OT: Chat 9-11-07 | Arthritis Information


Morning Friends!  Well today is the 6th year anniversary of the WTC attacks.  Is anyone planning on watching any of the memorial events?  It doesnt seem like its been 6 years already eh?

Not much planned for today.  Just classwork for me.  One day I will be done w/ this..Hopefully...

Hope eveyone is having a good day today!



                           Good Morning Friends!

Hope ya'll are having a good day so far! Another beautiful day in store for us again but hopefully some much needed rain by the evening. My neck is feeling the effects of the front pushing through

I got an e-mail that asked everyone to burn their head lights today in remembrance of 9/11. I hope I/we will remember in honor of those who died that day and for those that are still serving our country in such dangerous times.

Well I'm going to go help my sister unpack some more "stuff" today. Come to think of it that may be why my neck is so sore this morning

Oh well hope ya'll have a great day, Shannon I hope you get a ride for Kelsay. It will be getting cold pretty soon


It's soposed to be an alright day in IL.  In the low 70s today and soposed to be like this all this week and next.  I can handle that cause that means i can wear my hoodies!!!! YAY Well I left a message for the superintendent, his secretary said that he should be able to call me back today. If not I will bug em to death LOL

Well, it's chilly here in the mitten today

I know that to many of you, fall is a good thing.  To me it just means that summer is over and before long it will be gray, frigid, and snowy.  I hate winter, and fall might as well be winter.  Man, I gotta get out of Michigan.  We have 3 decent months here.  The rest just sucks.

Here's a weird thing....I just saw my dog go walking passed the back door with a banana in his mouth. Hmmmm.  Wonder where he got it.

Well I talked to the superintendent and he seems really nice and willing to want to help me out.  He said he has left messages for the reginal office who handles busing to try and get Kelsay on a bus.  From what he was saying they cant just add somone if they dont "qualify" for bussing or all of the funding from the state is void.  He says that its stupid and is really trying to get her on a bus or some kind of transportation to school.  He also said that he will call me by friday with an answer or a status update to make sure I know they are still working on i and havent forgotten about me.  So we'll see where it goes from there.I just had some good news delivered to me by my dog in the the form of a burp!!  I recently read an article that said that one of the earliest signs of Alzheimer's disease is the loss of the sense smell, particularly bananas and citrus.  Well, that banana my dog found and ate......let's just say that I can still smell bananas. I will mention it to him when he calls back.. Lets see what they come up with first.  Lets make em work a little bit eh? LOL  I totally see where you are coming from Katie, eveyone has their own way of dealing w/ things. [QUOTE=Linncn]I just had some good news delivered to me by my dog in the the form of a burp!!  I recently read an article that said that one of the earliest signs of Alzheimer's disease is the loss of the sense smell, particularly bananas and citrus.  Well, that banana my dog found and ate......let's just say that I can still smell bananas.

Linncn--you made me laugh.  That is truly putting a positive spin on things.

JasmineRain--what a smart mom you are.   School does seem to be so much better than going to the doctor and then in bed for the rest of the day.  I would like to borrow this idea the next time my 12yo decides she "doesn't feel good".

Yay, score one for mom!  Nice job Kelly.

I don't plan on watching the memorials either, Katie, but for a different reason.  It is just too hard emotionally.  I know I am not able to "let it go".   I have seen some of the family members on TV discussing this - some need the memorials desperately, while others can't handle them and ignore them, because it brings back all the pain and horror, fresh and new again.  So I guess I am taking time to remember, but from a distance.

On another note, WE HAVE RAIN!!!!!  We really need it.  We were starting to go into drought conditions, so this makes me and my well very happy!



Yea I will not be watching them either for the same reason Karen.  After it first happened I could barely sleep following it because of horible nightmares, same thing w/ after Katrina.  I'm also not going to watch it cause I do not want Kelsay seeing it.  Hubby and I both feel that she is to young to watch something like that right now.

Kelly~ I loved that.. Im gonna have to use that when Kelsay is "sick" though she is starting it already.  She says her back hurts and her hands hurt. Though they have miraculously (sp?) gotten better after I have stopped saying mine hurt. HMMM i wonder how that happened?  LOL Kelly! Go mom  Feck. My hand HURTS now.  An addict to the end baby!!!! Woo!! When my dog came in after eating the banana, he was all wet.  I thought he'd had a roll in the dewy grass.  But guess what...I just got home from work and he's still "wet".  Come to find out, he isn't wet at all.  This bone head managed to roll his entire body all over one little banana.  I have to go give him a bath.

Ewwww 'nanner DOG!

Jasmine - I use to do that all the time, except in California they had this like test strip thermometers that they stuck under your tounge and if you would take them outta your mouth and rub them on your pants and let them get really high, and then just before the nurse gets back to check it put it back in your mouth and you have an automatic 101.something temp

Yeah... I learned that from when I was in kidnergarden - 4th grade

I did however, make dinner last night. Well... hubby said I started it and he finished it. I cannot help I cannot get a hot pan outta the oven by myself. I did do the mac & cheese by myself.

Yeah we invite his grandpa over to eat with us most days. And he knows hubby has been cooking dinner. So... he tells hubby last night on his way out that dinner was extra good tonight. And I was in the bathroom and heard him talking to hubby. He even told hubby during dinner that is was really good. I did say "I made dinner tonight." But I think he thought I was playing around, as I say that every night joking. And then hubby walked him out to his car and told him that I made dinner and he said "Oh I thought you did, well it was good anyways."

My son just came in crying because he stomped a butterfly and it died. I told him he killed it and it is dead, and then told him to throw it outside before his sissy comes home and calls him a murderer.

He threw it outside all right on the sidewalk and daughter saw it and her daddy told her Andrew stomped it and then she called him a murderer!

See I know my daughter

  I watched part of the memorial. My Son In Law is in the Army (lifer) and was stationed in the Pentagon 9/11. SIL brother and brothers girlfriend also were in the Army. Brother was off that day. Brothers girlfriend wasn't. She was killed. She (We called her Sunny) was also my daughters best friend. needless to say I was worried sick. On the one hand I was happy to get the call from my SIL, and that he was alright. But horrified and sick when he told me Sunny didn't make it.

