Bad mood | Arthritis Information


I'm in a really bad mood today.  I have had to go back onto my ibuprofen (no other pain killers doing any good) so I am itching like mad when I forget to take antihistamines.

I had a good couple of days on Monday and Tuesday, less pain and not so stiff.  Yesterday I felt like I had been hit by a bus!  Today the bus just reversed over me.  I think I am coming down with a cold (again!).  I ache, I hurt, I'm fed up and I can't stop blowing my nose.

And I'm still waiting to see the rheumatologist again.

I really hate the world today!  Sorry.  Needed a moan. 


Sorry to hear you feel so bad. I hope you get to feeling better soon. And I hope the bus does not put it back in drive.

So sorry that bus won't leave you alone.

Sounds like you are allergic to ibuprofren.I hate allergic reactions,I had one with celebrex.

Well you go hide away in your bed and try to get some rest when you can.

I'm sorry you're feeling so bad.

I had 2 pretty good days too, and now this morning....not so good

I hope you feel better, Sheila's right, hide



Was a BIG Tour Bus.

 That's how I feel this morning.

Hoping we all improve as the day progresss.

Many ibuprofen later I feel a little bit better.  Off home from work now for a long bath and an early night. 

Sheila, I am allergic to ibuprofen but I have found that nothing else makes a dint on the symptoms so I just take antihistamines to stop the hives coming up.  Shame I have a memory like a seive. 

Hope you are all feeling better soon.

Don't hate me.  I feel GREAT !!!!!!

I hope that truck driver gets what's coming to him and you guys feel like partying with me soon  



                     I'm sooooooo glad to know you're

                      feeling better, I will have a better

                       now for sure!! 

(I would not really do that)



You are so-o-o-o-o-o lucky that you put that sentence at the last. The chicken lovers would be all over you "like flies on poop".


There is NO WAY I'd put up with that. Hula, do you live in the city? When I take my daughter to camp in the mornings the people right across the street from the camp have a rooster. I'm afraid I'd have to do something about that...honestly I probable wouldn't have to do a thing; my sweet "Lovie" (That me & my husband for those of you that don't know my screen name story) would no doubt put a stop that in a heart beat!! (He can be a bit grouchy when he's annoyed.)

I'm so sad you are feeling bad, Niki.  I hate the emotional rollarcoaster this puts us on.  But vent away, it sure makes me feel better to do that here.

Off that subject-Hula when we lived in Houston our neighbors decided to get two roosters(who cock a doodled waaaay before dawn!!!)  The city had an ordinance, and they had to get rid of them.  Check with your local animal control.


The roosters are looking perty good to me right now, since the other side neighbors have been jack-hammering ALL AFTERNOON.

I could use our city law on rooster noise, but the owner here (in a foster care home) needs their rental income to pay the mortgage and I hate to cause any hardship.  Hoping another neighbor will do something.  Or thinking of placing an ad in newspaper ... FREE ROOSTERS.  MUST PICK UP AT 3 A.M.  BE QUIET. (give neighbor's address)




Here in Texas, we will bar-be-que almost anything.  Don't have much of a rooster problem either! 




GET THE GRILL NICE & HOT, ALLEN the meantime can you turn someting on that produce 'white noise'?  I can't sleep without it - drowns out all noises .  I think my hubby is coming your way on Monday if Irene keeps her path


HA HA HA!!!!!!!

Roxy.. i laughed out loud at that last one!!!!!!!!!!

See if their feathers fall out.... hee hee hee (this pic is the closest i could get.. disregard the happy thanksgiving!!!)


white noise Lulu?  as in TV or music?  New term for me, srry. 


[QUOTE=roxy]Hey Hula.  If you give the roosters your methatrexate.  Let me know if their feathers fall out
Too funny!
Hey, I give my ferret prednisone  

i gave my ferrets pred too!!!!! gotta luv trying to stop them for the few minutes and trying to shove the syringe of meds into their mouth without them spitting it out!!!!

LOL @ Hulagirl!

I sprayed slobba all over my keyboard laughing at you guys!! Now, my keys are all wet!!

White Noise?? No , no no  I do not want to hear or see white noise on tv or radio. Have any of you watched that movie white noise with Michael Keaton? That is some creepy stuff. I like horror movies, and thrillers ,and anything like horror movies, but I cannot take them like I se to when I was Now I get scurd.

Oh that's a good one. Laughing does make me feel better. [QUOTE=Unicorn]

i gave my ferrets pred too!!!!! gotta luv trying to stop them for the few minutes and trying to shove the syringe of meds into their mouth without them spitting it out!!!!

That looks like my ferret after he's taken his prednisone LOL. When I buy his medication from the vets it's almost for 15 5 mg pills...I can buy prednisone at my pharmacy and get 100 5mg pills for . what's up with that?   hulagirl,

you're sooo funny! Before, I knew I was having symptoms of RA, I always described the pain as "being hit by a mack truck". I don't know what's worse, being hit by a truck or a bus? Hope I never find out!

Keep your head up and I hope you don't forget, "there's always a new day!"

I took myself off of Pred about a year ago. It as a slow process. My biggest concern was my weight. I was up to 240. I could not move, just seating on the sofa was unbearable. My family had to help me up, hold my arm while I walked and using a wheelchair everytime I went shopping was a burden. I have now lost 50 pounds. I dont use the wheel chair any longer, I can get up off the sofa alone and I have so much more energy. How can doctors ignore the weight gain with Pred? All my extra weight was resting on my joints making my life a living hell. I am not saying everyone needs to take themselves off of the medication, ( my doctors nurse helped me with it) because not everyone can live with out preds help. But I would ask your doctor for options.

There is a poster in my doctors office that states, "If you have RA the first thing to do is Lose Weight" There is a lot of Catch 22 with this disease.

I think I am a member of the "I feel like crap" club today. I had a couple of good days and today I think that bus came and ran me over.....LOL

I think I will have a couple of pain pills and just kick back today......


Ok I`ll bite. Why are you Ferret owners giving them Prednisone?

Try living with the Bantam variety of Rooster. They never finish their crow. Its errk a errk instead of kak ka kak ka a dooooo.

