Humira Users | Arthritis Information


I was wondering how fast Humira started working for you?  My hands have always been the worst part of my body for RA. I started a Humira marketing study last month.  Ten days ago I had a shot of either Humira or placebo.  The next day I woke up with justa  little bit of  pain and no stiffness in my hands...and I haven't been able to work in the yard pulling weeds for a year or so. If I was pulling weeds, I'd get pain right away and wake up the next morning so sore I couldn't use my hands. So I'm thinking I had the real shot of Humira instead of the placebo. I'm here in total shock that I can function today. My energy level has been up for the last week as well...this is too weird...I feel almost like the old me
How has it worked for you? Did you notice the difference right away? 

Im due to get another shot on Tuesday and this one will be Humira. I have the injections at home and have to take it to the office so my husband can treat me like a pin cushion

I've been on Humira (&MTX) since December. I now take it weekly verses bi-weekly. I could tell a difference in my energy level right away, but for me it took about three month to get the desired results and then after 6 months I changed to weekly because it wore off too quickly. I've been thrilled with it though. I always say I honestly could be one of those people on the commercials that you see bragging about how great it is.

One thing to keep in mind though; and this is true with all the biologics: I'm off my meds for the second time in a month due to infection. I started out as an upper respiratory infection. I just had a slight cough for a couple weeks so I went to the doctor just have it checked out. They put me on an antibiotic and told me to stop my RA meds until it was all clear. I waited about 17 days and went ahead and took my meds although I still had a slight cough. Well two weeks later I'm sick again with Brochitis and a Sinus infection. Off my meds again. I'm 7 days into this antibiotic and it doesn't seem to be clearing up.

My point is; Take the warnings about infections seriously. It lowers your immune system and makes it easier for you to catch things...and harder for you to get over things once you have it. I've always been the "Live and Learn" type of spirit. Consider me educated now. My Momma always said I had a mind of my own and had to figure things out on my own first hand...guess she was right.

Best of luck to you. I love Humira and definately miss it when I can't have it.

Thanks Lovie!

Before I had the first shot I had ssinus my RD gave me 5 day antibiotic Zithromax. It knocked out the allergy by the time it was time to get my shot. Have you been able to try that? Sorry your having troubles.

I always thought I'd catch every bug everyone had once I started MTX...but for some reason I'm the last to get a cold or never get it...*knocks on a lot of wood*.

I hope you get better and can get your shots soon.

My husband was telling me to ask the doctor about that. Is this what might be referred to as a "Z-Pac"?

I've been on MTX for three years and up until this last month never even went to a GP. I had my RD, and OB but never needed to see anyone else. The two of them took care of all my other needs.

I have been very lucky myself.


Yes, it is a may help you ...worth a try anyways!

I mention that to the doctor if she ever calls me back!!!

To be honest I told them it was no rush provided I atleast talked to her before the weekend. It's not like I don't have any medicine...I just don't think it's helping much!!

Thanks Murph

I am not on humira, but i am on enbrel (same type of stuff, sorta) I got relief within 24 hours after the first shot...Doc said its called the enbrel magic... it took prolly 4 months to get full effects, but it did help A LOT!!!!!!!!!!

I've been on Humira about 4 months. It started worrking within the 3rd shot, but wears off in 6 days or so. My RD doubled my MTX and that seems  to kickk start the humira.

Its working, but  I'm not impressed. I'm still very fatigued, and have enough pain that I've gone to the pain management clininc and have had 3 nerve blocks. We are considering  going to either weekly doses or on to Remicade.

Weekly & 22.5mg of MTX has worked really well for me. I felt like you do about humira until I changed to weekly. You might want to give it a try.[QUOTE=Unicorn]I am not on humira, but i am on enbrel (same type of stuff, sorta) I got relief within 24 hours after the first shot...Doc said its called the enbrel magic... it took prolly 4 months to get full effects, but it did help A LOT!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

That's great!  They told me it would take at least 2 weeks...I've always been a weakling with medications. When I was waiting for my hand surgery I could only take one vicodin or demoral a day and I was out. Same with time I had a benedryl shot on a Friday and didn't wake up til Sunday...woke up to find out I had lost 10lbs LOL...So maybe it's the same with this by working easy on me.

I've felt like the humira commercial   I've been on Humira for 3 months and still no big improvement.  Rheumy told me to try 1 more month and then we will go to weekly shots.  I have a beagle too.  Her name is Dusty. What is your dogs name?Our beagle's name is Murphy...after one of my favorite hockey players   Beagles  are surely different than any other dog we have ever had hehe.

I have been on Humira for 5 months.  I am not as tired anymore nor as stiff in the mornings.  When I first started it my hands hurt so much more than before.  Now they don't hurt as much.  I still have to take alot of pain pills though.  I am not sure it is stopping the joint destruction.  I have pain in my hip that only started after I started the Humira.  my rd says it is impossible to have joint destruction while on the Humira, but I am not sure I believe that.  I am having my right shoulder joint replaced in October, but it was pretty much destroyed before I started the Humira.  I do feel better while on the Humira but I am not sure it's stopping the destruction???  Anybody got any theories on this one?


