those darned bees!!!!!!!! | Arthritis Information


I do not know about everyone else here but I have gotten stung "4" times in the past 2 weeks! I guess I will wear "OFF" as my new perfume till the first frost........darnit they hurt!!!!!!!!!!

Man these bees are aggressive! Anyone else had more than their share of bee stings this year?


Believe it or not I am 31 and have NEVER been stung. To top it all off--I
worked as a camp counselor for 5 years. I lived in the woods, hiked, and
slept in tents and never got stung. Even all those years of working a
stables--nope.not a one!

HMMMM...maybe the bees are trying to tell me that I need to bathe or

lol! When I was on MTX I never got stung. SInce I have been off all RA drugs, I seem to be confused with a flower to these bees! You are very fortunate!

THere must be some kind of pill I can take for this ! lol. I finally got some "Afterbite " today for the sting and itch but my arm and leg are still pretty swollen. I love the outdoors so I have to put up with the bees I suppose.

I sprayed liquid "Sevin" today on the yard and all over the house in hopes this would at least slow these flying meanies down a bit.


Ouch, Jode!  That really stinks.

There aren't many things that bother me - not afraid of snakes, spiders, rodents, heights, ghosts, or any of the things that send many people into the shakes.  BUT bees really get to me!  And I seem to get stung every summer a few times when no one else in the family does!

My next door neighbor saw me freaking out about a bee in my hair, screaming with my husband swatting at my head, and I swear to this day she thinks my husband beats me!!!  LOL

This year I have been lucky, hope it holds out.  So I can definitely empathize with you.  You just keep those mean old bees at your house!

Hillhoney39330.8840740741Lucky you, getting free bee sting therapy!Hey gimpy that was what I was thinking!  I am 46 and have never been stung.  I have lived a lot of my life in rural settings and though I see them, they have never stung me.  I am sure I would freak out, because my dad is allergic and carries an epi-pen with him at all time.  I have seen what they do to him.

Never been any therapeutic benefit for me!  Just pain, swelling and even twitching.  I hate those things. 

I can't imagine never being stung.  How can that be?  I'm always getting into situations where I get stung, LOL.  Once I was using long handled loppers to trim my rhododendrons, and before I knew it I was being attacked by a bunch of bald face hornets - they had made a nest deep in the bush and were more than a little annoyed that I was trimming there!

Another time I just put my foot in my shoe and there was a wasp in there waiting for me!  LOL  Well at least you know my fear and hatred is justified!

Jode, you must have nice sweet nectar. I know we are not supposed to kill
them but then, I guess some types actually die after one sting. I guess you
can rub yourself down with skin so soft.Oh man I hate bees. I've been stung twice, and that's all I'm willing to take. No more stings!! I stepped on a bee once, running barefoot in my backyard. And the other time well, I didn't even SEE the stupid thing. Just the leftover stinger in my arm. I have no idea what happened there. When I was young, and my cousin was about 2, he crawled into my grandma's old dog house...OLD DOG HOUSE, I'd say they'd been without a dog for 3-5 years already....anyway he stirred up a hornets nest and they came after him. He got stung twice, and my grandmother snatched him up and covered him. She ended up getting stung I think about 6 times? I stood there and watched the whole thing, and ever since then I just HATE bees. I think it scared the crap out of me. I stepped on a nest that was in an old log. Then stood there and stomped around on it, not realizing what I had done, doing the crazy bee dance. I only got stung twice, but had to stand outside to let my mom's sting recipe dry and they kept swarming around me because I had wrecked their home. [QUOTE=rocckyd]Believe it or not I am 31 and have NEVER been stung. [/QUOTE]

Snap, just turned 31 and never been stung....but that makes the fear of it even worse. You should see how fast I run if a wasp or bee comes near me, arthritis or no arthritis. I've heard that bee venom can be good for arthritis, maybe this is what they mean.
Yep, I think this is an especially bad year.  My husband was stung twice in the last week and our neighbor was stung also.  Normally, it's rare for anyone around here to get hit by the bees.  Something's different right now.