  I had to take my Mom (she will be 88) to her Drs appointment today. I love my Mom, but she doesn't have the best attitude. Hard to be around when your not feeling up to begin with. But I made it through, LOL. 

  Arriscoleww, I hope your hand feels better real soon.

   Linncn, I know just how you feel about winter. I love the beautiful colors of Fall, but dread what comes after. I'm very glad that for a few weeks, at Christmas we will be in Florida visiting our Daughter, SIL and grandkids. Will give us a break for a bit of the cold weather.... Hahahaha, I had a good laugh about your dog and the banana


Lori....I'm so sorry about your brother's girlfriend, Sunny.  I don't know what else to say about it, it just makes me sad for her, and her friends and family.  And for all of us.



  Hey Ya'll

Linda ,cracking up at your dog

I didn't watch any tv today, I was busy for one thing but I just didn't think I could handle that today. I am glad that it is commemorated every year for all those that needed it. My heart goes out to them

My sister and BIL will probably spend the night here tonight so I may not be around later. Their house smells like Kilz



Well, Mo, when you put it that way a banana doesn't seem so bad.  He needed a bath anyway.  Hmmmm, maybe that's why he did it  Have a fun night with your company.Yeah he was just asking you to bathe him, that's all!!! 

My son used to wake up grouchy if someone woke him up.  If he woke on his own he was fine.

I'm not grouchy when I wake up, but Im on the bubble.  It can go either way.  I like happy best, but ya know, sometimes ya just can't swing it.

Yup. I think he's in a bit of pain today. He went back to bed. Poor thing. :( I feel so helpless sometimes. I just want to fix him.

My hubby is doozing on the couch right as we speak. Or he was until I starting yelling his name to come take care of his son's mess

I am hardly ever in a good mood when I wake up. I am usually just here. My mom use to call me emotionless when I was a kid.

Yeah I try to avoid people who have an "upbeat" attitude. Like there is this one girl that hubby knows, it is his ex-supervisors daughter, and she is kinda has an "upbeat" attitude, but she does not annoy me so much because it is mixed with a goofy attitude too. PLUS I have heard the "horror" stories of how she is normally a bitch to everyone, so I feel me & hubby bring out the best in her LMAO!LOL Y'all would hate me. I'm normally bubbly and chipper and annoying. 24/7 Sometimes I wonder how Justin deals with me. LOL

Yeah, Katie... I might be able to get along with ya 24/7... because you have that goofy attitude too.

I did not say I did not laugh, just never look or act happy I'm always happy. I can almost always, 99% of the time, find the good points of whats going on around me. I REALLY don't know how Justin deals with me....LOL He doesn't deal with you, he loves youAwwwwww

Yeah, I must not have looked to "happy" saturday. Hubby's aunt and uncle came over for the football game get together at in-laws. And usually his uncle has some smartass remark to make to me. Like in his own way say I am fat or why I am not smiling. Blah blah blah. I most of the time try to avoid him.

So... Saturday I was in the kitchen with MIL & her sister listening to the drama. Then he comes in the kitchen and like props up against the fridge where I was standing and acted like he was going to step on my foot. He just hoovered his shoe over my foot and slowly pressed down the more I ignored him. Finally... he said you are going to let me step on your foot? I just gave him that "go to hell" look and did not say anything. Then he EWW!! touched me under my chin and asked me what was wrong with me and I did not say anything... I just walked off and went to see hubby. Then I went back into the kitchen after he left out.

Yeah... I guess I must have looked really "sick" as that guy NEVER asks me how I am feeling and all that day that is all he asked was how I was feeling and before he left he made a point to tell me he hoped I got to feeling better soon.

Oh yeah... and hubby replied to my email last night after a few hours of badgering him to answer it and all he replied with was...

I don't know what you are talking about because I do love you.

Yeah... not the answer I was looking for, but I will take it Yay Pammy!!! Where are you going again???? I'm a space cadet, I know....

SAMOA   in the South Pacific



I have already started packing

awww Joonie we all get on each others nerves at times around here. It doesn't mean hubby doesn't love ya

Sister and BIL aren't here yet, still busy, so we didn't go out to dinner

Oh yeah! Hubby found out today from the bus driver, that son can start pre-school at daughters school when he is 3! So, next school year, son is off to pre-school... YAY!!! It will be soooo much cheaper on me and son will actually be taught something, unlike daycare. And if my RD does decide I can work, I can go to work while the kids are in school, as they will not be home until 4pm and by that time hubby will be home from work. This might work out well.

But I did feel sooooooo much better after hitting send on that email. I thought about deleting it off his myspace inbox before he got home, because I felt soooo much better mentally. But I knew he would just say I was crazy and to stop talking about crazy stuff. But he did not just replied with that.

But I do feel better.

 Oh good Joonie I'm glad you feel better about things with you and hubby

I've been on the phone with Trey for about two hours. He and hubby are out of of town for three days. He is not doing good, really upset and nervous, crying and wants to come home. I called hubby and told him what was going on and he went to the truck to talk to him and see if he can calm him down. We both are so frustrated and at a loss here. I think we're doing all we can do, I just hate to see my son like this. Hubby will call me back in a bit, may bring him home.


Thats the one drawback of Australia, the poisonous things.  Killer jelly fish, killer octopus, killer sharks, killer snakes, killer spiders, not my idea of fun.  Okay the killer spiders just turned me off big time. I HATE spiders.

