starting Embrel again? | Arthritis Information


Has anyone started Embrel to find it didn't work after a few months and then took something else that did work for a long while? Now that the antibodies have built up in my body, the Humira shots are not working and the doctor wants to put me back on Embrel to try the once a week 50 dose. Has anyone ever done that before? I'm curious to why they think it might work now, when it didn't the first time. Of course it's worth a try. Those new infusions that are out, is anyone taking those? If so, how do you like them compared to the biologics?I didn't know that the immune system could nullify Enbrel... Sooo you were taking Enbrel for a few months and it lost its effectiveness? Actually I took Embrel for 7 months with no difference so was switched to Humira which did work until the antibodies built up and would neutralize the shot. It took a couple of years for it to happen. I was switched to the stronger dose of Embrel again to see what might happen this time around. So far after two shots, nothing yet, but I know that it could take up to a month or so to start working.[QUOTE=aflaren]Has anyone started Embrel to find it didn't work after a few months and then took something else that did work for a long while? Now that the antibodies have built up in my body, the Humira shots are not working and the doctor wants to put me back on Embrel to try the once a week 50 dose. Has anyone ever done that before? I'm curious to why they think it might work now, when it didn't the first time. Of course it's worth a try. Those new infusions that are out, is anyone taking those? If so, how do you like them compared to the biologics?[/QUOTE] Dear Aflaren, I had some similar problems this year.  Was taking Enbrel for about 2 or 3 years with relief right away, but when it didn't seem to be working as well, they added the methotrexate to it and I couldn't take it because it made my Liver Count go up high and also was losing hair, so of course had to try prednisone but not only do I gain so much puffy weight, but constantly think about something sweet, which I really don't need. Well, anyhow, once before I tried the Humira shots and actually cried from the pain and burning, so after giving up on them, went back to Enbrel but like I said they didn't seem to work as well as in the beginning.  I have heard, though, from a nurse who has RA that she takes Enbrel for five years with methotrexate and also Celebrex once in awhile and she says she feels fine.  I can not imagine actually telling anybody I feel fine, how about you? do you sometimes feel fine?  This has been the worse three months that I can remember, so I took a chance and decided to go back on the New Humira in the Pen form and I was surprised it didn't hurt as much as it did with the shots, but it's almost a month now and I am in terrible pain (almost like I'm not on anything, so had to start the darn prednisone again and have those hot flashes that you were talking about and just feel warm most of the time). I keep thinking about all the bad things that are going on inside me from taking all these things, but then I say to myself "what else are you going to do? and I get no answer ha!ha!  Right now, I can hardly type because my left wrist is so swollen from pain and even my knuckles starting hurting since I've been on the Humira and I never had that much pain ever with the Enbrel, so maybe this Humira isn't for me, but I'm not going to give up yet since the nurse in the Rheumie's office told me more people tell her good things about Humira than Enbrel but she also told me "everybody is different", so we'll see what happens.  Are you also having trouble sleeping? Sometimes in the daytime I just feel like collapsing on the couch and could probably fall asleep but I try not to because the nights are so horrible usually unless I take something and I hate to always be taking something. Well, I'm sorry I didn't mean to talk so much...I guess I just needed to vent!  CheriCheri,
I'm sorry that you are having so much problem. I can totally relate. I almost hate to go to bed at night, because I wake up all different times of the night with my shoulders aching and my wrists hurting. I've tried sleeping pills, but they make me too groggy in the morning. Since I've switched to embrel, I haven't noticed any difference. In fact I think I was better with the Humira shots as far as pain goes. I guess the next step for me is going to be one of those new infusions that are out. I really don't like the thought of taking a chemotherapy without having cancer, although it is only once every 6 months or so. They say that they have great results so far. I'm just not sure I want to put more crud into my body. I'm holding out for a while longer, but don't know how long I can stand it. Good luck to you.