OT:CHIT CHAT 9/12/07 | Arthritis Information


WOW, I have been able to start this 2 days in a row now.  Whats the deal? LOL Wheres all of our Aussie friends??? Was Wednesday good or should I just go back to sleep

Hope everyone has a good day!

Hello, here I am .The short little Aussie from down south. 4 ft nine inches and very chubby. I am hoping when I start on embrel next week that it will work so well that I can exercise again. I have been way to sore to do anything beside my weekly tai chi. I hope your cold gets better soon. I have had a lot of hay fever lately and choking on your own mucous is no fun, hey.

Its getting close to bedtime down here. 10.20pm


                          Good Morning Friends

Hope ya'll are all fine this morning. It is cloudy here in NC with hopes of some much needed rain

I slept maybe 2 hrs last night and am sore and stiff, hope I loosen up soon as I have many errands to run today

Shannon I think everybody has a cold, must be allergy season or something. My nose is like a faucet this week

I'm off to the shower or maybe back to bed for a while. We'll see after I finish my coffee


Moana sorry your not feeling to well today and that you didnt sleep to much.   Hope you loosen up a bit to get your arrands done.  Go back and lay down for a bit

Nite alleycat!!  Good luck w/ Enbrel.  Hope it works out for you!

I went to bed at 3:00 and had to be up at 7:30 to take my son to school 

I need a shower but right now I took some ibuprofen and I'm waiting for it to kick in so I can move and bend enough to wash all "me parts"!

Something tells me there is a nap in my future.  You guys are just a bad influence on me.


 Karen you weren't supposed to tell WHY we were up so late.

Bad influence my eye! You wanna sing your Old McDonald Song to everyone this morning!


Haha yeah I got up at 8am. Shew I'm tired!! You girls were ROWDY!  I just sat by and watched.......

Morning all, and Karen I don't have any sympathy for you at all!!!  I was in bed snoozing while the fun was going on.  Oh well. 

I'm up but moving kind of slow.  Took MXT last night and it's the week before my infusion so the ole joints are all a little stiff and achey.  Also trying to taper Pred.  We unloaded the UHaul truck yesterday and I have a feeling that's one of the reasons for my achey hands and shoulders.  I tried to be careful.  Katie has made me sick like she did everyone else.........allergies.  It's so nice to blame feeling lousy on someone else.  Gives it a whole new dimension!

Going to the orthopod this morning for my final post op for my knee.  Yippee.  Am going to golf on Friday.  I'm really excited.  If joints are still sore I may wait till after my infusion next week to golf.  Am going to give it a try and see how I feel.  Won't push it.  OMG, did I just write that.  Maybe after all these years I'm learning to pace myself..........yeah, right.  Will check in later.  Have a great day.  Lindy


ok so instead of killing the ants like antspray is soposed to do, its making them come back more!!!!!!!! UGGGGG make em die lol

Owiedeb~ they are the really annoying sugar ants.  Im gonna go to Joonies house (aka freakmart) and get some viniger maybe that'll work


Oh.... now aren't ya'll going to be a little "boogered" by about what I am fixing to say.

I am not too sleepy. And I did not go to sleep until 7:30am this morning! I did sleep until 11, hubby called and I had to act like I was awake so I rambled on about how I was bothering him last night, trying to get him off the covers. He was sleeping on top of the covers

And he was just complaining about me waking him up at 5:30 and blah blah blah blah blah blah...

So... I not too sleepy and it is an overcast day, and I actually got outta bed before noon and ate something already! I am on a roll! Now if I can just talk myself into cleaning up a room or clothes or something then I will REALLY be on a roll.

My right knee is swelled though.

This is the hardest part - the ants will be attracted to this stuff and activity will increase for a few days.  You have to be good now, don't kill them, because they carry the poison back to nest and kill off the colony.  This works far better than ant traps, and I feel much safer using it and spraying poison in my house.  (That stuff makes my lips go numb, and that can't be good!)

You can buy it at your local hardware store. 