Why the hell do they have 8 legs? How is that natural?? Hahaha WHO NEEDS EIGHT LEGS???!
I sorry Mo'Nana When I was in South Africa, we had to go hiking through this dense rain forest like area.  There were big tangled vines that we'd have to climb through, and spiders that spun yellow ebs.  Big ones too.  Anyway, I don't much like spiders, poisoness or not.  I jst had to push spiders out of my mind and push through.  And I did it.  It's cool finding out what you're really made of, doing things that scare you.  I think that's one of the reasons I loved SA so much.  I did so much that I thought I couldn't do. Yeah, it was alrightMona......Im sorry your son has to deal with this, and I know it's gotta be hard on you too.  Things will be ok though.  That probably sounds like a stupid thing to say.  I wish I had something better.Well as much as I hate them I've been giving a lot of thought to my fears and my anxiety lately. It's actually gone through my head that I'd like to go to the zoo, and see if I can get them to let a spider walk on me. Maybe I can conquer the fear. Them suckers still shouldn't have 8 legs though. I mean really.


 Thanks guys I really appreciate it! I guess it's like two steps forward and one step backward

 I need to go on a safari! Calgon take me away!Katie, I don't think a zoo would let you handle an animal.  But if you go to a pet shop, like an exotic pet shop you could find a spider to walk on you.  I know tarantulas look pretty scary, but really they can't kill ya.  BUT, if you do hold one, you can't freak out and throw it.  If you do, it's belly will burst when it hits the ground.  My SIL killed one of hers that way.  Well, she didn't throw it, but it fell.Mo...I thought you had company tonight?  And you are NEVER a downer.  Ever.omg, GROSS. And then I'd have to buy the stupid dead thing, too.

Hey Princess Fatback! 

I'm sorry it is so hard for Trey right now.  I know he is taking meds, have you thought of counseling also?  Maybe he needs to talk with someone about it.

Sounds like he has some great parents though!


I think it sounds really good.  You'll feel good about yourself too. It is ver empowering ( I always feel silly using that word, but it fits) to conquer a fear.Oh yeah, and does he ever write out how he's feeling?? Karen and I were just talking about how venting is great therapy!! If he doesn't feel comfortable talking to someone just yet, maybe he can write it all out, and just keep it to himself. Then when he's ready, he can talk to someone? Don't ever forget that my offer still stands, I'll talk to him anytime he'd like to. Hey, where's Gale? I am tired. I am yawning. I was actually having a continous dream today. I would wake up go pee and then I would pick my dream right back up where I left off. It was pretty damn cool! I do not remember what the dream was about, but just thought it was pretty cool that the dream kept on even after I woke up a couple of times to go pee and when son woke me up at 5:30am to let him in the bed with us.

 Thanks Linda, I sure do feel down though

Katie I'm afraid of wind but I'm not going to stand in the middle of a tornado to see if I can get over it!


Gale is probably still STUFFED from eating her way around the fair the other night. Or her neck is still bothering her and she is passed out from muscle relaxers. Or BOTH HAHAHA!Joonie, you just reminded meof my dream last night.  My hair was thinning on top, but their was some long strsnds growing out of my face from my cheek.  It was long past my chin, and I was trying to hold my head tilted in such a way that no one would notice.Ok, if not a tornado, how about a hurricane, Mo'Nana?I had a dream that I was hiding a serial killer. Haha It was so strange. We made him a fake ID, and they ended up putting the guy in jail, that we "stole" his pic of. So somehow we switched his identity with an innocent man. It was SO strange. Then I realized what I had done, and I threw a party to distract the killer, and tried to escape to tell the cops where he was. I ended up getting away, but I had to hide out in the witness protection program. I was living in a community house with about 9 other people. We all had out own room with bathroom, and we shared the kitchen and living space. I somehow got the best room in the house, with a kick ass jetted tub.

LMAO @ Link! So you had a nice cheeky comb-over eh?

Link to tell you the truth the part of my dream I remember was I kept finding grey hairs in my hair. I know weird, but that is all I remember about my dream. Oh and we were in some kinda weird ship that spun around in the water because some creature under the snow was dragging us down and spinning it around and then we would float back to the top. It was weird. Do not ask. Just happy I was dreaming

 Linda~My sister called and said the smell was not bad at all and they're staying home. I'm kind of glad even if I did change the linens and clean the bathroom. I wont have to do that this weekend

 Karen me and Trey talked again about counciling and I think he is ready to go. He hates feeling this way and I've said and done all I know, so has hubby. It is time for a professional and we already have talked to one who who is just waiting for Trey to make an appointment *sigh*, I feel so overwhelmed and out of my league with this onePammy I'm sorry you have to have those nasty things!!! :( I hope they go well though. I mean, as well as sticking something like that up your butt can really go, right?????

Mona, it would be far worse to be out of your league and be unwilling to admit that, or just not see it.  This is a move forward.

Pammy.  Well, in 9 days you'll be in Samoa.  In two days this will all be over.

Oh... I was watching the VMA Awards that aired on MTV the other night. And Sarah Silverman said "If you ever want to get out of anything all you have to say is 'I have diarreha'."

Too funny! Oh and I kinda thought her monologue about Britney Spears was hilarious! HEheheheehee


 Sorry about your overnighter in the loo Pammy, hope everything comes out  all right

Weird drug induced dreams, or highly intelligent minds that work overtime?

Joonie, I heard her monologue about Britney S. was really really mean.  I am very much not a fan of hers, I just never like it when someone'll kick ya when your down.Oh I used to have dreams like that too Karen! Like my leg would  "disappear" and I'd wake up to find it was asleep from swelling.

Well of course I am going to choose the second option!

Actually the only pain med I take is ibuprofen, so I don't think it's that! 

Hummm... I guess my dream was highly intelligent mind that worked overtime


Well   gotta go to work guys.  Have a great night and I'll catch up with you when its all over tomorrow.  At least I will have a nice drug induced nap

Catch ya'll later. It was funny looking. But she was wrong for involving her kids in on the monologue.Nighty night Pammy!!!!!! Sleep well! Good luck with everything Pammy!Night Pammy.  Joonie, I don't know any part of it, someone just told me it was mean.


