OT 9/10/07 | Arthritis Information


My turn to start

According to my Official US time clock it is 5:30 am Eastern time.

According to my watch it is 7:30 pm Australian Eastern Time.

How is everyone this early in the morning? (Besides comatose


Good evening here, 8pm on Monday night but good morning to the rest of you. Pammy and I will be off to bed sometime soon and most of you will getting up and the UKers are already into their day.
Hope everyone has had good pain free sleep.
Good morning!   All I want to know from you who have already lived through Monday, is it going to be a good day for those of us who are just starting it?


lorrie2008-11-21 00:20:04And I'm on the Sunshine Coast just north of you, Lorraine. Pleasant, sunshine, a cool wind.

I certainly hope it is going to be a good day for those of you just starting it, Link.

Goodmorning Friends!!!  Its soposed to be a gloomy day today but hopefully the rain will hold off till tonight like its soposed to... Hubby is working down the street from the house so he said he'd bring Kelsay to school then come home for lunch!!  YAY I only have to walk 1 mile today!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day and start to a new week!

hi everyone, I am below cordy and lorraine down in the south of aussie. We have had a light breeze and a few showers here with bursts of sunshine in between. A bit of something for everyone i suppose. Sitting here looking at my embrel ready to take in a weeks time after the tb test. So happy that i had reached limit on prescription card. now get free meds for rest of year. Including embrel. Yipee . thanking the aussie government for subsidising it for PA. Now I just hope it works.

Here in Melbourne Monday was a lovely day.  Fresh breeze and sunshine for most of the day.  I did laundry, ironing and emptied and filled the dishwasher and made dinner.  WOW  that was a big day for me.  But it was nice and I'm not feeling too bad.  Hands and hip are bad for the last few days. 

The worst part of the last few days is that hubby has the flu and is taking his own sweet time to get over it.

Hi Pammy, its amazing how when our hubbys are sick they get to just rest. Yet we seem to keep going as usual. When my D.H gets sick or is in pain we know all about , and yet I grin and bear it every day. But then again even though i struggle to to basic house duties I am forever pleased I am still able to do it. I found that grumbling gets me no where The main reason I did the laundry and ironing is that hubby usually does it and since he is feeling so lousy and went to work today I decided to surprise him and have it done when he got home.  He was really pleased cause when he got home he was feeling REALLY bad.  I hope he gets over this soon cause we are going on holidays in 10 days.  He has started taking antibiotics to ward off a sinus infection that he usually gets after a cold or flu.  [QUOTE=kelsaysmommy]

Goodmorning Friends!!!  Its soposed to be a gloomy day today but hopefully the rain will hold off till tonight like its soposed to... Hubby is working down the street from the house so he said he'd bring Kelsay to school then come home for lunch!!  YAY I only have to walk 1 mile today!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day and start to a new week!


The lead test requirement is based on zip code here in Illinois.  It's pretty stupid.  If you live in a zip code that the state has designated "high risk", then you have to have the child tested for lead.  If you do not live in a zip code designated "high risk", then you do not have to have the child tested for lead.  The zip code designations are based on percentage of people at or below the poverty line and average age of housing stock.  In my town, one of the zip codes is "high risk" and the other is not.  There are just as many old homes in the "good" zip code as in the "bad" zip code. The kids in the "good" zip code who live in old houses do not have to be tested.  They just get the screening questionnaire.  Kids in the "bad" zip code who live in brand new houses DO have to be tested.

I don't object to lead testing when indicated; what I find ridiculous is the arbitrary requirements that mandate yearly testing solely based on zip code.  One of my friends lives in the "bad" zip code, in a beautiful house built 5 years ago.  Her toddler has to be tested for lead each year - quite a traumatic event! And the state wants a venous blood sample; it can't be a finger prick. She's never tested positive; even our pediatrician (we take our kids to the same ped) thinks it's ridiculous.  Meanwhile, a friend in the "good" zip code is not required to have her child tested, even though they live in a house that is over 50 years old (which means it most likely has lead paint) and they are below the poverty line.
You would think they would test them when they start school and leave it at that unless problems show up.  Usually they aren't going to injest lead paint after toddlerhood, and most people know how to deal with old paint when renovating.  It's crazy that they have to be tested every year, especially by zip code, how discriminatory is that.Hopefully I will be able to get in to see my doctor today - I could barely sleep last night due to this damn throat!  I'm almost positive it's strep... swollen glands, severe pain, trouble swallowing, and white spots on the back of the throat and tonsils.  My first priority is getting the kids to their yearly checkup, though.  The little one needs a followup on his frequent nosebleeds, and the older one has a heart murmur that seems to have gotten worse in the past year.  It's probably time for another echocardiogram, which he thinks is wicked cool.
[QUOTE=pammy416]You would think they would test them when they start school and leave it at that unless problems show up.  Usually they aren't going to injest lead paint after toddlerhood, and most people know how to deal with old paint when renovating.  It's crazy that they have to be tested every year, especially by zip code, how discriminatory is that.[/QUOTE]

