When Changing DMARDs... | Arthritis Information


For those of you who have changed from one DMARD to another.. was it immediate? Or did they ween you off one first? Was there a lot of pain inbetween?

Wondering about changing my Enbrel to Remicade or something and wondering how much pain was involved and how long it takes to feel the effects of the new drug.

Thanks so much for all your responses :)
I have been taken straight off from one to another always. No weaning off but, of course, the new DMARD takes some time to work and kick in so yes, there is pain but usually I have already been experiencing that anyway as the DMARD I was on was not working.

From what I know about Remicade it can work fairly fast though compared to some of the others.

I went from Enbrel to Remicade, I don't recall going off enbrel in advance of the Remicade. When I went from Remicade to humira, I was 4 weeks over due for my remicade infusion due to a cancelled appt. (not intentional) before going on humira.

The enbrel and remicade were no longer working well when I left them so things just stayed the same - not so hot - until the new drug kicked in. Thankfully both remicade and humira kicked in fast for me, especially the humira, remicade was a winner right after the 2nd loading dose.

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