OT- 8th September 2007 | Arthritis Information


Good Morning to everyone. Are you all still in bed / or going to bed????  I have just managed to haul myself out the bath and have the broken glass feeling in my feet. I think I will just lay in front of the T.V. today and order ever one around.

I hope everyone has a lovely saturday.

I am up early and have this strange burning sensation on the right side of my lung when I breathe.  I hope I am imagining it, and it is heart burn or some stupid thing.

I am pretty sure it is external tissue inflamation.  I am fine.  I do have a cold, and I think I am going to try Jassy's netti pot today.  HI guys, I am just about to retire to bed, had a very lazy day trying to get over this pleuresy, had terrible pain in ribcage/lung area, felt really washed out although feel slightly better this evening.  Have just watched "Grease" and now watching "Saturday Night Fever" bringing back a few memories of moves and fun on the dance floor, makes me feel old though, although part of me wants to go out and try it all over again, ha ha imagine that!!!!!!!!!  Have a great Saturday, hugs Janie.

Janie, I am so sorry about the pleuresy.  Gosh I know that hurts so badly. I have had it before.  I love watching Grease...I have never watched Saturday Night Fever.  I know it is hard to imagine trying to do those moves.  We used to do them at the Roller Rink.  I couldn't do that at all now. 

Have a good and restful night's sleep.

Well, we got a call last night that my stepson arrived safely in Iraq.  I must say that I wasn't worried about the Army getting him to Iraq safely, but I am worried about him getting home safely

Good Morning!!

Janie~ Never had pleuresy but my mom used to get it.  It was so painful for her that we couldn't even sit next to her on the sofa, the movement of it would send her over the moon with pain.  Hope you fight it off quickly.

Pin~ Did you ever see that Die Hard when Bruce Willis had to walk through that broken glass??  OUCH!!  Feel better soon.  That's an order!

Shelly~I keep reading the words "Neti Pot" on these chat threads, but missed the post that defines it.  DON'T SAY IT.  I don't want to know, I think it will gross me out too much.  Can't stomach anything to do the the "s" word, the "s" word being snot.  But I hope it works for you and you feel better starting today!!

I woke up with a pounding headache.  Hate it when that happens.  I'm not supposed to take ibu, but rules are meant to be broken, right? Sometimes I just have to, and I think this is one of them.  Other than that, It is a gorgeous day here in the Mitten.  Glad I have to miss it and intsead hole myself up with a stinky anteater.. That's life.

I just wanted to stop in and say HI. I have been enjoying being on Vac.(10 days)! We did not go anywere this time just hung around and spent some time together. I will get on in the next few days and see what everyone is up to. I have missed talking with everyone. I hope all are well.


Jay welcome back.  We have missed you, but glad you had some time with your wife.  Hope to see you more often, but enjoy the last few days off.  TTYL

Good Morning Everybody.

I just wanted to thank everyone for there support and great advice.  It's fantastic having people I can communicate with.  All my friends don't know how to treat me or how to talk to me without me seeing some sort of pity in their eyes.  My husband has yet to understand and this is the only forum that I can talk in and get a laugh.

Thanks so much for making me feel welcome.


Suzy, I am glad you are here. 

Thanks for all of your great imput, too.  The street goes both ways.

It's pouring down rain and I should get some laundry started. I'm waiting to get an email from our oldest girl who just got to Scotland for college. We didn't send her with a cell phone, but she called last night from the airport to say she got into Edinburgh. Cleaning the house will take my mind off her. Sorry to hear you're all feeling so lousy.

Deidre, I am glad your daughter called.  I bet she was exhausted, but exhillerated. 

Do you live in Ninilchick, AK.  We were stationed in Anchorage for ten years.  Both of my kids were born in Alaska.  I follow the iditarod every year, and if I am teaching my kids follow it. 

I am also from Alaska, like Ninil, same part of the country.  I lived in Anchorage for 30 years, Homer 13, and father is retired Air Force/Air Nat'l Guard.  Like they say, Alaska is just a small town. 

Yep, it sure is.  I miss Alaska a lot.  I have a lot of great memories there, but hubby isn't even interested in visiting. 

I started out in Juneau with my parents...Dad was a miner at the AJ mine and then worked for Echobay until he passed away, about the time it was closing. 