Yep - it's ridiculous.  I guess the state doesn't realize that there are old houses and people in poverty all over the state... and that children in new houses with rich families can get lead poisoning (Mattel toys, anyone?).
lol.  echos are cool.  watching your blood go through your heart is super cool.  Hopefully your older one's heart murmur can be fixed if it gets too much.  My son used to have nose bleeds when he was younger. I think it was something to do with his allergies and asthma and the meds he took.  When he bled he really bled.  He would sit on the toilet and just let it drip. The puddle on the floor would get bigger and bigger and splash blood on the wall.  It took a while to get him to actually try to stop it. [QUOTE=pammy416]lol.  echos are cool.  watching your blood go through your heart is super cool.  Hopefully your older one's heart murmur can be fixed if it gets too much.  My son used to have nose bleeds when he was younger. I think it was something to do with his allergies and asthma and the meds he took.  When he bled he really bled.  He would sit on the toilet and just let it drip. The puddle on the floor would get bigger and bigger and splash blood on the wall.  It took a while to get him to actually try to stop it.[/QUOTE]

Yea, the doc and I think the nosebleeds are due to allergies, aggravated by "mechanical intervention" (nosepicking).  The boy denies picking his nose, but the evidence is under his fingernails.

                   Good Morning Everyone!

Another beautiful day here in N.C. and though it will be fairly warm for the next couple of days we are in for some nice fall weather. I can't wait! Me and heat don't mix well together

Hope ya'll had a good weekend and raring to go this Monday morning! Year right, huh? Well I do hope ya'll have a good painfree week and can just enjoy life

Jasmine I'm sorry you still feel yukky so you have to take time for a culture sometime today! Pammy I hope all goes well with your test tomorrow

Shannon you are going to be so skinny with all that walking you're doing. I'm thinking about joining Phat's Fit Club, I need to so bad

Well I'm off to help my sister set up her new house. She and BIL just moved this weekend to their dream home and I am so excited for them. Ya'll have a great day friends! TTYL

I was able to get an emergency appointment w/ my doctor this afternoon.  Otherwise I was going to have to go to the acute care clinic... gawd I hate that place!  I'm going to have the kids tested for strep at their yearly checkup appointment this afternoon as well.  We were sharing slushies on Saturday... I wasn't thinking! Mona~ Yea I hope I get skinny with all this walking im doing.  I have a wedding to go to on the 29th...And of course like usual I have NOTHING to wear

Greetings from the always sunny High Desert of California.  We are having a cool down in weather and should only hit about 90 degrees here today.

Yesterday was great, I felt like a normal person, I walked without a limp, I was able to turn my door handle and eat some solid food without my jaw hurting.

But, the pain is back today.  I don't know what happened.  Why is it that one day you can feel great, almost forget that you have RA, and then the next day you have a "BAD" day, where you have to take a pain pill just to go to the bathroom.

This disease never fails to amaze me.  I made so many plans yesterday and now I have to cancel everything until the pain pills enable me to walk without screaming.

Sorry for the venting.  I needed it though

I have been having a hard time dealing lately. Not sure why. I just feel like I am a waste of space and that I am just lazy like everyone thinks I am. I had made up my mind early this morning after typing out that email that I was going to "screw it" and do what I need to do and if I have to take ALL of my meds and even call for some more just to do something to feel needed and wanted around here I will.

So... if ya'll do not hear much outta me this week... it is because I have decided that my body CAN do what I need to do... which is clean the house and KEEP it clean, wash dishes UGH!, do laundry (poor burning shoulder blades), and made dinner (here goes the fits not being able to open stuff by myself).