If it is sugar ants, the absolute best thing to do is pour baby powder or whatever kind you have along the doorways, walls, etc where they are. They ingest it and suffocate. I used this when my children were small and again when we got our animals. non-toxic and works like a charm

"this is a song that never ends, it goes on and on my friends..."

3 6 9 the goose drank wine, the monkey chewed tobacco and the street car line, the line broke the monkey got choked, and they all went to heaven in a little row boat.

Damn geese... they should learn not to drink wine, and what else can I say about a monkey chewing tobacco in the middle of the road? He was destin to go to heaven, but not in a row boat, more like... *thinks* .... as a speed bump? Blump, blump. What was that? I think it was a hairy speed bump! *backs up* blump, blump.... *gets outta the car and looks* It's... it's.... EWWW!! I just spit at me!

You are soooooooo weird

Yeah... not much sleep makes for a goofie, joonie. *blank stare*

Ok off to email hubby again. I like emailing him. And he should enjoy this email or think I need to be committed


What you need is a chinchilla.  Soft sweet cute as can be, and they stay in a cage but happily snuggle up with you too.Nah, nevermind the chincilla.  They are cute, but not a suitable substitiute for a cat.I want a sugar glider, but you have to have 2 and hubby said they look like rat with wings. Get a hedgehog. I think hubby said I could not have any animal that we would have to buy. So... I was going with a kitten, as we already have 3 dogs. I am not much of a dog fan... and they are outside.





I am here!! How's everyone???? I'm here too! And be forewarned...I'm amped up on about a liter of Diet Coke! Oh GOODIE!! I'm just wired. Today was SO BUSY I'm on an adrenaline high!


 I'm here to Katie but it's awfully spooky and dark!

 I didn't see you there Brisen

 I mean the delivery you missed.

Bah! I just got my notice in the mail that I have to renew my car tags. . Pshaw. And it's due ON MY BIRTHDAY.

Hahahaha Happy Effing Birthday to me! Let's go pay the county some money! Wheee! Assholes.


 Oh Heck we keep posting at the same time

 Oh yeah I keep forgetting. Glad you remind me

I had a awkward thing happen to me at the grocery store tonight. Hold on this will take a minute...

I know, right???? I had a wicked dream last night!! I dreamed I was pregnant! I've had them before, but usually I'm newly pregnant in them. You know, no belly yet. But this time I was WAAAYYY pregnant, and even when into labor and had the baby in my dream. O.o

Mother nature callin me or what?? So what'd you have, boy or girl???  LOLI woke up right after I had the baby, so I have no idea. I've always been pretty scared of the pain of giving birth, and somehow I think this dream was meant to make me feel okay with it. I know it's COMPLETELY unrealistic, as in my dream it didn't hurt AT ALL and took like, 15 minutes. But the joy of it was the focus in the dream, and I think maybe someone was trying to tell me to not be afraid. I dunno, that's just my opinion.

I can tell you that after last night, I am no longer afraid of childbirth. :) So that's saying something!
Well that's good to hear, especially after all that crap we were feeding you awhile back about how horrible it is! 


 Anyway... the bag boy was putting my groceries in the trunk and we were chatting and I saw this young man coming towards me out of the corner of my eye. He was walking really fast and waving a sheet of paper at me. I said "I'm sorry I didnt bring my glasses I can't read it" and the man pointed to his ears and mouth like he was deaf and mute. So I said I'm sorry and he started pointing to himself and then to me and held up five fingers. I said What? and he kept doing it til I finally realized he was saying he needed 5 bucks.

 I said I'm sorry I don't carry cash,  and he just flipped around and headed back to the store bench.Well when I got in the car I looked in my purse just to make sure and I did have a ten and some ones, I 99.9% of the time have no cash

Has this ever happened to any of you? I feel soooo bad.


So I saw joonie post that she want's a Sugar Glider now. Oh-My-God...I had no idea what it was, so I looked it up online and it's a freakin' BAT! It looks soooooooo disgusting!Don't feel bad Mo, you just might have saved yourself from getting mugged. One never knows. And anyway, it's the thought that counts, and the fact that you're thinking about in now shows you care!


 Sugar Gliders are soo cute really Gale, I've seen them and held them at a flea mkt.