I went to Anchorage to go to Bible school and met hubby for the second time there. 

Did you go clam digging down here or sport fishing? It was so sad when DeeDee Jonroe got breast cancer and then horrible when Susan Butcher died of leukemia. DeeDee has made a great comeback, I would love to see her win. Most people think my screen name means some kind of chicken.Gotta love those that don't know Alaska!haha  I wanted to see her win a long time ago.  I would love to see her win very soon.  I know I cried and cried when Susan Butcher died, but how neat that their daughter is helping with the race now.  I bet she will start racing the iditarod soon.  I know that she has done Jr. races, but we will see her in the big leagues.  Ch 2 did an hour special on DeeDee before this year's race, she's had a daunting life, trying to have children, then the accident that almost killed her husband and I think did kill her grandmother, then the cancer. She is always so positive about everything. When my girls were in 3rd & 4th grade, there's a reading program where you read during the Iditarod, choose a musher to follow and try to read as many pages as the Iditarod is long in the same amount of time. Neither of my girls ever chose DeeDee or Susan. They chose some unknown musher who either dropped out or got the red lantern.

Good evening all, Deirdre, Edinburgh is having a mini heat wave at the moment (well its warm and sunny... that counts for a heat wave here

I've been soooo sick weaning onto the sulfa that I've lost 9llbs. I took some advice from the board and got a steroid injection yesterday (well two actually one in each cheek!

I'm going to suggest to my Rheumy when I next see him that to help the weaning process, his patients should be offered steroid jabs every 4 weeks. I cant believe the difference.

I've not been on for a couple of days, did Joonie turn up safe and sound?



Sarah glad you are back and glad the steriod shot worked. 

Yes, we went clam digging and fishing.  My dad refused to go fishing with me when I out fished him two to one before I moved to Anchorage.  Jeff and I went Halibut fishing on our honeymoon, and then a couple of years later the kids and I sent him for father's day.  I love halibut!!!! and Salmon!!! I loved getting it from the markets, so fresh and good and Cheap! 

One of the girls in my sixth grade class chose DEEDEE, and I was soooo proud.  She has had a rough time running though.  Susan Butcher was probably the ipitome of an Alaskan woman. Positive, strong, rugged, and not afraid of anything.  I did love her!

I'm looking forward to eating tonnes of fish when I get to Portugal, clam digging and fishing just makes my mouth water. Do you keep the catch or throw them back?

I have a neighbour who goes fishing in the scottish rivers, he catches mainly trout. Me and my next door neighbour love it when he comes back with a bounty, he shares them with us... isnt that lovely?

Sarah, thanks for the update on the weather, I asked her last night when she called and she said it was still dark outside at 7am. Portugal, I always wondered how much Europeans traveled to different countries, with different cultures and languages just a few hours away. I think it was Pin who said one of her children went to Greece on holiday.

Michelle, we all knew how sick Susan was, they had a well publicised bone marrow search for a donor, but when the news announced her death, I was bawling, it was such a shock. I just figured she pull through, she even helped at the last Iditarod before she died with no hair. They showed her at the checkpoint checking in all her friends, everyone hugging and so shocked to see her. I'm crying now, she was just an amazing woman.Sarah, my DH only throws back the little ones, there's a limit on how many you can catch, like only 5 king salmon a year, so he doesn't like to use up his limit on small ones. And you can get 60 razor clams a day, but they are a lot of work to clean. My DD took her boyfriend down to the beach because he had never gone and I told them don't bring back too many. I ended up helping her for the last hour because he had to drive back to Chickaloon. I hate cleaning clams, but they are so good fried. They're also a real pain to fry, but it's like any fresh seafood, right out of the water, there's nothing like it.

Suzy, it was so good to read your post, I worried about how you were taking all of this, it is a lot of diff. suggestions and ideas to grasp. I'm glad you are posting and letting us all know how you are doing. We all adjust out lives to this disease.

Shelly, what an interesting life in Alaska, I can almost taste that fresh fish. We live on the west coast and you'd think we could get fish reasonably priced, but no, it is sky high. I don't eat much fish.

Portugal and a child in college in Scotland, thanks for the interesting chatter.