Yep... at least if I got a kitten she would entertain me and love me no matter what. Oh well... no kitten as of yet, BUT I will get one!

Joonie, we just got a kitten at the animal shelter and she's so tiny about .7 lbs. We were foster parents to her until she was big enough to be spayed last week. I made the mistake of giving her a bottle when she cries. Now she thinks I am her mommy and meows her head off If I am out of her sight. She sleeps under my neck and I wake up to her trying to nurse on my neck, lip, ear lobe, eye lid- anything she can. I give her a bottle with water in it and she sucks a bit and goes back to sleep. I've taught her to fetch pom-poms, which is pretty cute. She loves our big dogs and snuggles down with them which is pretty cute too. Only bad part is she screams her head off if I am out of her sight...

Yeah I remember when I was a kid and had kittens they were so FUN and made me laugh and entertained me quite well.

I had a cat that had kittens one time, me and my nieces got to keep a kitten each. Well... we liked to dress our kittens up in baby clothes and one of my nieces liked to wrap hers up in a blanket like a baby. Well... one night she done it and left the kitten in the recliner and my Crazy Uncle, who was also an alcoholic, sat down in the chair and crushed the cat. It died. Yeah... I remember my mom telling me my Uncle sat on my kitten and me crying and then... my kitten ran across the floor while she was talking to me and I told her it must not have been my kitten. It turned out to be my nieces kitten

Yep, I dressed that cat until he ran away

I want another baby !!!!!

Huggs anyways. Just "adopt" one of theirs, I would

Right now I am listening to my daughter complain about dinner. She does not like pork chops w/mushroom soup, creamed corn, but she will eat the mac & cheese. But right now she is talking about the creamed corn. And son is running back and forth to the table taking bites here and there and playing with his toys.

Yeah... 2 kids are no FUN! Especially when they are constant complainers!

Ugh. Anyway, I fell at work. Well I'm still AT work, but I fell earlier. I tripped over the cord to the space heater and caught myself with the base of my hand/wrist on the corner of the counter top. All of my weight with one hand. I am so sore and it only happened about 30 minutes ago. My whole arm aches though and my palm is all red and the skin is tough like its swollen, but it doesn't really look swollen. I can type, but I can't really use the mouse. It seems to be only really specific movements that hurt it, or I just CAN'T move it, and it doesn't hurt. I dunno. I've been icing it, and other than that I'm not real sure what to do. I don't think anything is broken, I think I'd be in a lot more pain. I think my tendons are swollen and aggrivated though. I have no idea. But now I'm in an even worse mood.

I've been trying to act like I'm in a good mood but I've been totally lying, and I think that's made it worse. So I'm just going to admit to it and see if I can beat the blues that way.

On the upside, I get to go home in an hour and I have tomorrow off and I have NO PLANS. yay.

Ouchy, ouchy!  I hope you have just sprained your wrist!  Geez The Bad News Bears seem to have moved in to stay with everyone!

Is it time to go home yet?

Well, hubby read my email I sent him earlier this morning. Actually he read half of it and decided I was talking a bunch of crap and went on to do something else. I asked him if he read it all, and he said "No." I told him if he did not go back and read it all, I would not talk to him anymore today. So... he went back and read it all. I know he did because he made fun of me leaving out a word in the last paragraph of the email.

Then I asked him if he had anything to say about what I said and he said "You are just mad because I will not let you have a cat."

I was like NO... and then he said "You are just talking sh*t now, so..."

Then I told him if he did not reply to my email with why my points I made in my email were not valid, then I will not talk to him anymore until he answered and the answers could not be any smart ass remarks or anything of that sort, but pure valid answers as to why my points I made were not valid.

I am outta Hawaiian Punch. I had a full cup on the table and son sneak-a-ly drank all of it

Oh my mom had surgery on her other eye today. And NONE of us kids were up there. My oldest sister HAD to work. My other sister claimed she had no money for gas, and told mom that she called me but I was not home. What a crock of poo! I was home all day yesterday and until 7pm! The phone did not ring once! My oldest brother just did not know about it as he is "missing". And I was depending on my other sister to take me, when she went. I would have been able to come up with money for gas. But she did not call.