 Brittany needs to get her life together before getting back in the lime light. She's a train wreck and needs help. The thing is that anybody close to her or on her payroll gets the axe when they tell her that.I agree with you Mona.  I just think it must suck to be her.  Can you imagine having someone in your face 24/7 with a camera, just waiting to have someting bad to say about you?  I mean, I heard on the news that OMG Britney let her kids have doritos and they were saying that as though it is proof that she is an unfit mother.  And this wasn't some dumb hollywood news show, it was the 6 o'clock news.Yeah I was a bit upset when they were spazzing that she let the one have juice in a bottle. I mean.....really? Juice? So what! It's bad if you put them to bed with a juice bottle or even milk.  The sugar rots their teeth.

I can't give her a pass on that though Link.  She is the one who puts herself into the public eye.  She was out of control before the kids were born, with her 15 min. marriage in Vegas, and insisting on marrying K-Fed, even though he had another woman pregnant and was obviously after her money and her ability to further his career.

She is determined to keep the negative publicity going too.  She works hard at it!

Women with 2 young kids need to stop putting themselves first, and make every decision based upon what is best for their kids.  And if they are unhappy with their life, do positive things to change it, instead of playing victim and using their childhood as an excuse for bad behavior.

I thought they were saying it was soda.  At any rate, everything this woman does with her kids is viewed as being wrong.  Granted there are certainly instances where it has been.  IE: kid not in a car seat.  However I guess this is what happens when you're a public figure. 


 I guess thats the price you pay to be famous and make bad choices. Some I think are just nit picky like the doritos and juice, but showing your naked crotch to the public, drugs and drinking, are not "little" blunders. Plenty of famous, rich, people don't act like that. Jody Foster is a good example of a child entertainer who kept it together during the young adult years.

Ok... well now I do not feel so bad about laughing about it. But when she called britneys kids the cuties mistakes ever, she was referring to something MSNBC had written an article about.

By far the most explosive revelation featured in the Star report is how BritBrit speaks to her brood. “When Britney is upset, she yells and screams at the boys and once told them, ‘You were both mistakes!’  She’s called them ‘burdens, a pain in the ass and the reason (your) father left,’” claims the source.

Karen, I agree totally with you.  And I agree that the life she at least seems to live would not be fit for kids.  I guess I just don't like the sadistic glee that the media seems to have in seeing her screw up.  I bet the fame and the money wasn't worth what she is now.  It wouldn't be for me.Evening everyone! And you too Link!! *see I didn't forget ya!*Yeah I'm certianly not saying she perfect. But they do seem to pick on everything. It was just a half bottle of juice, and she let him sit in the stroller while she ate at a rest. And he was drinking the bottle. And people were OUTRAGED. It was insane. Hey Gale!!!!!!! How ya doin??? Gale!!  thanks for noticing me.  Did I sound like eyore???  i was trying to.

I do not really care for Sarah Silverman, but hubby has a thing for her. And I just found out tonight that Sarah Silverman is 35!! And her hubby said he would never like an older woman LMAO! He said he just found out about how old she was yesterday when he visited her MySpace. He had Sarah's half nekkid pics as his background on his laptop a month back.

Oh how nice!  I hope she isn't doing that. It's terrible to think that any parent would say such things to their children.  Britney has been getting worse over the course of her career.  Some seriously bad choices as have been mentioned.  I think this is possibly why the media is so critical with her now.  She's on a downward spiral.  It's unfortunate that the children will be innocent victims in all this garbage.I'm good Katie, how are you doing?? Are you over all that throat stuff yet? I really haven't had a chance to read the board in the past couple of days, so I feel totally out of the loop!  LOL

well, I am going to go lay down my neck and back is bothering me. I tried to hang with ya'll but it is making my shoulder hurt.

Night everyone!

Hi Gale! Bye Gale!Yeah it is really sad. Really, it comes down to her putting herself in front of her kids. If she would just stop and think about how it effected them, she would not behave the way she does half the time. And her crying poor me everyone's so mean is just pathetic. She brings a lot of it on herself. A lot of people do that though, shes just in the limelight so we focus on her. But it's, saddly, a common thing. Hi and good night joonie!  Kelly had the throat issue, and no, she has strep!! Icky!! I had the miserable sinus problem. Which yes, has resolved itself. The only thing you missed with me was my wipe out at work where I smacked the crap out of my hand. Oh forgot! Has anyone seen or talked to Chris? I have not and he is always marked as away on IM

Yeah, Katie, that's the thing that bothers me most.  I can understand that she is having a hard time, and that she is struggling.  But having children means that she needs to work hard at being well, and she needs to do whatever it takes to be a positive role model for her kids, and to be actively involved in their lives. 

Everyone has problems - just look at the many stories here.  Having problems is no excuse for not caring enough about your kids to improve your life and their life.  She needs to clean up her act - now!

Yeah, I can't imagine choosing to go out on the town half naked to get drunk over being a mom.And just look at what her kids are going to go through when they get older and their friends start teasing them about their sleezy mother.And all her stuff is on record. Her kids will know it all sooner or later. I feel sorry for them more than anyone.  Hope the dad steps up and is a good dad.  But then, he already ditched other kids to be BS "husband"Yeah he's not the sharpest crayon in the box either. No, I can't imagine that either.  It's a rare occasion that I go anywhere without Isabel.  Certainly when I do it's not to a bar half naked.  Her mind just isn't in the right place to deal with being a mom.  She needs to get out of the party girl mentality and realize she has 2 children at home who need her and rely on her for everything.Have any of you really seen any pictures of her children smiling? They always looks so serious, almost sad, in every picture I've seen of them.It seems that people who crave fame often are just messed up somehow.  How many of them talk about an abusive childhood or some sort of dysfunction.  I think that it's not really normal to want to be in the spotlight like that. I'd love to be famous.............................. Katie, you're infamous!Okay, blonde moment. What does that word even MEAN? Bet ya wouldn't.infamous means to be famous but for bad reasons.  Like Al Capone is infamous.Hey, watch the blond comments.  It was a blond that had to explain infamous to you....How'd I post three in a row without being called a spammer???I was having a conversation with my neighbor the other day about a friend who lies because he wants to feel important.  I said to neighbor I would rather be unimportant because this way people leave you alone.  Not that I don't love human contact but to the degree that these celebs have it.  I would never want to be in the limelight like them.  Try posting 4 in a row.