I went riding bumper cars and bumper boats today with the boys - what a hoot!  The bumper boats have aimable squirt jets in front... The boys were relentless!  All three of us were completely soaked.  And, since we were north of the Cheddar Curtain (Illinois/Wisconsin state line), we bought some Powerball tickets.  The boys think it's quite exotic to travel "all the way" into Wisconsin.  I believe what most people think when not counting Pearl Harbor as an attack on US soil is that it was not within the contiguous 48 states, and Hawaii was not even a state at the time. I guess so, but I think the idea is pretty balanced. Hawaii wasn't a state, but they came DIRECTLY to us - New York is a state, but they had to be sneaky to get to us...I dunno. I guess maybe it was the way I was taught about Pearl Harbor. I was always taught how WE were attacked on OUR OWN SOIL. Those exact words, no one ever talked about "well it wasn't really a state yet...." Perhaps it's just my perception? Alaska was attacked too, there was a terrible battle in the Aleutian Islands, the Japanese even took contol of American territory. It's real easy (comforting) to think yours was the worst or the biggest or the best whatever and loose sight of what other generations may have dealt with that might put your own experiences into greater context.

Alaska did not gain statehood until 1958.  Dutch Harbor and Unalaska were attacked by the Japanese in 1942.  However the land for Alaska was purchased in the late 1800's from the Russians by the U.S.  So technically it was a US territory. 

How's that for History! Well, I still have a sore, itchy throat and plugged ears.  I want to take a vegetable scrubber and stick it down my throat to scratch it!  GAWD it itches. My nose is clear.  No fever... probably just allergies compounded by some opportunistic nuisance virus. I was going to tell how I stole the bonehead award from Jas, but now I think I'll wait till after the controversial subject has exhausted itself.  Oh yeah, and I have a cricket story too.  Yeah, I know, I need to get a life.LOL - I used to have a life... amazing how I used to be able to stay up for days on end and still function!  Now I look forward to Saturday nights because I can lay down and read or watch TV.  I just went out about an hour ago... I had a beer (thinking that it might ease my itchy throat) and it just made me tired. I saw 3-10 to Yuma last night.  It was pretty good.So, my trusty o'l buddy Charlie the Golden Retriever knows all my hiding places when we play hide and seek.  It use to be so fun.  Now I just feel silly.Bumped for Joonie

Oh well....... LOOKIE HERE!

Hey GUYS! I found the chat thread!!!!

Man, not much sleep is messing with my head. I wonder how I over looked it. I even went the to 2nd page.


Oh... let me tell ya about today! I went this morning to walk daughter over to the neighbors house so she could help her friend with their yard sale... I got up at 6:30 and did not go to sleep until 5am... anyways... the other neighbor was already over there helping set up when we got there. So, I sat on the wall and then the other neighbors daughter, the one I do not like because she use to be mean to my daughter, came up to me and said "War eagle!! YAY!!! Bama... BOOOOoo!!" I then replied back to her... "FOOTBALL SUCKS!!!!" You should have seen the look on her face... her mouth dropped open and she just looked miffed. Then her moma walked off laughing. Then I said "I do not like football." Then she says "I tried out for cheerleading 2 times already and going to try again next year, but I do not like football.... I like soccer." I then said "They have cheerleaders for soccer?" She said "No." Yeah... if you cannot tell the girl is not the brightest bulb in their family light bulb box.

The community yard sale was BLAH! Hubby & I did not even get MIL to buy us anything. But I did get Sausage biscuit & Gravy and 2 brownies w/walnuts all for .50!!! Woohoo!! We only walked around once and then we left to go to town. Stopped by and visited my sister at work, and she gave me some news... and then I felt so sorry for her... and almost offered for her to hire me and let me work for her. She has been working open to close shifts for 5 days now, because her 2 shift leaders quit. And she has been interviewing people, but none are shift leader quality. So... she is working herself to keep the place afloat.

I am thinking if she does not find someone by next weekend, that I will offer to work. I mean I know I cannot waitress, but I can run the register and answer the phones and seat people and take them drinks. I might be dead on my feet, but that is what you do for family. She has always helped us out and gave hubby a job when he got let go and even gave him more $ per hour than a few others she hired.

