus the devil tea I just finished... Ewwwwwww...did you snort it through you nose?? 

Brisen that sounds like what hubby does, I know they use a lot of pressure and is probably the cleanest air and water on earth! Oh he designed Coors Beer when they built in Va. in the 80's. The Shennandoah(sp) Valley. Prettiest place on earth, maybe


Karen I thought you left us

 Katie do you need me to do the heimlich?

That's pretty impressive Mo. You're married to a big ol' brain!!Sounds impressive Mona! Course, I'd be more impressed if you would have said he designed Miller Brewing!  LOL

Why Miller?


I'm pretty good today.  My legs are not being nice to me, but that's life!  I'll get them tomorrow - I'll shave them and make sure I nick them a few times as I go to get even!Does anyone even drink Miller?Cuz Miller Lite beats the pants off Coors Lite! 

 Yeah they let him think that at work but I don't let his head get too bid around here

 I hate any beer! bleck! Now wine I love....

Trey likes Corona, hubby doesn't drink


I don't really drink beer anymore Karen, but pre-RA I used to run marathons and there was nothing better than an ice cold beer after a run!I love my wine too Mona! And my hubby doesn't drink either. 

I don't mind a cold one every now and then.

Gale~ me too.  Maps confuse the heck outta me.  I think theires some kind of electrical dissconect in my brain when it comes to reading them.


 I love margarita's too, haven't had one in years. Didn't you baptist's don't drink

BUT...I'm going sky diving Saturday!!

Oh, I'm not against drinking, but just don't even like the smell of beer!

I enjoy mixed drinks or wine, and some champagnes!

Not only do I not know how to read a map Link, but have you ever tried to fold one of those suckers back once you've completely unfolded it all the way??  Oh-my-gawd.

Mo, you talking to me?  I'm not BaptistGood for you Link! Sky diving is something I've always wanted to try!Link, that's so exciting.  I've always wanted to try sky diving.  Have a great time and tell us all about it.  Can you take pictures from up there?Yeah, I've been wanting to too.  In MI your first dive has to be tandem, so I don't know, I'll just be strapped to some guy, maybe I can take pics.



LOL Link, no I'm a baptist,  I was being facetious


 Or be the preacher and have affairs, steal money, run people off and then think everybody else is going to hell in a hand basket

 Yep I was born into itWhew, sorry ladies. We almost had a melt down over socks. Justin seems to think that 5 pair of socks is "enough" So at the end of the laundry stretch, all hell can break loose if one sock has decided not to make it back on the shelf. What is it with guys? 5 pair?? REALLY??? *shakes head*

Yeah, and no wonder christians are always supect.


 LOL Brisen they probably think " hey I found a web site full of horny old women"

Gale LOL!!  Yeah, that does sound pretty bad when you read it out of contextOr they're picking up on all the inbreeding references!

Katie - my husband and boys are the same damn way. I'm always telling them to go out and buy more socks and underwear because they're ALWAYS wanting laundry done because their out.

Drives me freakin' CRAZY!!!

Gosh you lower 48ers are up late or are you all on the west coast? Looks like Katie signed off, I was going to tell her my husband's fishing boat is the Katydid. The guy who had it built named it after his youngest daughter, but it's always meant a big green bug to me.LOL My grandmother calls me Katydid :) I've always liked it. She'd sing "Katydid Katydid, what did Katie do?" And I'd always go "NOTHING Grandma!"

Well now, I'm from a mixed marriage.  My dad's family was southern Baptist, and mom's was Methodist.  It's kinda like "Baptist-lite".

I took my kids to church services in the Methodist church my mom attended growing up.  In the course of 20 minutes that preacher spewed more hatred than I have ever heard!  I wanted to raise my hand and ask for a chance for a rebuttal!  He was especially intolerant of Jews, but most everyone who was different than he viewed himself was open for attack.

I like Kateydids.  And praying mantis and walking sticks and cicadas...there are a lot of really cool bugs


Oh Linda that has all happened in just MY church in the last few years. Kind of discusting huh/ And hubby wonders why I really don't like to go to church anymore

 Yeah for the socks Katie, Trey is like that with underwear, jeez he showers 2 and 3 times a day!

Oh he does? Hmmm Mona, you don't suppose Trey is a little OCD, do you? That could explain a lot of the anxiety? Well, obviously I don't know what your guy said, but I do know that very often someone is accused of "hating" if they say that something is sin.  But then, I'm reminded of that whacko sect that protested at soldiers funerals with signs saying that the deceased soldier was burning in Hell.  For being a soldier.  So, I know that does happen.  Sorry you had to endure that karen. I know what you mean karen, been there/ done that with the Methodist and Baptist both

 Oh yeah OCD , ADD, you name it, he has a touch of it all Katie

What is Nazarene Brisen?