Anyways... my mom's friend that took her for her surgery stayed with her. She told my mom that she could not leave her there alone. I told my mom "It only took you until you were 76 to get a good best friend."

Katie~ Sorry you had a bad day and that you hurt yourself.  Try and take it easy tomorrow.....and if your hand is still bothering you go in and see the dr...im gonna tell you what you told me, dont go bein like Joonie and wait a long time to have it looked at

You both procrastinate in getting stuff checked out, sooo PFFFFTTT!

Anyway, you need to take care of your hands. You are still young, but it could cause you a lot of problems when your are older. I speak from experience.

You should probably put in an incident report with your supervisor, too, just in case there is something that will require repair or something at a later date. Of course, I don't know what the Worker Comp requirements are in Florida. In California, it is very strict. The employer is supposed to file a report with Work Comp within 24 or 48 hours. I can't remember which.

Just a suggestion about the worker comp., but you really do need to get it checked.

Feel better, Sweetie


I sprained my thumb once when attempting to put a folder away in my file cabinet at work.  I put some ice on it, and the HR rep saw me and asked what happened.  I was immediately sent to the acute care clinic for x-rays, courtesy of workmen's comp.  I felt like a complete ass... but the HR chick said that it was standard policy.  ANY injury at work was covered under workmen's comp, even if it was my own clumsiness. Well, the boys and I all went to the dr this afternoon.  The boys got a chickenpox booster shot.  I felt bad for them - I had told them there wouldn't be any shots today.  The pediatrician said that they're finding that the single chickenpox shot doesn't offer enough immunity, so they're recommending boosters.  I worry about what's going to happen when the boys are young adults - will the chickenpox vaccine wear off by then?  Will they be "man" enough to get a booster? Chickenpox is more serious in adults.  Other than that, both boys are doing fine. 

I got in to see my dr this afternoon; I do indeed have strep, so I'm taking Biaxin.  He was amazed that I had been dealing with this since Saturday and hadn't broken down and gone to the acute care center!  My throat is raw and covered in white pus.  He gave me a lidocaine solution to gargle with so that I can try to drink something other than water or weak lukewarm tea. He also recommended I take some Vicodin if the lidocaine didn't work. I tried the lidocaine; it was nasty.  I numbed my mouth but not my throat.  I broke down and took two Vicodin and was finally able to eat something for the first time in two days.  By morning, the Biaxin should start to work and the pain will be greatly diminished.  I'm staying home from work tomorrow anyway.  I will still be contagious for a day or so after starting the antibiotic, and we all share keyboards in the lab area at work.

Kelly that just stinks.  So the boys came out negative for strep?  Thank goodness you don't have to take care of them while you're fighting it.

Enjoy your day off.  Be good to yourself and just take it easy!

We didn't test them; the doc said that even if they've caught it, they probably would not test positive anyway, and they were howling about the idea of throat swabs. LOL They're so cute Kelly!!

My hand is feeling better, just a bit sore. My pinky is kinda sore too. I'll see how it's doing in the morning. I'm not going to report it because they'll take the heater away, and we NEED that heater. I was the one that left the cord out, and didn't wrap it up behind the heater like we usually do. My bad!! I'll be okay.

I'm home and MUCH happier now. :) Yay!
Yay, Katie is happy and Katie is home to enjoy her day off tomorrow!!!Where's MoNana and Gale and Joonie and Shelly and everyone????? It's so quiet!!  Excuse me, Biscuit.

And Princess Fatback. Hi everyone...I'm here, just popped in to say hi, but can't stay long.Why can't you stay and visit?  What have you got better to do than be here?

 Hi I just got here too, Benn talking to Shelly on PM, she's going through a rough time and needs our prayers and thoughts. How is everyone tonight?

My sister and BIL got moved in their new house and are staying their first night there. It's really beautiful,


  We have missed you KarenKitties are less than impressed..... Good for you Katie! Glad you're feeling better!


 Hi Katydid, so glad your ok with all the snots and stuffMe too. I really hate my bitchy self. It's just not me! I mean, I'm bitchy, but not like THAT. I just wanted to bite everyone's head off. EVERYONE. It was so bad!! I haven't felt like that in a looonngg time. I wonder what caused it?