 Katie you are a true blonde if I ever saw oneSo what's on tap for everyone tomorrow?  I'm NOT going to work.  Yay.  ANd I am meeting my good forend for coffe.  And Beaners sent me a happy birthday coupon for a free pastry or fresh baked good, so I will bring it and share with my friend.  Then I am going to the gym and then it's a football game at school.Mona!!! www.myspace.com/arriscolwell there, you can see me. And Justin! Hi and bye all... I've been asleep almost all day long and I'm exhausted still.  Throat feels much better; still have a bit of a fever.  Definitely not going to work tomorrow, unless they've replaced my chair with a bed!!!

Perhaps I'll be a bit more awake tomorrow.

Now, back to the regularly-scheduled chit-chat. I posted two pictures, Mona, what are you talking about???Ok, NOW Im a spammer.   I do have a pic to post, it's downloaded on my pc, but not on photbucket, just in aol mypics file.  I dont know how to get it from there to here.

 I don't make plans, they make me

Sounds like a good day Linda, aren't you going to sleep late? Boy I would if I had been getting up at 5amYeah, but since I don't have to work, I can go back to sleep after my daughter leaves for school. For like, 3 hours.Yeah I work tomorrow, and you'll NEVER guess what I'm going to do! 

I have to get up and take my son to school and then pick him up early.  He has senior privileges now, so he only has to go in for his classes and can leave school when he has study hall or work study time.

He doesn't have a car yet, so mom gets to do the shuttle!

Get that Jetta running for him!! Better yet, the hearse!!!!!!!  Karen, how are your plans coming on the haunted house?

The haunted house plans are going great!!!  It is going to be an excellent year, I can feel it!  Thanks for asking Link!

Oh man.  I just saw the high temp tomorrow is only going to be 65.  Im going to freeze at the football game.  I can't wait for summer.You'll have to take lots of pics for us karen Yes Karen! We want pics of the halloween haunt!Okay, well Im going to have to hit the rack, as they say in the USMC. Getting tired now.  Have a good night all, see you tomorrow.Sweet dreams Link!Night night Link!!! Katie -What did you ever decide about getting a car??Gale you need a nickname...... Hmmm....

I've already forgotten Karen's nick name. Wasn't it like, Speshul or something?? Have a good sleep Link!Karen = Special K!We're having some issues with the loan and we're not sure what direction to go with it yet. I don't know if we're going to be getting one any time soon now. :( Bummer but I'll let you know if something works out where we can get one! For now, it's a don't hold your breath situation though. Hehe Just please don't call me Flo. That's what Shelly calls me and it reminds me of being on the rag!  See Gale, you really NEED a nickname!! Hush up Special K.  How are all of you WILD girls tonight?


 Good grief Linda You don't need to go to bed yet

Katie I was kidding about you being blonde, I've looked at your my space several times, remember the hurricaine story??? You're a cutie pie and so is Justin. You look just like you sound

 Hope you feel better tomorrow Jas

Brisen di you gain any weight from eating the fair?

Karen those pictures don't count!

Wow, who's this guy? 

No, no weight gain, I just purged when I got home.

*kidding, of course*

Karen my wife and I spent Sat. decorating inside for Halloween. I am getting excited already.Welcome back Jay!!  Oh. See MoNana, I am blonde! 
Jay! Holy crap! Are you sure you wanna be in here??? What with the tidal wave of estrogen and all?? How ya been??? Hi Gale

Hey guys, do you know that Jay is another Halloween nut like me?

He actually gave us our theme this year!  I just wish you could come and see what we do with it!!!

Glad you are decked out - but there's still time to add more, more, more!


 Jay's been here where ya'll been??

Brisen Is Valley Girl, remember???

Hi Moana

What? Me? Stir up trouble? What planet do you live on?  We have a family two streets over that actually start building their halloween haunt during the summer. This year it's a huge sunken pirate ship. It attaches to their house and takes up their entire front yard and driveway. It's not completed yet, but the last time I drove by it was absolutely awesome! I forgot : Sweet, Inocent, Loving might as well throw in Virginal while we are making them up.

Hi Jay

 Now we need to give Jay a nickname!

Cracking up at the "Flo"

 I want to decorate for Christmas because it is getting cool! I never have any trick or treaters, I live in a neighborhood of old foogies as Joonie saysLOL Jay!! Yeah yeah yeah whatever.  Karen Gale's people must have read our PM's those SOBs.Karen, it's freakin' awesome what they do! It takes them MONTHS to build, but when Halloween is over, they take everything down and touch up the paint where it attached to the house.LOL I was thinking that too Jay. Like maybe one of you was stealing Gale's neighbor's ideas, or vice versa! 


 Don't get testy Jay

My mother and father always used to say that...naked as a jay bird!

She is getting better and buys a little more each year. Actually if you look to the right of the word "Halloween" there is a tiny (c) mark, and if you look it up, it's owned by Jay and Karen! Who'd have thunk it!! 


 Well there you go! Jaybird it is!

But we will do our build during October weekends, with lots of helpers!

Plus you know, Karen was around for the first ever Halloween.........

*waits to get her ass beat*
Well, I'm selling my rights after this year.  Anyone interested?

LOL Mo....you mean Jaybird, not JARBIRD!

Silly little blonde girl!

Gale I have been Jay Bird or just Bird for as long as I can remember by about half of my family.

Karen - Are you really doing a sunken pirate ship?

I'll have to take some pics of my neighbors so you can see theirs.

Katie, come here, I want to show you something really cool I can do with my broom!Why Jay, cuz you like to run around naked??

 I went back and edited Valley Girl Well that's Gale's nickname right there! Valley Girl! Cute Gale I think I am going to save that part untill my kids put me in a nursing home.