Hmm only thing I can think of is that it was in progress before the Humira but not noticed as much?  When I'm doing something like sweeping floors or raking the hard, my hips have a tired kind of hurting feeling in them and I have to stop what I'm doing. Not sure what that is tho.  I think it may help if I MAKE myself get to the gym and on the treadmill  I've been on Humira for about a year or so, bi-weekly. It seems to be slowing the destruction of my joints but I still have alot of pain and stiffness. I guess I'm not ready for my commerical yet! My rheumy has never suggested the weekly treatment. I think I'll ask her about it. Enbrel worked well for me until I caught a flu bug and had to stop taking it. After I restarted it again it never seemed to work as well.

Don't tell me that Aunt Lisa!! I've been off my humira twice during the last month and I'm still fighting an infection that is slow, slow slow to get better. I'm on my second go around of antibiotics and I'm going to be broken hearted if my Humira doesn't work as well when I start back.

I take it weekly and it made a huge difference for me. Ask your doctor about it.


It was the Enbrel that didn't work after I restarted. It worked but not as well and that about 5 years ago. I wonder if it would work again now? hmmm. I think it must work in different ways for all of us because no 2 really sound the same.
Ever since I had that one bout with flu after starting the Enbrel, ~knocking on wood~ I haven't ever been sick again!?! I'm around others who are sick, my husband gets sick but I never seem to catch anything! ~rubbing my lucky rabbit's foot~ Not even when I was on Remicade.
Wish I could be that lucky when it comes to playing the lottery! Tomorrow I go in for my 2nd shot which will be humira for husband gets to give it to me and I'm really  ...he keeps rubbing his hands together telling me how much he's going to enjoy this. 
I feel like I did get the real shot 2 weeks I am curious to see how the next 2 weeks go KNOWING this is the real thing. 

Murphette,  I am interested in knowing how you are doing after you get your second shot and also how your hubby handles it.  I am hoping to start Humira soon.

Do you mind if I ask what meds you were on before Humira?

I'll let you know roxy *nervous*

Found a link today on Humira used with the combination of MTX.

Adalimumab Plus Methotrexate Effective for Long-Standing Rheumatoid Arthritis

I never was on anything for long, I tried a couple of meds but had such bad side effects, I had to stop.  I have been taking just celebrex for the last couple of years.  I have already had two joints replaced and have the third one scheduled.  I am really hoping this works for me.  Joint replacement surgery sucks!!


Murphette,  That study "cheered" me.  I need to feel optimistic about this disease.  I sure hope Humira is everything we hope for.

Linda,  I keep reading about ra sufferers having joint replacement.  Once the joint is replaced, how well does it function?  Thanks.  I am trying to get a grip on "prognosis". 

I'm on my third round of antibiotics starting today to clear up bronchitis. They did a chest x-ray to make sure it hadn't turned into phnemonia; which it hadn't. They also gave me a short coarse of predisone to hopefully help clear up the infection....and also get me through until I can resume my meds.

I haven't taken mine now in more than two weeks and I'm beginning to miss it very much!!


I had my left shoulder replaced 2 years ago and my left hip replaced in March.  the rehab is hard but once it heals, it's great.  the pain is gone.  I can do everything that  I could do before the surgery.  I was scared to have the first one done and waited and suffered so long, but it's so worth it.  I even think the healing pain was less than the pre-surgery pain. 

I am having my right shoulder joint replaced in Oct. and I will be so glad to get rid of that pain as well.


Were you able to get the zpack Lovie? 

I am glad it did not turn into pneumonia Lovie.  Do you feel like you are having a flare?  I hope you get to go back on Humira soon.  You have kind of turned into my "hope" for this ra.  You do so well on the Humira and mtx.  Feel better Lovie

Ever heard of Levaquin?

No, I never heard of it. Hope you can get over it and back on your Humira. Me too!! Thanks Murph.LInda,  Why don't they just start  people with RA off with a TNF drug to prevent bone/joint'd think  medical costs would be lower that way....I dunno.


that's funny about the oil can, I say that all the time.  My kids call me the bionic woman.  thanks, I hope the next one goes well too.

Lovie, I was on the levaquin for bronchitis.  It worked great for me.  It's some kind of a super stong antibiotic in a class called fluoroquinolomes.  it is usually used to treat anthrax.  I didn't have any problems with it and it cleared up  the bronchitis pretty quickly.  good luck



That's good news Linda; thanks. I'm also taking predisone for the next 10 days. Starting today at 40mg a day for seven days and then down to 20mg for 3 days. That sounds like a lot to me. Having never been prescribed that for anything other than RA what is everyones thoughts on that?

Rox~ as my meds wear off I feel everything coming back slowly but surely. I don't call it a "flair" as most people do here, I just call it my life. And's back. Personally I think of a "flair" as a sudden onset of unexpected pain, swelling and general problems associated with RA. If I don't take medication...I have problems. Nothing too serious as of yet, but gradually it progresses. None of it is unexpected. The predisone should get me through until i get back on MTX & Humira.



I'm back from my appointment. We took the shot with us and my husband gave it to done laying down rather than sitting up like the nurse did it last time.  Roxy he did did not feel any worse than a blood draw. I've had too many of those lately with this study, I feel like a pin cushion.

I mentioned to the study nurse that I felt better the very next day. She said that she has patients on Humira who come in 2 weeks later and say that they felt better right away, and some take 3 months to feel better. Whew, it wasn't in my head!

Go for it Roxy...if you can feel so much better like I did, you won't regret it. I told my doc that I don't even feel like I need the naproxen anymore.

That's awesome results Murph!! Fantastic news for you. I'm really excited for you.

I have my husband give me mine as well.
