Totally OT -what age do kittens lose | Arthritis Information


their baby teeth? It's been many years since I had a kitten. She's a Kamikaze, and man those suckers are sharp!Deb, Samus is about 5 months old now and she just lost her little side ones, but she has a few left to lose still. They ARE sharp! I found one of her baby teeth in the bed and I HAD to keep it. Its just so cute!!!!Honestly, you guys, I want a kitten! LyndaKitten teeth are nothing compared to baby hedgehog quills!! OUCH!  They lose their baby quills when they are a couple months old. The big-boy quills are not nearly as sharp as the baby quills. Those things go right through socks and toes! thanks Jaz, for the laugh. Animals can be so much fun and so funny.(my son has a dog that licks everyone, all the time! Well, my son 'yelled' at him and said , 'no licking'!! So when we'd come to visit he'd lick me once!!,just once. then quit. Soooo funny. My son loves that  dog....another story. LyndaYeah Samus's thing right now is to steal and napkins or paper towels she can find. She SHREDS them. She's also into paper towel tubes, and magazine corners. At one point she stole a spork left over from KFC, and ran around with it for a few days. I let her keep it only because I caught her gnawing on it REALLY hard and she was purring!!  So I know it must have felt really good on her gums. She's such a cutie!! Our cats like to play pop cap hockey.  They absolutely love the plastic caps from Coke bottles! omg YES I opened the closet door to the A/C unit to change the filter the other day, and there were like...10 in there.  I never thought about her flinging them under that door. LOL I can't imagine how many more are under the fridge, stove, washer, dryer......we're suckers for her and she gets so many bottle caps from us. Hehehe my kitten is nearly 12 months and still acts like a baby. she loves hitting pens of the cupboard and playing with them. plus she keeps stealing the bath plug.i find it in some weird places. she absolutely loves flies.if one gets in the house she will chase it until she gets it then eats it (yuck) she leaps right up in the air or climbs the curtains to get them.Cats are so naughty yet so cute.