Hi Deidre! Just saw you're here!OCD is only bad if it inhibits things in your daily life. Justin is quite OCD about some annoying things, but it doesn't interfere with anything major. Mostly just things have to be straight, or the same color, or all lined up, etc etc. His Nana was the same way.

Who's Deidre?

Katie, my daugter's weird thing don't interfere with anything, she hlods her breath if we pas a certain color car, or has to do some things in an even number, stuff I didn't even know she did till she told me after we saw ashow about ocd


Linda - Christopher is 6'3' and VERY lean, yet he continually obsesses over his weight and eating habits. He works out every day at the gym for at least 2-3 hours and takes 'healty eating' to a whole different level. Mind you, he only weighs 155-160. And when he starts getting close to 160 he REALLY obsesses about his diet.

He also has little rituals he does...arranging things in the cupboard and refrigerator, washing his car every couple of days, showering 2-3 times a day...things like that.

Yeah its things like dieting and cleanliness OCDs that can become a problem, as they're so time consuming and they can grow REALLY fast. Diedre is Ninilchicken.  She signed in on page 13 and siad hi, but we were all too busy chit chatting.  :(
Boy, I sure could use some of that in my house.  We are all like the exact opposite of that!  I can't remember the last time my car got washed - could I borrow him for a while?   Link that is classic OCD. Trey's is mostly like Justin's, just neurotic about some things like, really, really, picky  has no coping skills to change.Ninilchicken!!!  I didn't know that was your name!  How are you tonight?Every time I see that name, I hear it in my head as "Nilli Chicken" Like Milli Vanilli...hahaha I dunno why! This show I saw, I thnk it was on A&E.  It showcased 3 people with ocd and what kind of treatment they got and how well it helped them.  That disease is like a prison cell.  I really felt sorry for those people, and their families too.


 I think numbers and counting and colors are a main issue in OCD's. Washing hands and being a germaphone is another. I think it is treated with anti d's

Christopher started taking medication in March and got a new job in April. He works 10 hour days so hasn't been going to the gym as much (which is good) and I do think the medication has really helped with some of his OCD. I'm still watching him like a hawk though...Or more than a prison cell, it's like a wicked master and those who have it are it's slavesThe one guy had to keep going back and kissing his girlfriend goodby until it felt right.  But that could take hours.  It was destroying their relationship.I count but more as a nervous habit than anything. At some point in my life that became a coping skill. But it carries over sometimes, as in, I'll use it to bring myself out of a situation that I couldn't handle, and then spend the next week counting all kinds of stupid things. Eventually it fades out though. Now when I'm at work, it's another story. People have seen my melt downs when my cash bank isn't in EXACT order. They go through and audit them, and they just trash it. It FREAKS ME OUT to have to go back through it. Ugh I dread the first of the month. And I hate working with piggies. Everything up at the desk has to be even and organized, or I can't handle it. Even the papers have to be in a certain spot, and all facing the same way........it's just wrong. LOL

But I am NOTHING like that at home. I dunno why.
I keep walking away from the computer, we're on dial up and by the time I read all the posts and hit refresh it's another page or two gone. We will never get DSL and if we do everyone else will be on something faster.Awww Deidre!! Sorry!! :( :(  Yep and I think most people have a little OCD behaviour, like I used to twirl my hair and tie it in knots over and over, and when I was 4 or 5 I used to spit all the time because I thought there was hair in my mouth. I out grew it but some people get worse and have to be medicated.I have to admit, I'm a bit OCD myself, so maybe for Christopher, it was a learned behavior??And now DD17 wants to get on and we only have 2 lines coming into the house, one for the phone and one for internet. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the dark ages. Have a good night. Nite Deidre! We'll be here tomorrow night, so stop by!My mom is mega OCD about a clean house. The most common comment when company is over is "gee, your house looks like something out of a magazine" and it really does. The one thing I never liked about our house is that it never felt lived in to me. My mom has never stopped cleaning. Although, now that they're retired (sort of, they both work part time but whatever) she has lightened up A LOT on that stuff. But she used to be nuts about it.

 Hey Deidra how are ya? It took me forever to get DSL in this little town too

Link did your daughter tell you anything else, have you noticed anything? How old is she?