 Probably two periods in one month, your hormones have to be going haywire

Had my MRI today.  Not fun at all, just glad it's done!!!


How did that go Karen????? Ya sore? :( Did they make you lay all funky and stretched out weird?? I totally spaced and forgot to call Lizzie!! I'll give her a shout tomorrow and see how her infusion went.
Karen - Are you looking at a hip replacement pending the results of the MRI?I feel pretty good right now, but it hurt like heck during the test and for a couple hours after.  But it's over.  Seemed to take forever!  It's so hard to lay still when you are in pain, but I did it.  Didn't have to do anything over!Well good, at least you're not in pain now. That would suck! How long did it take? I already know I'm going to need a hip replacement, but we're hoping to wait as long as possible before I have it.  They only have a shelf life of 10-15 years usually, and since I'm pretty young I would probably have to have it done again  .  So the longer I can wait the better.Karen, they're doing ceramic hip replacements now that are supposed to last 20+ years.Well they have a longer shelf life than Twinkies............that's a plus....... [QUOTE=Hillhoney]I already know I'm going to need a hip replacement, but we're hoping to wait as long as possible before I have it.  They only have a shelf life of 10-15 years usually, and since I'm pretty young I would probably have to have it done again 


 Oh wow Karen that stinks! When will you get the results? Sometime this century I hope!

I wanna come to your halloween thingy! I know it will be a blast!' I saw a wreath for a door today made out of bloodshot eyeballsOr an oil can like the tin man!!!

Son just got home and I need to talk to him, so I'll see you all tomorrow evening.

Nite everyone!

Nighty night Gale!  Good night Brisen. Have a good night

Well let's see Mona, it would probalbly be about a 12 hour ride for you - that's not too bad is it? 

Not too bad if you come get me


 Ah Heck you can come get me about two weeks before halloween and I might even help out someYeah you can come get me too. It'll be my birthday present. Haha Yeah, we would be a sight traveling together, wouldn't we! Yeah and we'll pick up Joonie on the way back and everyone else can fly there! We'll all stay with you Karen


 You won't drive over 45mph will ya Karen, I get car sick real easy??

Well I do have three coffins available for overnights!  Feel free to make a reservation, LOL


eeeewwwwww Karen, oh well if it's all you got....

No no it's okay, I'll get us a hotel room!

We had a family reading by a medium once and she asked me, "Did you put chocolate candy in someone's coffin?"  LOL

I wasn't thinking about Halloween and said "NO".  Then hubby said, "Oh yes you have!" 

I guess the folks on the other side are getting a kick out of the things we do!

LOL Well why wouldn't they? It's AWESOME!


 What's awesome? Brittany Spears' performance last night? [QUOTE=Hillhoney]

Each year we have to think of a scare for when they get their candy.  This year someone is going to be "gutted" and the candy will spill out of their stomach for people to grab off the floor!  Kind of like a human pinata!




 Sounds Gross! Just perfect for halloween! Well, girls, I'm going to go to bed.  My throat is starting to hurt again... hopefully by the time I wake up, the Biaxin will have kicked a whole bunch of bacterial butts.  Nasty little bastards!!!! Alright Justin is a strange boy. I'm listening to his music on "random"

I just went from listening to a ghetto rap song with lyrics of:
"do your chain hang low do they wobble to the flo' do it shine in the light? is it platinum is it gold? ...... Is that your chair? 'Bout 24 inches is how I let it hang...." (Yeah it just gets worse from there) But anyway, from THAT tragedy of a song to.....


That's right folks, my other half listens to ghetto rap and Wham!

Oh yeah. I'm marrying this.....yup...
'  How are you feeling Jas? You must be a tough cookie! I've heard strep throat makes you awfully sick! I've never had it, thank goodness

Good night Jas, hope you really feel better tomorrow

Katie I said you Justin are a paradoxUh, I just heard gun shots??????? [QUOTE=moana]'  How are you feeling Jas? You must be a tough cookie! I've heard strep throat makes you awfully sick! I've never had it, thank goodness Night Jazzy!  I hope you feel tons better tomorrow!


 Good night again Jas!

 I am read for bed too, I'm helping my sister again tomorrow

    Good Night Ya'll


Talk to everyone tomorrow.


Awwww nighty night ladies!!! Guess I'll get some shut eye too. :)
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