Update - Shanon (Kelsaysmommy) | Arthritis Information


I just talked to Shannon and all is well with her Grandmother for now. They ended up doing an endoscopic surgery, so that it was less invasive and she would fare better with it. And she did! I think she gave them a bit of a scare after it, but now she's resting and doing well. Shannon was sitting and visiting with family when I spoke to her, she sounded so tired. :( She said she's heading back home on Saturday and would give me a call to let me know if anything has changed (and that she made it home safely)

I'm sure she would still appreciate any and all prayers and thoughts you can send their way right now. As for what's next on the list for her Grandmother, no ones really said anything (in terms of her going home, how long to expect, what to expect, etc etc) She's hoping to hear that soon.

Let's all pray for her that her grandmother will be able to rest well and enjoy time spent with her family, no matter how long that may be. Thanks for the update Katie. Glad to hear that her grandma is doing ok. We'll keep praying for g-ma and the rest of the family.  I am glad all went OK.  Tell Shannon to nap some. 

Well I'm home.  Tired, but home.  Everything went really well.  At first they were going to put a stint by the billiary duct for later on down the road if she were to have problems then they were going to put a stint where the stomach goes to the small intestine but they werent able to do the first one because the mass was to big so they pulled out and scared the crap out of everyone. Thankfully my cousin Linda is a nurse and demanded (she got quite the reputation by the end of the week) they go back in and put the stint in at the end of the stomach.  They did and my grandma got out about 1:30 EST. She was out of it the rest of the day and all night but was finally able to eat some clear soup and have something to drink finally.  She hadnt had anything all week :(  She had lost 30lbs just while at the hospital and 25 lbs the week before.  But yesterday night she was able to eat fish, rice and they sent her home today!!!!!!!!!  They are having a home care nurse come in 3 times a week to help out.  Now theres nothing they can do for the pacreatic cancer.  The stint is just making her comfortable and able to eat. 
Thanks for all of your prayers and thank you Katie for updating for me!


I am glad you are home and safe.  I wish there was more they could do, but being comfortable is probably the best that can happen.  I am so sorry that you will be facing this.  Just know that we will always be here for you. 

Get some rest today, and let people wait on you.  TTYL

Glad you're home safe Shannon, and that you were able to be there for the surgery.  It sounds like Grandma had the outcome we were praying for (praise God).  I will not forget to keep her and your fam on my prayer list. You should try and get a good night sleep tonight, I'm sure yur heart and mind and body can use the rest.  Sweet dreams.


Glad to hear Gram made it through the surgery - I pray that her medical team will make sure she is comfortable on this last leg of her journey.

Shannon, glad you are home and that everything went as well as possible. I'm sure you must be physically and emotionally exhausted. I hope your Grandma will be as comfortable as is possible.

Do they have any plans for hospice to come in to help her and the family? They have been there for several members of my family and they can really be a comfort to the person who is ill. And they can be a big help to the family. I don't know if your Grandma is at that point yet, but I'm sure that with your cousin being a nurse, she will be on top of things.

You have been on my mind and I'm glad you are home safely. Try to get some rest. You need to take care of yourself.

Hugs and Prayers,


She had wonderful drs and nurses while she was in the hospital.  The nurse she had, Jason, was the best nurse i think.  He went out of his way to do whatever Grandma wanted.  We kept joking that grandpap had already drawn up adoption papers.

Shannon, I am so relieved that you arrived home safe and sound. I'm sure you are very tired and I hope you can get some much needed rest. Seems all was done to help your Grandma as possibly could be, thanks to your nurse cousin

Ok where are my girls that know stuff about dreams?

You also need to take care and rest up .

Hugs to you

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