Need to stop MTX after only 3 weeks | Arthritis Information


 Yesterday I went for an appointment with my Rummy. He ran a blood test to check my liver. He said he wanted to check it before he uped my MTX.  I've been on  4 pills of MTX for three weeks. This morning his office called and told me I needed to stop the MTX. My blood test came back and my AST (72) was elevated and so was my ALT (137) . My WBC (3.5) was low. Could the MTX cause all that in just 3 weeks? My Rummy then called in a script for prednisone 5 MG. He said when I came back on the 19th that he would run the tests again. He said he thinks we might have to think about other alternatives for my RA. He said I must be MTX sensitive.  I'm sure others will have much more to contribute regarding this than I can, but in case you are put back on Mtx or any other drug that can affect the liver, it is a good idea to take a supplement called milk thistle (or silymarin.)  It is very inexpensive and available in the vitamin section of any pharmacy or discount store.  It supports the liver function which is probably a good thing for anyone on meds.  Best regards, Pat

Milk Thistle pulled my elevated LFT's back into line.

Hugs and hoping you find the right meds.


I started on Mtx pills and my liver enzymes shot up. I tried embrel and it didnt work so I begged rheumy to let me try mtx injections and I havent had a problem with my liver. Its been a year now. best of luck


  Thanks everyone, I will go to the store and pick up some milk thistle. How much milk thistle should I take?..... Rummy said  he will take another blood test on the 19th when I go for my check up. When my second blood tests come back on the 20th, he will let me know what he feels I should try as far as  medication, probably injectables. Which scares me a little. Don't know if I will be able to give myself the shot.

                                         Thanks again, Lori  

Does anyone know an alternative to milk thistle?  It did bring down my enzymes but I'm allergic to it.  I had sinus trouble the whole time I was taking it.  I didn't make the connection until I read to not take it if you are allergic to ragweed, which I am.

I usually take 8 MTX pills on Saturdays, but they totally ruin my day.  I get nauseated and sleepy and I can't function at all.  If I were to put off taking the pills until say Monday, do you think that will be okay?  Or will it make me like flare up even more?  I called the Dr., he wasn't available and the receptionist had no clue.

I wish there were some instructions with this disease, so that I would know what I was suppossed to do.

But of course only your doc knows for sure.

(I wish they really did know for sure.)

  Thanks Owiedeb, I'll talk to my Rummy about the injections. I'm working on my list for him right now,

    OH MY GOODNESS Jodi_Girl, I guess Milk Thistle is out for me then. I'm allergic to ragweed, dryed leaves, dust, mildew, all that good stuff shoot. 

OK, the only thing I can think of is that Whole Lemon/Olive Oil concoction that APer's use.  It was developed for AIDS patients to help their bodies process toxins.

1 whole lemon, rind, pips and all into blender

1 cup water

1 Tlbs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 - 3 frozen Orange Juice concentrate - I used cherry because I couldn't handle the acid with my stomach problems.

Stevia to taste - OK, I admit I used Splenda (so shoot me! :-)

Puree'.  Strain.

For those with neuropathy stir in 1 heaping tablespoon Lecithin.


This cannot be made ahead.  It gets bitter.

This definitely helped me with the herxes on AP and lowered my LFT's numbers.  My next test was only 2 1/2 months later so I was good by then.

Hope this helps,