  Katie you better run! I don't like where Karen's broom is heading

We need to call Karen Esmerelda from Bewitched

 Yeah Karen are you sweeping out the cob webs from the coffin I have to sleep in?? I don't do dust very wellYeah well you've taken some pretty good shots at me! You had it coming!  So yes, Valley Girl, we are building  a shipwrecked pirate ship off the side of our house!  There will be a lagoon in our front yard too! Hillhoney39336.8968055556Don't worry Mo, I'm sure she'll put you where the bats are! I'm excited for Christmas this year! I think the kitten is going to have a blast with the tree! Have you ever used the purple cob webs? I bought some last year after Halloween of course. I am hoping they look totaly cool in the blacklight on the front pourch.


 hey Brisen she has three coffins, one is reserved for you too

I have a strange feeling that people on the western part of the US are living the same lives as the eastern half. Too "twilight zone" for me, but I bet Karen has a theory

 My daddy loved halloween better than a kid! I love trick or treaters.

I can go to my sisters and hand out candy since she moved up townJustin and I have agreed that we're only getting each other one nice present for Christmas. Save some money, and we don't really need to go wild on gifts either. But with tax return money we've agreed to invest in a digital camcorder! Sheesh Katie! There you go acting all mature again!  LOL


 Now why does not surprise me Valley Girl. Chicken!!! Bak Bak bak bak

I would have to agree every now and then she surprises us. Kinda make you proud.



Jay, I haven't used the purple cobwebs, sorry. 

My son Dan just bought contact lenses that glow in blacklight!  They are really creepy looking, especially as he looks around and blinks.

Ooooohhh Valley Girl, are you gonna take that????

What're you talkin about "mature" Soon Katie and Justin will have their own series on You Tube!LMAO I dunno, but I will be recording a lot of crap! I keep meaning to go out and take pictures of the water before it turns to winter water. (ick) Hopefully I'll remember, and then I can show you guys what it looks like. When we get the vid. camera, I will TOTALLY tape the waves and stuff too!

OK, forget Florida in January. I think we should all go to Karen's for Halloween!


 WOOHOO then I could say I knew someone who is famous. They kinda do remind me of Carmen Electra and ex hubby Dave NavarroLOL I would LOVE to visit Karen! But damn it'll be so cold up there in October...


 Brisen you missed out on the plans to go to Karen's, all she offered was the coffins to sleep in

He creeps me out, so I always try and avoid making eye contact!  LOL

omg Mona that's the coolest thing anyone's ever said about us! We LOVED when those two were together. They were an awesome couple!!

And I'd so do Navarro........*drools*
Aw, you guys can't even handle hairy toes, how are you going to handle my haunted house?Yeah, that's me. Too chicken to fly, and too chicken to sleep in coffins! Such a sheltered little valley girl!

 I love cold weatherKatie - Did you watch Rock Star INXS and Rock Star Super Nova? I LOVED those shows! And Dave Navarro did look hot!Yeah! He's always hot. He'll be hot when he's 80, I swear! 


eewww GROSS Katie, Dave Navarro is just gross, blech!

Karen I have no problem with hairy toesPffftttt! My vegetarian eyes would NEVER watch a hog killing!vegetarian eyes? REALLY?? 

Mo - The only thing that's gross about Dave Navarro is his big head.

And don't go don't getting all excited everyone, I'm talking about the head on his shoulders.   LMAO well from what I hear....... Mona, when my mom was a kid, they used to take the pig's bladder and clean it really well and then blow it up like a balloon and tie it off and use it as a ball!  You should have seen the look on my daughter's face when her Granny told her that story!

Yes Katie, vegetarian eyes.

Try and hum 'She's got Bettie Davis eyes' only replace it with the word 'vegetarian'. Yep, that's me!  I want my own theme song!!!


Different strokes for different folks I guess

I haven't seen a good hog killing in years, or chicken plucking, or fish gutting....

Karen, that's just downright SICK!!!!! 

I told him to be prepared for her to start calling his cellphone LMAO!

NO... I am not going to do it. But there was some interesting info on her MySpace like they are moving to FL! Hey Katie! Maybe you can befriend her LMAO!!!!!!

Uh who are we talking about?


 LOL Karen! Somebody call 911 Valley Girl has passed outOK, serious question here. Do you 'southern folks' really do that kind of stuff? And did you have to see it being done as a kid?? I mean, talk about nightmares...My mom and her sisters used to have to chase the chickens, and then hold them down for my grandpa to chop the heads off of. Then they had to wait until it stopped running without its head, and gather them up to be plucked and cooked. My mom said she used to cry the whole time, because she named all the chickens. 


 Hey Joonie did you take nap? Katie and Brisen thinks Dave Navarro is hotLet me clarify...Dave Navarro is hot in a 'different' sort of way. OK??Oh, and they are all Wisconsin born and raised! No southerners there, but they still had to do stuff like that.

Miss Piggie... she use to work with hubby and she kept calling him on his cellphone and talk preverted to him and I found out and called and threatened to kick her fat whorie ass.

Oh... yeah the other night in wal-mart we seen her and her new hubby, and when she was leaving out, hubby's cousin was coming in the door and waved at me and Miss Piggie thought I was waving at her and she waved back LMAO!

Oh and Miss Piggie was stalking us in wal-mart, she ALWAYS does when she sees us. She is always down the same aisle we are down and usually checks out 2 lanes over.

No no, he's pretty much just Hot in general....  So is Jared Leto!! Oh those EYES!! Mmmmm


 Brisen I grew up on a farm, all that was natural too me. Daddy would wake me at daybreak so I could watch the hog killing and chicken plucking. My sister didn't like it. No I didn't have to help do any of it, just liked to watch.

I'm telling ya, the biggest problem with Dave Navarro is his huge head. It just sooooooo doesn't fit with the rest of his body!

Oh, I loved when my grandparents killed a chicken!  It was so cool.  I got to keep the foot or claw, really.  My grandfather would cut it off, and you could pull the little bones sticking out and make the claw open and close!

One rooster ran around the garden for at least 15 minutes after we cut his head off.  Now that's funny right there!

Hahaha but the EYES!!! It doesn't even MATTER! And the tattoos really help too. But what does my opinion count, I'm attracted to Marilyn Manson, too.  Wow, you actually LIKED to watch? That's a concept I can't even begin to comprehend!