So... I might just be going back to work anyways... without RD approval. My sister will accommadate for my "handicaps". Besides when she would need me most is for stuff that would take time from the rest of the crew... like running the register, answering the phone and seating people. I might even try to bus a table or 2. I know I might not last, but maybe I will last long enough until she finds a couple of shift managers.

anyone hear from Chris? I have not been online much and when I was online the few mins hubby would let me online... damn MySpace!

But if I really needed to I could get my other sister to watch him. She loves him, but I do not think he cares too much for her

So... my mom said for me to wait and see if she gets anyone hired this week, and if not then I could offer to work for her.

Oh speaking for brand new teal shirt... I just noticed today my ONE AND ONLY FAVORITE pair of jeans is starting to get a "wear" hole in the crotch where the zipper is

I LOVE these jeans... they are streach material, and they fit me fat, bloated, under weight, and everything in between! They are never too tight, but sometimes too loose and people get a hint-o-crack when I bend over or sit down, but hey those are the breaks when you have a pair of jeans ya LOVE! A little crack never killed no one.... I think. If anything hubby likes it

Oh and I also LOVE them because I do not even have to unbutton them to take them off! I just pull them down like they are elastic waisted LMAO! But yet they are actual jeans with a button and zipper and belt loops

Yeah... now I am bummed. When the "wear" hole gets worse I am going to have to stop wearing them. I ONLY have 4 pairs of pants! 2 jeans and 2 cargo. And my other pair of jeans are well... a little snug as of lately. But when I bought them... they were not so snug and then a few months later I could not even button them. And then a few months later I tried them again, and I could button them and were not even snug. BUT as of last week... I could not button them again

So... essentially... when this pair is no longer wearable .... I will have 2 1/2 pairs of pants.

"A true friend is someone who knows you're a good egg even if you're a little cracked."

Hummm... chris is signed on to AOL... I guess he is just enjoying his young, spry, car driving, lobster buying room-mate!

Oh well... I guess I am going to go play FOOTBALL with hubby on the PS2 since my fingers seem to be pretty nimble tonight. Probably will not last pass half time. [QUOTE=joonie]

Man, I guess I am just talking to myself. Good thing I do not like to hear myself talk.

Oh well... I guess I am going to go play FOOTBALL with hubby on the PS2 since my fingers seem to be pretty nimble tonight. Probably will not last pass half time.

Hi Joonie and everyone here, I've been all out of sorts with my neck and back and muscle relaxers kick my butt

 I have slept my weekend away nearly, but I have discovered that ironing just sucks! Ideal Cleaners here I come, and I don't even care that they're not worth a crap

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, I feel lots better [QUOTE=joonie]

Oh speaking for brand new teal shirt... I just noticed today my ONE AND ONLY FAVORITE pair of jeans is starting to get a "wear" hole in the crotch where the zipper is

I LOVE these jeans... they are streach material, and they fit me fat, bloated, under weight, and everything in between! They are never too tight, but sometimes too loose and people get a hint-o-crack when I bend over or sit down, but hey those are the breaks when you have a pair of jeans ya LOVE! A little crack never killed no one.... I think. If anything hubby likes it

Oh and I also LOVE them because I do not even have to unbutton them to take them off! I just pull them down like they are elastic waisted LMAO! But yet they are actual jeans with a button and zipper and belt loops

Yeah... now I am bummed. When the "wear" hole gets worse I am going to have to stop wearing them. I ONLY have 4 pairs of pants! 2 jeans and 2 cargo. And my other pair of jeans are well... a little snug as of lately. But when I bought them... they were not so snug and then a few months later I could not even button them. And then a few months later I tried them again, and I could button them and were not even snug. BUT as of last week... I could not button them again

So... essentially... when this pair is no longer wearable .... I will have 2 1/2 pairs of pants.

Mo'Nana! I am sorry your neck and back are hurtin ya.

PLUS! Last night I have kicked his bootay at Magic the Gathering like just about every game we played. He does not even want to play that card game with me tonight. As I guess he does not feel like being a loser tonight.

 Hey Brisen and Joon! So you got your new hard drive in ? Yeah! I thought your daughter was coming in this weekend and ya'll were going to the fair?

Joonie my back and neck always hurts but sometimes it is excruciating

Jasmine I bet your the funnest mom in town [QUOTE=Brisen]

Sitting on the damn computer all day reformating my new hard drive has my neck aching too. I've got my Tens unit on and cranked up!


