Are tendons an issue with RA? | Arthritis Information


I just came back from my Rheumy and we talk about a lot of things and it isnt until I'm driving home that things sink in and questions emerge. Anyway, my foot has been hurting very badly. My primary sent me to have it x-rayed and nothing was broken. Rheumy checked it out and said he was 100% sure it was the tendon and to stay off it for 3 weeks and ice it. Yeah, wish me luck with that... I also told him in the morning I can hardly lift my arms. The pain is across the side of my shoulder. The pain is very bad when I wake up, but gets better later on and after a shower. He poked and prodded and said it was tendons...

Anyone know what to make of this? Is this part of RA, Lupus, Fibro, Sjogren's, or something else???

On a positive note, all my bloodwork is good and he wants me to continue what I'm doing and I see him again in 2 mo.

All I know is that I've had tendonitis in my right elbow for 3 years now. Three fricken years and NOTHING is helping. I've had PT and I've had a cortisone shot, I've rested it, iced it, applied heat...nothing has helped. My Dr. says I might have it forever. And all it takes is a little bit of over-extension and it "pops" and my lord is it painful.

So, I guess I don't know the answer to your question.

The shoulder is especially vulnerable to soft tissue issues with RA.  The good news is that it generally responds well to PT and cortisone

Yes, absolutely, RA chews up your tendons as well. Both my rotator cuffs are so chewed up that they are not repairable, my patella tendon (knee cap) had to be repaired (4 surgeries) with cadaver tissue, my bicept tendon is completely torn off the bone and is not repairable. I lost several tendons in my hands (3 surgeries).

So yes, I'm afraid it is possible. Keep your RA under the best control you can. My damage happened before the biologics and other good drugs came along. My RD said, last time I saw him, that if only I had been born 20 years later..... (I'm 65 now.)


I would like to suggest to you that ask your doctor about the possibility that you are suffering from PMR(polymyalgia rheumatica). A large percentage of rheumys misdiagnose their patients with seronegative rheumatoid arthritis, when in reality it is PMR.
The reason they misdiagnose their patients is because most aren't familiar with PMR, which is treated effectively prednisone and pain medication.
Hope this helps.
 I dont know a whole lot about PMR but will do research, thanks. I take a LOT of pain meds. I am on Avinza, a slow release morphine, Norco (hydrocodone 10/325) 3times a day, lyrica 3 times a day, and at bedtime I take muscle relaxer, sleeping pill, and a slew of others. Ive been trying to taper pred since last sept