Liver Biopsy | Arthritis Information


Hi guys

Been a while since ive posted.. hope everyone is doing well.

So on 8/27 I had the lap-band procedure done for those who arent familiar its weight loss surgery. Anywhoo, surgeon ended up taking a biopsy of my liver because he said it was in bad shape, got the results today and he mentioned scar tissue from cirrohsis. I am of course going to be seeing a liver specialist soon but my question is.. can my RA have caused this? Along with my meds? I am currently taking Enbrel and Celebrex for my RA. *sigh* Im starting to wonder if my RA is attacking my internal organs. Please let me know if this has happend to you or any information would e appreciated.

I can't say this has happened to me but wow, it would be a bit of a shock.

Yes, RA can attack our internal organs. It is not purely joint related. My joints and all my muscles are effected and yes, the organs can be attacked. 

I am glad you are off to a liver specialist to get some answers, sounds like the best idea.

Love your avatar.

My RA doctor told me when I started methotrexate that I would have a liver biopsy every two years.....Are you taking mtx? 


I took mtx for almost a year in 2005 and stopped taking it in 2006 because my Rheumy at the time was worried about my liver results. That was another reason as to why I could have corrohsis scar tissue but I am not sure how rapid liver damage works.

I have cirrhosis of the liver because of three drugs, mercaptopurine (6MP), MTX, and Arava. I even have it in writing that it was caused by these. Enough said.



My RA doctor told me when I started methotrexate that I would have a liver biopsy every two years.....Are you taking mtx? 


Hmm...I've been taking mtx for 15 years and have never had a liver biopsy

My rheumy never said anything about liver biopsies, which gets me back to my developing theory that the ACR has no protocols for rheumatologists to follow.  No wonder we all have different tests, scripts, followups, results.  The guidelines for management of RA and Osteoarthritis .....from The American College of Rheumatology acr/acr.html#guide_rheum