LMAO! Dave Navarro makes me gag! I mean the MAN wear eyeliner for crying out loud!

No, I did not take a nap. Just went and laid down and then hubby was on MySpace and checking out his "friends" and I noticed a lot of them were skinny, big breasted women, so I thought I would even out the girl field a little on his friends list. He already told me he denies friend requests to anyone girl looking a little chunky. Soo... I am going to add a CHUNKY, Manly jawed looking one to his "friends" list. LMAO!

I already sent a "friends" request to the REAL Miss Piggy. I gave hubby the nickname of Kermit, when I so "nicely" gave that whore the nickname "Miss Piggie" LMAO! It was so no one else would know what I was talking about except hubby. Hey now! Justin wears eye liner from time to time. And MAN is he hot when he does! Mmmm Mmmmm GOOD! Nothing like a sexy guy in eye liner.....

Now I don't have any tattoos mind you, nor does anyone in my family, but you know who I think has the most awesome tattoo? The lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. It's on his left upper arm, and it's a tribal band that scrolls around and then forms a heart. I love it!

OMG Joonie, are you having a flashback to high school? 

And I just saw pics of the pool and just thought to myself...

Self... soon there will be pics of Miss Piggie in a bikini somewhere near that pool... and you can bookmark her MySpace page and when hubby pisses you off and if she has added pics of herself in a bikini you can post them on his comments LMAO!!!

This is going to be SOOOOOOOOOooooo FUN!!!

He should not have reminded me what her REAL name was... I was content with Miss Piggie LMAO!

Where in FL is she moving? Do you know the town name?

Nah... Karen... Just having some fun annoying hubby since he is browsing MySpace in search of skinny, pretty, big breasted women to add to his "friends" list

He thinks it is funny too. I keep telling him what I am going to do. And he just laughs at me. He knows I would not do it, besides he can delete her if he wanted to... that reminds me I need to change my MySpace password before he adds her to mine Nah, I'm not into that stuff. I'm just wondering where in FL. What happened to Mona? Did all that Dave Navarro talk scare her off??

Maybe Miss Piggie has the hots for YOU



 No tatoo's here either. Trey is too chicken and I'm gald in a way. No peircings either but he does wear a necklace from Buckle. No eyeliner either though the girls say he is metrosexual whatever that is

Joonie I would somehow accidently crash hubby's my space

I did the same thing with chicken feet Karen! It was so cool!I love Macaulay Culkin. I actually think he's REALLY cute.  Heck no I'm here I had to take my meds and go to the bathroomBleeech!That bleeech was to Macaulay CulkinBTW...

Mona, how can you be preppie and rednecky? 


LOL I figured as much.  Oh I know! I just looked at her "friends" and her hubby is the very first one on hers... so maybe I need to "friend request" her hubby on my MySpace

 I think Mac is a good actor, I loved  My Girl and that one where he was the evil cousin and tried to kill his family? What was that movie..

Meg Ryan is still a Hottie! Any guys here tonight to support a brother?I was wondering that same thing Karen! LOLThe Good Son.

Yup. Love me some Mac.
I know - was it "Homo Alone" ??Damn Karen! You're two for two tonight!  Ooooooh. Mhhm I see how it is. So now we're not even again. You just wait, I'll get you. 

Hey Jay! How are you doing? Vacation go well?

Awwww... looks like she no longer works at the best western... I guess she was using the rooms herself a little too much

Looks like she is now selling Avon. Yeah... makeup on her still does not cover up her fugly I see a little pink bunny!


Hey don't all the PROFESSIONALS wear it?

Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam

 I am cracking up here

 I'd do Meg Ryan Jay

 metrosexual is Abercrombie and Fitch shirts, spiked hair, and cowboy boots, with a Big silver  belt buckle. *shrugs*

Oh yeah folks remember...

Diabetes & High BP lead to ED!

Meg Ryan.... nah.... It was Angelina Jolie, but since being married to Brad Puke

 I am so confused and why is Karen knocking? Somebody let her in! Sheesh! Joonie what is ED?

She's not knocking, that was a drum...

Maybe it was a gun and she was hunting wabbits Beat his ASS girl!!!Bloonnddeeeeeee ED = Erectile Dysfunction = every man's nightmare Wow might as well have said she was good birth control.......poor Princess Fatback...

hahahaha @ Karen!

Damnit! I have been trying to close Miss Piggies MySpace page for like 10 mins now and the page is stuck! She has soooo much sh*t playing and big pics on her profile page that it is making my laptop freeze up.

Damn... lookie there... once you open her sh*t up it never closes!

What?! I was talking about her MySpace page... get your minds outta the gutter. It keeps going, and going, and going, and going........

I just told hubby what I said and he just looked at me and shook his head LMAO! But it was funny!!!

Oh man my face hurts from laughing at myself. Way 2 Go Self!!!! Well, Katie she sure ain't no energizer bunny... as if she was... she would not have the name Miss Piggie LMAO! And going and going and going and going..........


 I know what ED is, just wanted to get a rise out of Joonie

 Thanks Valley Girl, and thanks Karen for protecting me from that mean monster Holy cow you're right! When did it hit 1am???? Sheesh!

When you were younger, did you ever sing that song:

"This is the song that never ends,

It goes on and on my friends,

Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,

And they'll continue singing it forever just because,

This is the song that never ends". . .


 Katie and Joonie my face hurts too! But I think it was cause I looked in the mirrorAwww Lamb Chop was the best! I liked that show......I wasn't allowed to sing that song, for fear of being knocked out by mom.  I got bored with stuff like that anyway.

No, but I used to sing 99 bottles of beer on the wall... 

Well... I guess I took all of hubby's fire outta him. As he says he is going to bed and it is ONLY 1am. Tis a shame... bitch ass. He is going to let his 2 year old out beat him in staying up longest LMAO!


