2nd Opinon Dr DX me Lupus | Arthritis Information


And not necessarily RA after all at all. So I am very confused now as you can imagine. I looked up Lupus and I don't seem to have any of the symptoms except for what crosses over with RA such as joint issues. But I do seem to have all the RA symptoms for the most part. I just learned this from doc today on a quick phone call, so I guess I will learn more when I see this Dr again in a few more weeks.

In the meantime I was wondering if anyone has had this experience where they have gotten 2 different DX from 2 different docs? And what's next in this situation, a THIRD doctor?




You could have Rhupus. It's just a combination of the two. ??? An idea?? There are a handful of people on the boards here that have Rhupus. Maybe one of them can pop in and tell you a little more about it. Yes.  I have four different rheumatic/autoimmune dxs from four different rheumatologists with four different Rx regimes.  Good luck. 

Sorry that you might have Lupus. Did he say your blood work indicated Lupus?

I have been J/RA all my life, but the 3 different RD's I have seen always thought I might have had lupus as well, because I have the butterfly rash on my face, but none of them of yet has said my bloodwork has indicated me having Lupus. *shurgs shoulders* I do seem to have a lot of the Lupus symptoms, other than the joint involvment.

I would hate to tell ya to get a 2nd opinion on the lupus since that was your 2nd opinion. I mean you might be on a 2nd opinion roll with these autoimmune diseases. But if you really feel you do not have lupus and your bloodwork does not indicate that you do have it, than maybe you should get another 2nd opinion for the Lupus.

Good Luck and hope you feel better soon.

Rhupis Katie??? Oh well, it least it has a cute name, if nothing else... 

Justsaynomore, So are you saying you are doing all 4 different RX regimes? Or did you just have to pick one doc to be the one to put all your faith into at that point? Seriously, how HAVE you dealt with this all? That is just insane. 

Joonie, I'm exactly the opposite of you I guess because I don't have any symptoms of Lupus to my knowledge except joint. It's just in my bloodwork only. Strange, huh?

I am feeling so much better today physically from this little mini-flare or whatever the heck I had going on this weekend that I almost don't care, but I do have to say that this whole little autoimmune world is more than a little wacky! 

Glad you are feeling better.

So, you got positive bloodwork huh? Yep this stuff is all a little wacky if you ask me

They say it is rare to have a true MCTD, but it appears that most on here have a little crossover to another auto-immune disease.  I'm just lucky to test high for all of them.  how fun.....

I am sorry that you are so confused.  I know that the positive your doctor may be talking about is ANA blood test.  When this is positive it is one of the markers for lupus but if I remember correctly, you have to meet like 4 of the 12 symptoms for an accurate diagnosis.  My ANA is positive but my RD said that it is sometimes positive in people who are sero-positive for RF.  When do you see the doctor?   I would hope that they would explain this more fully.

Keep us informed!


Geez, Melly, I'm confused just trying to read the information in the posts  Now can you be steronegative w/ Lupus as you can be w/ RA?  Good luck when you see the dr.  Keep us updated on what he says.  And if he does say it is Lupus for sure, you better stick around!!!Yes you can!

Rhupus-    I  have  never  heard  of  it 



I  do   hope  you   go  on  allright

Thanks again as usual for the support here. I feel like I have been whining, complaining, crying, freaking out etc since I've gotten here. But it has really been one way after another. And you have really been helping me through this mess. 

Fortunately,from what I have learned here and elsewhere it WILL calm down and get easier when I get DX straightened out and the right meds, so I just need to keep my eye on that (moving

I have kind of jumped the gun just a little here as the 2nd doc has said he will be explaining everything more fully at my appt with him in three more weeks AND there are still outstanding labwork to be coming in before then. The reason he even called me beforehand like this was that he wanted me to start plaquenil and stop remicade right away. Which is why I am somewhat have freaked out here. 

But, after sleeping on it (and getting some of your valued feedback here) I am chosing to wait until I have more clarity from either of these 2 docs or from a third - whichever it takes. Hopefully I will not end up with 4 like justsaynomore or getting to join the "exclusive" mixed connective tissue club....

I am wondering if I should tell Doc 1 what Doc 2 has come up with and would love some of your input/feedback regarding that particular issue!

Melly- I have a diagnosis of RA and have been treated for it for 10 years, I saw a new rheumy who is now convinced I could have Lymes disease. I am seeing him tomorrow for my test results. It is so confusing.

Speak to both your Docs and see what they say.

Good luck and take care

Melly - glad to hear its a little better.  Now you might understand my name a little better, NO MORE DXs LOL Take care and let us know ~~ CathyI have Rhupus. At first I kind of laughed, but it is an official medical condition. I do not have the facial rash, but I have all the other symptoms of Lupus, and I have all the symptoms of RA except for being sero-negative. Like Debrakay, I have Raynauds, and Sjogren's too. (plus a few others)  sheesh... what can ya do....
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