I don't know Mo, I think I'd be afraid to hold one. They're too scary looking!

Hi all,

I am suspicious of all beggars. It is not that I do not have any compasion for them I just do not trust there motives.

Gale did you order coffee, I must have been off playing and missed it. I would love a cup right now.


Brisen they're tiny! And soft and furry! You Goober! Have you ever held a snake, a worm, a hamster, a frog anything alive?Hell no Mona! I've never, EVER touched anything like that! And I guarantee, I never will. Call it my innermost phobia!Gale, sugar gliders are more like tiny squirrels. They are EXTREMELY loving creatures, and have actually been know to die of a broken heart. You almost can't have just one, as they get SO LONELY without a friend. They like to cuddle and they "coo" at you when they're happy. They're very clean little guys and they love sleeping in pockets! My friend in college had two and they were just amazing! They move slowly and softly they are actually very relaxing to be around! Mona, you're better off not giving to him. Support your local charity instead...it' a lot safer.

 Gaa you are sissy girly Brisen

Is the Jamacian Blue flavored or straight?

Alright, I've never asked for money from strangers, but I've gotten it before. Let me share my story again.....

When Justin was hospitalized with pancreatitis(sp) it REALLY set us back financially. We were already struggling because he was sick on and off, and missed a lot of work. At this point he was only working 2 days a week as it was, and he wasn't even able to do that most of the time. Anyway, the day he got out of the hospital, we had to our name and that was to get us a little bit of food, gas, and his medication. Yup, on . But I had it all planned.

When I got him home from the hospital, in the dead of summer - July, to be exact- we had NO POWER. The power company told me that a check I had written THREE MONTHS AGO had bounced, and so they cut our power. Even though the last two payments were in cash and had cleared, they cut it anyway. I was FURIOUS. I went down to the power company and tried to reason with them, but it was a no go. They wanted .83. All the money we had. And I paid it. And left in TEARS. I couldn't even see straight, I had no idea how I was going to get his meds, or fas for work, or food for either one of us. As I was getting into my car, a short older (and OBVIOUSLY rich) gentleman approached me and BEGGED me to tell him what was wrong. I tried not to, but he was SO genuine I ended up blubbering to him what happened. How my check bounced, but that was 3 months ago, and they wouldn't budge. He asked me how much the bill was, and I told him it was almost all of the that I had left. He wipped out (I sh*t you not here) a WAD of 0 bills and pressed one into my hand. He said "darling, God doesn't want to see you cry, and neither do I. There is nothing better I can do with this money, than pass it onto you. Go home and take care of your boyfriend"

My dumbass tried to give him the money back, but he said absolutely not, and gave me a hug, then walked away. (to his Mercedes, btw)

I came home still in tears and told Justin the whole story. He broke down and cried with me, just as the lights cut back on in the house.

So sometimes I wonder if people asking for money just have a little bit more guts than I do, and maybe they're in a situation like that, but they just don't care, they know they need help and they don't care where it comes from. I dunno. That could just be wishful thinking, too.....


 We tithe at church faithfully and hubby is always giving money to needy charities at work and church. I just feel sad that i didn't do it and felt like I should. Thanks for making me feel better guys

When it got to be about 6 feet, and was moving on to eating rabbits, I put my foot down and told him he had to get rid of it. He really wasn't handling in much at that point anyway, and the darn thing was so strong, it could bust out of it's cage. That was really the final staw for me, so we ended up selling it to a reptile shop. Other than that, we've only had dogs and cats.

And yes, by the way, I AM a sissy girl!  LOL

Awww Katie what a sweet story and I know that God provides. Now I want to go back to the grocery storeKatie I have read that before now that I see it again. I think yours is a totally different situation. I would do something like that. (NO Mercedes, btw) I do not judge the people that do ask for money I just do not give in that way. Jay - Jamaican Blue Mountain is a really smooth 'straight' coffee. It's rather costly, at my local CBTL it sells for /pound. But our 'one and only' Mo'Nana gave me the link to an eBay seller that she buys from, and I got it for /pound...including shipping! What a deal!!Aww I didn't mean to make you feel bad! If you didn't have cash on you, then it wasn't meant to be. What happened to me, holy CRAP was that ever *MEANT TO BE* You can't deny that. If you had found yourself with exactly a bill, then ya know. Well, you would have known what to do. Don't stress it MoNana! 


