Nodules R Growing | Arthritis Information


I had a neck and shoulder massage today to get rid of the tension in my shoulders, have been suffereing with horrendous headaches and pain down my right arm, breathing feels hot and stingy at the back of the rib case.

My therapist says one of the nodules under my right shoulder blade has grown to the size of an egg and its worrying her. She thinks it could be whats causing the tension.

Is anyone else dealing with this? My next RD appt, unless I'm dying is 6 months away.

Do you think its worth getting an xray.. would they show up? I've got smaller ones under the left shoulder blade, but they are not causing any problems.

Dear Sarah, I am sorry to hear of your growing nodule. I don't know anything about nodules, but if you are in pain and your therapist is concerned, I would make an appt with your doctor and not wait the 6 months. Is there something they can give you to reduce it?

I love that you are getting massages. I am ready to start doing that soon myself. I had a pretty bad experience with a chiropractor who gave me massages (about 8 months ago). He gave GREAT massages, but got a bit too creepy and unprofessional so I quit. I liked having a strong man's hands to massage me, but think I'll go to a woman from now on. What has your massage experience been like?

Your chiropracter gave you massages? That's a little confusing.

Nodules come and either stay or go. You can have them surgically removed,
if necessary.

Julia, my massages are fantastic. As I work for a living I decided long ago that I'm not high maintenance but I deserve to be pampered at least once a month. So each month for years I've had a facial and my hair done. At the beginning of the year I decided that rather than pay a huge sums of money to have my locks tended to I'd change and have a massage instead (more beneficial). I have a massage once a month. My therapist is a woman with big strong hands(and applies as much or as little pressure as you tell her too). She's been monitoring my nodules and working on them for years so her concern over the growth of one of them is a little alarming. I think I'll get an appt. when I get back from my holiday.

Your experience must have been really upsetting. It works both ways though. My therapist used to do both sexes however 2 years ago she was propositioned by a client (he was very aroused if you know what I mean

Anyway, I hope you find someone professional and female.


Gimpy whose to say feet people cant to other stuff too... obviously that's why he was creapy!"Gimpy whose to say feet people cant to other stuff too"

I'm so confused!OOOOOps, I'm getting mixed up with a podiatrist.... I havent been drinking honest

The majority of these medications we take require reqular monitoring of your blood. If you are on anything; including NSAIDS I'd question why you aren't being tested closer to every three months if you aren't indeeed just going for blood work without seeing your doctor. Some people do that.....and you may be one of them.

Hope you get everything figured out soon and you aren't in too much pain in the mean time. Best of luck.

I'm so sorry to hear about your nodule growing.  I definitely would have your doc have a look - particularly with it growing and perhaps contributing to your pain.  Sending you lots of hugs.  Please let us know how you are doing!



[QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo]Your chiropracter gave you massages? That's a little confusing.

Nodules come and either stay or go. You can have them surgically removed,
if necessary.[/QUOTE]

I had one that always did about 15 minutes of massage after working the kinks out of my back; it really helped.
I'm sorry, I'm just cracking up over the whole "feet people" exchange

I'm almost glad the therapist said she was concerned because my right arm has been tingling, my neck has been rock solid with tension and fingers have been tingling too. But you know how it is, with RA you seem to get hyper sensitive to everything and I sometimes get lost in the 'is this real or not' syndrome.

Thanks for your support.

I've never heard anyone describe it like that "hyper sensative" but that's exactly the case.