OOH you have a TENS?  Did the dr prescribe it?  Did insurance pay for it?  Does it help?
We went to the fair LAST night. Didn't you miss me last night??? 

They also pay for the replacement electrodes and patches...but I usually have to kick in a little for the replacement stuff. I absolutely LOVE it though...couldn't live without it!

Princess Fatback we missed you last night

And Just where were YOU Florence NightenGale???hmhmhm??

Poor Special K and I had to entertain ourselves, and I was feeling lousey, but wanted to check in, so we went to bed early. 

Hello Kelly and Joonie, I am glad you guys had a good day today.  I am sorry Joonie I love football.  Not College, just Pro. 

   LOL Brisen I haven't been here but for I post in two days

Yeah... daughter is looking forward to going to our state fair in Oct. As she is hoping she has growed 2 inches so she can ride the Ring of Fire. She was SOOO BUMMED last year when she was 2 inches too short and could not ride it. I just hope we have the money to take her. She is already counting down the days until Oct 14th.

 Thank you for missing me Shelly

 OK OK all is forgiven

I LOVE the useless facts of history, and I am missing my niche in life. 

Oh, I did sub for a Computer Graphics class that was using Correll Draw 4,...gosh that program is SO fun.  I also subbed for a class that designs websights...I was lost and told them so.  They were Jr. and Sr. so they were nice about it and I asked questions. 

OK, so I tried the fried Coke last night. What a waste of calories, it was practically tasteless.


It is fun and completely proper to eat your way through a fair.  What else is there to do???

Ok, Flo, explain fried Coke????

Our hot water heater sprung a leak and we had to buy a new one

 That Alaska history was very interesting Shelly, I would love to visit there

I have no idea how they fry coke, I think it's the bubbles that get fried, which is why it is practically tasteless. My daughter had fried avocados and my boys had fried twinkies and snickers. Crap, almost EVERYTHING we ate was fried!

First my AC and PC, now your water heater?

  I love fried, and fried loves my a**

Joonie hope you get your pussy cat

 Took me three days to poke that hole Brisen

Yep, Princess Fatback is a copy cat.  Keep it to yourselves...my laundry is going well.  I may even get caught up before the weekend ends. 

Flo...all of that fried stuff sounds gross, but I love avocados...not so much on the twinkies and snickers.

Thanks, Mo, I loved Alaska.  When I would shovel the mounds out of the driveway I used to be able to carve a place in the snow to put the kids in their snow suits, and I would shovel away.  No wonder I was skinny there.  I got chased by a Moose in our backyard too.

Hi, I'm beginning to feel 'spacy'? Going to sleep

The BEST was the indian fry bread and the funnel cake. YUM!

Nite Lynda!


Good night Lynda

 What is Indian fry bread Brisen?

Nite Lynda

I know it is something new and all.  I LOVE fry bread too.  I think I could live on it, but it would make me sooooo sick. 

Did we lose everyone else????


 Just me I'm kind of spacey

oh...you're having my Wednesday.  I suppose we could call it a night, but where is Karen????  Did she fall off the earth?

Special K...where are you...?

 I think Karen was having a big get together at her house tonight to make community plans for Halloween, she's probably worn out

I just reinstalled itunes and none of it's there.

Well that stinks!  Since Florence is not answering you about frybread I will.so there!

Fry bread is yeast bread that is rolled flat and fried in a pan with oil. YOu can put powdered sugar, cinnamon sugar or honey on it.  I have even seen it with chocolate.  It is yummmmmy, but it does go straight to your a** or belly in my case.

Thanks Shelly! You da bomb!  LOL


You used the same login and password right?? I bet you had it on your hard drive and not a music file with the program. 

I had the butter and garlic cheese fry bread and it was SOOOOO yummy!

And I DID start my diet today!

of course you did...you have to clean the arteries sometime...LOL!


That stinks about your music.  I have lost mine before too. 


 YUM that sounds good, bread is one of my worst weaknesses

 I would die if I lost all my music, and Trey would kill me

How is that boy of yours???


Oh MAN, Gale that is awful...I hate that feeling. 

Joonie why do you hate MUSIC???

Hi All!