Nite Deidre!!

That's exactly how I used to be (before RA) Katie! People have always commented that you could eat off my floor, but not anymore! LOL

Back when I was working the early shift and had to be at work at 5:30 am, I used to get up at 2:00 am and dust and vacuum before going to work. My kids grew up with vacuuming in their rooms in the middle of the night!

She's 15, but I remember their were things like that when she was little too.  I can't remember exactly what they were, but it always had to do with cars. I was alittle concerned back then too, but it just seemd to fade away, until she mentioned it again when we saw that show.  So, I guess it didnt fade away, I just thought it did.  I't mostly stuff she can do without anyone really noticing.  Like holding her breath when she passes a blue car.Gale, I could never vacuum my daughters room in the middel of the night.  God only knows what I might suck up.  She is absolutly NOT ocd about keeping things in any particular oder!I used to get mad at my mom for it, because I would want her to just come sit and watch TV with me, or play, and she always had something she had to clean. Over the years it lessened and lessened. I think for her its a sense of control. Growing up Dad was always TDY, and she couldn't control when he went, or where, or when he got back. Now that he's home all the time, and only works 4 days a week, she doesn't need to control something to feel "sane" Also, in my teenage years, he stopped going TDY so much, because he was in charge of the shop. That's when she started slowing up on the cleaning. But then when he was shipped off to Saudi after the dormitory bombings, she went NUTS with the cleaning. So I really sense a connection for her there.

Justin says I have control issues, and I know I do. I wonder if sometimes I end up with my OCD tendencies as a way to control something in my life. It would make sense.

I think I used to be OCD. Or my family would call me a "control freak" My house used to be spotless. My can goods were put away fruits go with fruit/ veggies with veggies and all lined up just right. Now I am medicated because even when I first got ra it would drive me crazy that I couldn't clean. Dr. put me on cymbalta and xanax and it has calmed me. I used to be so hyper and I had my own cleaning business. I clean 2 houses every week and then had 7 or 8 I would clean bi weekly. They loved me. NOW>>>I don't feel so obsessed with a clean house. I think the meds have been the key to it and realizing that I couldn't do it anymore. It was a huge wake up call for my kids 14 and 19 cuz' now they have to do all the things I used to do and my hubby does laundry. He spent yesterday sweeping and mopping our entire house and did all the laundry. I dusted and felt like crap this morning and today.


 Humm Linda it may be a teen thing and she will out grow it as she matures. Trey has out grown a lot of his just since high school. Peer pressure can cause anxiety and that can cause OCD. It's a form of control for you when everything else seems out of control. It's a tough age anyway.

Well, girls, much as I'd like to stay and chat, I gotta hit the hay.  School starts tomorrow and my alarm is going off at 5:10 am.  Good nite to everyone. 

Katie - Since I've had RA  I not only CAN'T do the things around the house that I used to, but taking Cymbalta has also helped me not to care about not being able to do those things. And my kids have never been happier. Like your Mom, I always had something to clean, and I was always on my kids for making even the slightest mess.

They laught about it now, but I wish I could take those years back.

Whew!! Night Link!!! Nite Linda!see ya, Link!  Good night Linda have a good restI have yet to figure out a way to prop myself up in bed to where my ass doesn't go numb. Any suggestions??! Nope, I have the same damn problem! Ass goes numb and I get a sharp pain down my right leg. Grrrrrrrrrrr!


 Brisen thats funny you said that because Trey was always never one to entertain himself and had to have my attention all the time. I used to run and do a little cleaning here and there in between hide and seek

 Nothing worse than a dumb ass I mean numb ass!

So you want to go THERE, do you Mo?  



 Pay attention Karen!!! Forget Jamie!!!


Jamie is 17, this will be his senior year.  Tomorrow is his last first day in public school!!!!!!Throw things at him Karen. My dad had rubber gag eggs, and he used to throw them at me to get me out of bed in the AM. Hah


 OH well then sorry I yelled at ya

My daughter bought two nice wicker baskets, decorated them with ribbon, and we filled them with things that the guests might need in an emergency.

We bought things like band-aids, mouthwash, deodorant, safety pins, needle and thread, panty hose, fingernail files, nail glue...anything we could think of. Each one was placed in the men's and women's restroom the day of the reception.

