To: Wayney - Your Missed!! | Arthritis Information


We miss ya Wayney!

Hope you are feeling better! Hope to see ya postin' again soon.


I'll second that!!




She visited the boards today... just did not post to my knowledge.

Thanks guys.  I'm sorry I've not been posting.  I'm just in one of those moods I guess, where I don't have much to say.  I'm still battling the flare monster so I've pretty much been doing as little as possible and then heading to bed when Gar gets home.  After laying down awhile, I feel a little better. I'm just trying to hold on til Oct.  Insurance kicks in then. And according to all I've read, because I've been covered under that crap ins that does nothing for me since we have no script coverage I'm not hit with a pre-existing condition clause.  Also, I've had no treatment for 2 years and most times their window is 6 months to a year.  So, I'm dr hunting now and putting together a diary of symptoms to better advocate for proper treatment.  I'm also going back and noting what meds I've been on that work, that don't work and that give me horrible side effects.  And I'll hit em with all that's been happening...the IBS symptoms, the Sjogren's symptoms as well as my prior dxes of RA, OA, FMS, osteoporosis etc.  We'll see what happens from there. 
I'm also working hard on some stuff for the newsletter group that I help out on.  So that's taking a lot out of me.  In addition to trying to convince my mother that despite me feeling her pain doc is nto a good doc, that I do agree with his dx of RA for her but think his treatment was a bit of an overkill to start with.  Rather than something like MTX or one of the other DMARDs he first gave her plaq and then cytoxan.  Didn't explain that it was a chemo drug used for RA so she was understandably worried when she saw chemo on her labwork orders. 
I hope everyone is well and I do feel for those who aren't doing good.
hugs, wayney
I hope you get over the flare monster soon! And get to feeling better as well.

We've missed you around here, but also know that you're spread pretty thin with all your projects. You take on far too much; but that's what makes you Wayney.

Always know you're loved...and missed when we don't see you.

Take Care,


One more thing....

Sound like a hurricane is headed your way next week. Stay safe.

Hey Wayney,  You are right.  They can't hit you with pre-existing as long as you have had some insurance.  I am so mad because if I would have applied for medi-cal, I would not owe 00 from the winter when I was uninsured.  They also could not have kept me at bay all this time investigating pre-existing condition.  Live and Learn.  I have missed you also.  I know you have been working on newsletters and I hope you share your articles. 

Take care Wayney

Wayney ,I too miss you,I miss your sense of humor,I am glad insurance will kick in Oct.Hope the pain can ease till you can be seen,sherry   