Thanks Uni, I think I did it | Arthritis Information


Hi Uni,

Thanks for your great instructions.....I think I did it.  I chose an avatar and it showed int the box.  A cute little kitty.  I'll know as soon as I hit the post button.

Wish me luck, here it goes!

OMG LOLOLOLOL Do you even believe it, I am so horrible at this stuff.

I think I'm getting close though.  any suggestions??


Well I have to log off for a bit.  So I chose the lovely

"Bonehead" as my temporary avatar.  It seemed fitting at the moment

I'll be back later



well you are learning pam!!!!!!!! good luck with your next try!!!!



when I previewed it the Kitty came up and I was elated to say the least after 1 1/2 hrs of fiddleing around with it LOL.  Then I hit post and there was just a white box with the name of the website in it.  Does that mean I can't use their stuff??

I'm gonna get, just wait.......well don't actually wait cuz it may take another 1 1/2 hrs LOL:0)


WHat site and pic are you trying to get? maybe i can look at it and try it myself..,

also.. PM me if you use MSN messenger or AIM we can talk you through it...ill be on for a while.. i usually sit here for a few hours at night



I Did it!!! now if I can just explain it to Karen

Thanks Unicorn!!



Your avatar is the picture that is under your name in all of your posts... i recently changed mine from the rocking horse to the walking unicorn...

You go to the top of the forum page, click on "settings" and then choose edit profile...there will be a place to choose your avatar.. its like in the lower right hand side of the setting page. There is a place under that picture that you can link to another page... just like using the little tree to put pics in your post...just make sure when you copy and paste the new web site, you only have one set of "http://" in the address and no [img] or anything... just the website... like mine is from the page where we get all of our graphics from...

GOod luck!!!!!!

wooohoo i did it (we did it we did it we did it hoorray--yea my daughtor likes dora the explorer 



you need to put the pic of your daughter onto a web site like and then link to it like you did the 9-11 pic... imagecave is free... thats the only way i know of to put a pic from your computer onto the forum... maybe other ways, but this is all i know... may not be too much help.ahhhhh i'll try that when im not so tired and on pain killers i'll be able to concentrate better