  *waving a white flag* to Brisen. I'm too dang tired to fight

Do you have to work tomorrow Katie and Brisen? Me and Karen will think about ya if you doSo Mona, you're too tired to fight, but not too tired to be a brat! LOLNo ma'am! I am hoping to come home with a new car, but we shall see!!! So what the hell??? Am I the ONLY one working tomorrow????Brisen, was that for the wedding party or the wedding guests?  Tori has been planning on making up baskets similar to that for each member of the wedding party. 


  LOLOLOL my hubby calls me a brat all the time

 Go for it Katie! Get a HondaLOL Yes Gale, looks like its just you tomorrow!!!  No, it was for the wedding guests. We had quite a few comments about how nice it was, and A LOT of the stuff was used! Especially the Shout wipes, hairspray, and safty pins.Well I'll forgive you for not working tomorrow Katie, ONLY if you come home with a car! No promises!!!!!


 Brisen you never did tell me what a Nazerene is

Nazarene is a Protestant Christian type religion.

It's a cross between a zealot and a tangerine.

Gale, how similiar is that to the Pentacostal religion? Cause from what I was reading it sounds like it is.   I go to a Pentacostal church and absolutly love it, though I do have a hard time with some of the teachings and ways of thinking



 Sounds like baptist

O my gosh one of Treys friends girlfriend was in a horrible car accident tonight. Her mom was flown by life flight to Charlotte and the other guy that hit them head on probably died. How sad! trey was pretty upset   LOLOLOL Karen!!That's awful Mona! I hope this doesn't cause more anxiety for Trey.

I am sorry to hear about your grandma.  You have been having such a tough time lately.  Gotta catch a break soon.

Nite Nite Katie! Happy car shopping tomorrow!! 

 I know Brisen, that is selfishly what I was thinking

Moana sorry to hear about the accident...Hope everyone is alright.

Karen- THanks...we'll see how this week goes.  The past week its been one thing after another and now im gettig a sinus infection, which is why im still up....

 I think I'll just stay a baptist

 I've often thought I would make a good Amish person

 My maternal grandfather was a circuit rider Holliness preacher, so I was used to all that stuff. My dads family were baptists so thats where we went.

Yes I was able to do it and the way i look at it is when I was very "into" church and following it all to a T God blessed me w/ being able to do that but now in the last 6-8 months i havent been as faithfull with it all and kinda lost touch with it all.  It is a very fasinating thing though at first, coming from a Catholic upbringing, I was VERY overwhelmed by the Penticostal church.  But now after being "exposed" to it I love the atmosphere.  We have also have a lot of miricales (sp?) happen in our church or in our "sister" church


What is your "sister church" and I don't understand why you we're given this "gift" of tongues and then had it taken away.

My eyes are starting to close, so I better be hittin' the sack. I'll see you guys tomorrow evening!

When it is happening are you aware of what you are doing.  Are you hearing what you're saying in your head, and does it have meaning to you?

Sorry to be so nosey, but I just want to understand better.


 In my grandfathers church and another Full Gospel church I went to when I was younger I saw what they call "slain in the spirit", speaking in tongues, dancing the pews, shouting, running the back of the pews and everything. It was very interesting to say the least. Kind of scared me though

Mona, I would have been terrified it that started happening around me in church!

No problem Karen.  Im a vey open person and I love talking so it works out lol

 you do know that there are two different kinds of tongues that God talks about in the bible. right?

One is praying in tongues and only between you and God. Two is the gift of tongues, that you have, which is a message to the church in an unknown language, used to edify the church, and is only to be used if there in an interpretor to the message, so he can reveal what has been said to the church people.

Do you understand this Karen? Shannon?

I think that's the only way to be Shannon!  You meet the nicest people that way.

Thanks Mona.  No, I don't know that much about it.  I understand what you're saying about the beliefs, but I still don't get it I guess. 


 Oh and most denominations don't recognize speaking in tongues as "gifts" for this day and age. Most scholars believe it was only for The Day of Pentacost where thousands were converted at the same time of different languages and cultures.

yea i kinda understand what you are saying, kind of confused about the interupator thoughWell I am off to bed...will talk to yall in the morning

I think I ought to sign out and snooze too!

How bout you Mona?

 I'll find it for ya Shannon and get back to you. I know the scripture says something like "if there be no interpreter than all is babble and no one understands" not verbatim but pretty close, I'll find it. Sure don't want to confuse you though Shannon. Just leaving a Catholic church and becoming Pentecostal is amazing to me!

And yes Karen I was scared to death when I saw people lying in the floor looking like they were seizing, and running along the backs of pews and shouting and crying! Sheesh!

good night Shannon and sleep well. Hope and pray you have a better week sweetie
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