Terrible day yesterday | Arthritis Information


Glad you're on the mend now and hopefully you will get stronger every day! Good luck to ya Dear Lori, I am so sorry to hear of your surgery complications and all that you have been through over the past month. I truly hope that you are feeling much better now and are on the road to recovery. Thanks for checking in and letting us know how you are doing. Please keep posting, we're here for you! Love and very gentle hugs, Juliah


LMBO Lorster!!! Tucking them in your pants!LOLOLOL thats the first belly laugh I've had today

No Dr. or my Gyno has ever suggested a reduction but I would love to be able to be normal looking like a 36C, that would be awesome


Aw sweetie, that sounds like an awful thing to go through, I couldn't imagine the panic of not being able to breath.  We all miss you but really understand about not having the energy to post, so please rest and get better!  Love and hugs I  hope  you  feel  lots   bettter  soon

Ahhh soo sorry to hear your sad story. So sorry. Awful. I hope you feel better soon.


Lori, I am so sorry you had to go through that with your surgery. Not being able to breathe is such a terrifying feeling! What were they doing for you to make it easier? Could they do anything at all for you?

I know what you mean about the reduction surgery. My oldest daughter has had very large breasts since she was 12. Last year, at 39, she had reduction surgery. Her insurance paid for it, because she had been having awful back problems and shoulder trouble. I can't even imagine how hard it must be for your shoulders to hold up all that weight. She always had deep grooves in her shoulders.

By the way, Mona, when they did my daughters reduction, they did a lift at the same time. I think they almost have to, to have them look normal. They actually move the nipple and do a couple of other things, so they will look normal again. If they put implants in, they would just be making you big again. I think that would probably defeat the purpose of the surgery.

I was surprised that they didn't make them any smaller than they did. She is still pretty big, but the surgeon said, with her build, she wouldn't  look right if they were too small.

 Lori,I hope you are feeling better very soon.

Big gentle hugs, Nini

edited to remove a dumb paragraph.


Oh Lori, that sounds absolutely horrible and scary. I'm glad you came through it and I hope you're on the mend. Thanks for letting everyone know what's been going on. Take care of yourself!

I had a breast lift about 5 years ago. I didn't want to get bigger so I didn't have implants. Five pregnancies did their damage. I had a tummy tuck, too. Best two things I've done for myself (except of course, having my babies.)

Egads, woman! I'm glad that's over. It sounds really scary. Hello!  I am glad you are feeling better.  I have had asthma my whole life, but nothing ever scared as when I had shoulder surgery and they gave me a blocking injection in my neck.  When I woke up I couldn't from the general and the the tube removed from my throat, I had a real hard time breathing.  They told me that the injection and also paralyze the diaphragm.  Yikes, that was scary.  I hope you are all better soon!


  I hope you're feeling better real soon Lori.

Hi Lori, good to hear from you, sorry about the awful complications. I know how it feels not to be able to get your breath...it is scary, real panicky feeling. Lynda (was Hurts)

 Aww shucks Lorster I really needed to see what I'm getting into

Can you see your feet now?

Go for it Mona!  I am glad that insurance is catching up to the fact that boobs are a problem!

instead of tucking them in my pants, i just throw one over each shoulder and away I go, lol. glad youre on the mend...

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