Gale, I had a hard drive crash last year with no backup of my itunes stuff and sent them an email explaining my situation. They contacted me back immediately and after having me name enough of my downloads to know I wasn't making it up or something - they got me fixed up with everything. Pretty much immediately. It was amazing service! And it wasn't like they had to do it as it pretty much says everywhere that you are responsible - not them. But they certainly came through for me in a big way!


 Where you been Joonie? You know too many songs too hate music

 I bought Celtic Music CD's the other night. Karen thinks I'm weird

 I love it! Reminds me of Lord of the Rings and River Dance

Night everyone!

Oh I am going to try to get hubby to go to church in the morning if I feel like getting up. Because if hubby goes to church, in-laws take us to Ryan's for steak! WOOHOO!! Oh wait... I better not count my chickens before they hatch. I always get a little psyched about a possible steak on sunday, but then hubby decides to sleep in and then we are eating cereal when we wake up

Hi Miss Melly...that is awsome about iTunes!  Also good info for future.

Nite Joonie!

Melly - Thank's for the info! I'll definitely email them and see if they can help me.

Mona - I LOVE Celtic music! Listen to it at work all the time...so relaxing!

Music makes my head feel cluttered. Then I tend to be a little grouchy as I cannot make a complete thought while music is on.

I probably know a lot of songs from when I was a kid and when I hear them playing on a movie or when hubby MAKES me listen to his crappy crap rap/junk.

Hi Melly! I am going to bed!

Talk to ya'll tomorrow.... as a nice hot sit down shower is calling my name and so is me nice big comfy bed!

Nite Joonie....Steak on Sunday...that should be a tradition!  Tell him to get his butt outabed cause you want steak, and if you don't get it then it is TWO kitties! 

That'll learn 'im!

 Trey is so far so good Shelly, keeping my fingers crossed. He worked this week! Thats a goog thing! Hubby said he did fine, he lets him work in the office since it's so hot outside and in the building.

 Yes I have tons of cd's too

Hope they can help you like they did Melly, Brisen

Mo - A really good Celtic CD is "Emerald Castles" by Richard Searles. It was one of the first one's I bought back in the early 90's and I STILL listen to it!I love Celtic music too.  I do not have any CD's cause DD stole them all...she's a big ole thief!No one in my family would steel my Celtic music...they all laugh at me when I play it!

I would love to hang out, but I must, I must go to bed! 

I think we are going to the late service tomorrow.  I think everyone will sleep in. 

Love yas...don't stay up too late you Wild Women..you!


DD and I have a lot of the same tase in music.  My Gershwin CD's...yep...in her room.  Got ta love her though...actually I am contemplating not.  I asked her if she wanted to go Homecoming dress shopping with me...no, she has already made dates with two of her friends and I am NOT invited.  I just wanted to CRY!

Everybody makes  fun of my Celtic music [QUOTE=Brisen]Where's Katie tonight? And Karen? And Linda? What the heck, do they have lives or something???

Nite Kelly!!


 Night Jas

Karen had a get together at her house, Linda never stays up late anymore and Katie and Justin had plans tonight too. Yeah I guess were the losers

See you tomorrow Mo!

All my hubby is interested in is golf, and sports! He switches from one game to the other constantly, drives me crazy to watch tv with him!

 So I watch tv in here where my puter is, or fall asleep on the sofa

 Ok I'll talk to ya tomorrow. Do you like robaxin, I have some but never take it? I take flexeril

Hi Gale, A mere suggestion if all else fails on your tunes.

My husband moved all of our pictures, documents (lots of important stuff), medical notes, etc. He put them in a new external drive called "my book" I'm not even sure we are using it properly.THEN, he deleted it all from our computer. Anyway, the "my book" drive died a violent death!

We ended up calling or e-mailing the company, and they sent us a brand new one, and we had to send to broken one back. They assured us they will get rid of everything on it.  ANYWAY..He was devastated about losing the pics and documents. I figured I had nothing to lose, so I checked the "waste basket" and everything was there. (We are of limited literacy on computer). He thought I was so smart.

I bet your songs are somewhere within your computer. If you have time, go exploring.

Good Luck, Nini

PS Would anyone miss me if I didn't show up for a couple of days? I'm not being a big baby...just wondering. I feel like I'm not really offering much to the group.

Have a good night, all!

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