 IT's 2am here and all I ever got to sing was Old McDonald Had a Farm


Now why does THAT not surprise me Mo! See ya Jay!My dad used to sing me "The ants go marching one by one hurrah, hurrah..." I would ask him to sing it every night before I went to sleep. Well, when he was in town anyway. And he'd sing "One little two little three little Indians..." My mom I'm sure sang to me at some point, but I think I treasure dad singing to me, because it didn't happen often. He was always TDY

I sang that song to hubby last week, and he said he never heard of it. I guess he lived a "sheltered" privilege life LMAO!

At work his nickname is "privilege whitie"

The other dude he works with Looks like a bald cabbage patch. He got the dimples and everything

 Joonie maybe hubby was hinting for you come to bed with him

Thanks for the laughs and the good time. Like Mona said, I needed it!

Talk to ya'll tomorrow! Nite everyone!

Night party poopers!!!! 

Nite Jay!

Old MacDonald Had ED

Y O Y O Me

Oh, Old MacDonald Had ED

Y O Y O Me?

With a droop, droop here and a droop droop there

Old MacDonald Had ED

Y O Y O Me?


 Good night Brisen and Jay

Did anyone ever sing THAT one???

 Karen is on a roll you guys better stay for this Well, he is OLD MacDonald!

Awesome Karen, just awesome. 

Ok, now I mean it. I'm going to bed.

But promise me you won't have any fun without me, 'K?

you guys are up late

No... he said he did not get to sleep all day like "someone" else *looking dead at me*. I do not know who is talking about... I guess son LMAO!

My mommy use to sing to me every night ... A bushel and a peck and I love you all the heck. A barrel and a heap... and I talk in my sleep about you ... about you...

Not sure if that is how it goes... but that is all I can remember of the song right now.

Oh and she would also sing to me...

3 6 9 the goose drank wine, the monkey chewed tobacco on the street car line, the line broke the monkey got choked and they all went to heaven in a little row boat.

I might have missed some of the words on that song too.

What it has been 10+ years since she has sung those to me.


 Nah Brisen never heard that one on the farm[QUOTE=Hillhoney]

Old MacDonald Had ED

Y O Y O Me

Oh, Old MacDonald Had ED

Y O Y O Me?

With a droop, droop here and a droop droop there

Old MacDonald Had ED

Y O Y O Me?



Damn Woman,

Ihad to get back on after I stopped laughing.How many years have you been saving that one???

We sang that one Mona!! So many good old songs! :)

Hi Deb! We are up late! We're night owls! :)
Nite Jay & Gale!

 Hi Deb How are ya tonight?

Joonie I know all those songs and it's a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!

musta been good tonight. I should have checked in earlier

Yeah, with Miss Piggy!It's all good, you're here now, join the party!! How was your day Deb?


 We've been very silly but it was sooo fun! You should have been here sooner

That was a good one!

Im good mona, how about you?

oh hell, I had a preschool, then home daycare for years, know em allWell pitch in and reminisce with us then!! What's your fav?

i have a kitten who keeps sucking on me, what do i do? she's part leech

 Doing better since I came here tonight. Trey was having a bad night and he's out of town so I was pretty down for awhile but these guys have really pepped me up!


CAUTION! Miss Piggie will cause ED!

To bad I cannot hack her MySpace and put something on there that says "CAUTION!! My cause ED." LMAO!

I will have to remember to be nice to Joonie!!!!!Haha hey Deb, do you think she'd take to a pacifier? That would be a sight! hey they just called me a spammer, damn them!


 My doggie took a passy when she was a baby. It was so sweet


why are they calling me a spammer? make em stopI have baby kitty hickiesIt does that from time to time Deb. I think we post too much for it sometimes. It just can't handle all this awesomeness at once.

Holy crap, my automatic spell checker didn't mark "awesomeness" as a non-existent word. Is that REALLY a word???
and they go on and on my friend...

I will behave, I will behave!  Help me Katie, I can't hold on!

LMAO That hand basket going a little too fast for ya Karen?  my hubby collects yo-yos and for christmas last year I found a silver plated one at office depot for like ten bucks and we took it to the mall to get it engraved



LMAO MONA!!  the leech fell asleep but is rooting around on my neckWow, you had his yo-yo engraved?  You're pretty creative, Deb!


 What devious plan are you cooking up now for Miss Piggy Joonie?

I know your up to something your to quiet

Let go Karen Let go!

I would have never thought to engrave a yo-yo! What did you put on it? Just his name?

Deb, how old is the kitten?
that part didnt post for some reason, but son had it engraved at the mall - cost forty-three bucks and said "merry christmas dad" on one side and "you're the awesome-ist" on the other. the lady chuckled and asked how old son was and she laughed when I said almost 16kitten is old enough to give up my neck - about six weeks we thinkLOL old enough to give up your neck. 

 I have to go bathe my friends and I'm getting very sleepy. Thanks for all the fun and laughter tonight. You guys made my day

                   Good Night All!He really loved it because he is his step dadyou're going to bathe your friends? How weird....... What's your kitty's name Deb?nitey nite, me too... sorry I missed all the funaww nighty night deb!!!

Oh Miss Piggie's MySpace made my computer keep acting funky. Even after I closed her page!

And then I went into the bedroom to tell hubby what his "womans" MySpace done to my laptop and to see why he was actually going to bed soo "early" for. He said he has a headache. *looks suspicious*

Mona, have fun bathing your friends!turbo, and believe me it fits!  Katydid you are a stinker!Nothing outlasts!

Nite Mo'Nana and Deb!

I guess... since hubby & son decided to go to sleep on me I am going to take a shower and head to bed too.

I will talk to ya'll later!Night ;-) That chicken ought to be completely plucked by now!


 Thanks Karen I guess I'd better get started....Good Night to you and Deb and Joonie and everyone that is hanging outYeah you're gonna be up late! How many friends are you planning on bathing anyway?

Night Mona! 

Have a restful sleep.  May your dreams be wet and bed be dry!

What chicken are you talking about being plucked?

Naughty Night All!

Keep smilin' - it makes everyone wonder what you're up to!


Haha yeah alright I guess I'm headed that way too. I DO have to work tomorrow. And being on here isn't helping my hand out at all. But hey, I'm stubborn! 
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