 Well I made Trey sell his Boa when it was about 4ft long and getting out of the cage, and it was still eating mice. I didn't like that thing, it bit the blood out of Trey

  Gosh Katie dig a little deeper would ya? I did have cash I found when I got in the car and didn't go back and give it to him


I'm kidding I know what ya mean



Deidre!!! My grandparents used to live on a lake out in the boonies of WI. One night my grandpa went to the back door to look out at the lake. He popped open the big door, and started peering out the screen door, with his hands pressed to the side of his face to see out the window. He told my grandma "boy it sure is DARK out there tonight, I can't even see the water" My grandmother looked up and yelled "HOLY sh*t LEO! GET BACK THERE'S A BEAR AT THE DOOR!!"    I have never seen a live Bear of any kind. I would love too some time just not in my bedroom window.Jay, I don't know of any place around where I live that sells it by the cup, but if you have a CBTL by you, you might want to ask if you can try it before buying it.


 Oh my gosh I would love to see a bear in my back yard! I think. What did ya'll do Deidre? Feed it?

LOL Katie LMBO at Leo

 Jay go to Ebay and order it, it will be much cheaper I promise. I buy 99% of my coffee on Ebay. I prefer french roast though. Blue Mountain is good but I like a stronger, deeper coffee taste. I hate any flavored coffees though

Oh and Blue Moutain is the most expensive and preferred coffee on the planet. It's also the rarest.

I have to see Rheumy in the AM so I am calling it a night. Until next time.My aunt bought a brand new Subaru Outback a few years ago. LOVES that car to death. She made the mistake of leaving a loaf of bread in the back seat one night. When she came out in the morning, the car was just about shredded. A bear had done everything in its power to get to that stupid loaf of bread. She was missing windows and lots of paint, side paneling and a bumper. All cause a bear wanted some bread!!!

And a couple doors down from my grand parents house, a neighbor went on vacation and left their back door unlocked (pretty common in that area, really) and a bear "broke in" and helped himself to just about the entire kitchen. It was in complete shambles when they got back. Torn up lineolium(sp), cabinets hanging from the hinges, the fridge was knocked over the microwave was in another room, etc etc.

All of this happened in WI, btw. LoL
Night Jay!


 Good night JayNight Jay!! After all these stories of bears, sugar gliders, and all the other assorted creepy crawlies you guys are talking about, I think I really am sheltered! We just don't have these things in So. Cal!



 Katie I have watched shows like Funniest Animals and have seen what a bear can do to a car and a door. Moose are dangerous too I've heard. Kind of scary

They best not be out having a life! 

 Do you live in a city or rural area Brisen? I bet theres racoons and foxes around.

Karen went to bed, she's exhausted. I have no idea where Biscuit is!   DEE do you live in Alaska?

I live in the outskirts of the city, up in the foothills. So yes, we have squirrels, skunks, and random bunnies. But our most common predator is the coyote. We have LOT'S of those, and they scare the crap out of me! When we first moved here, I lost my two cats within the first week. I had no idea the coyotes would come into my yard!

Gee...do ya think Karen stayed up too late last night??? 

That's the one nice thing about living on the west coast...pacific standard time!

Brisen39337.9097916667Ninilchik, Alaska. You never really hear about moose going after people, just moose getting hit by cars. One time the college students up at the unversity in Anchorage were harassing a moose and this old guy was trying to get in a building and the moose attacked and killed him. But moose mostly just run off and I park my car right by the back door because I don't like to wear boots in the winter.


 We have coyotes up in the mountains but I've never seen one, no it's wolves we have *ding ding* up there, once in a while in the winter they forage down here in the foothills. Everybody goes nuts cause they kill chickensWe have bears, deer, fox,  and a small wild cat whos name escapes me, even though I see them all the time. My GOD that's going to bother the hell out of me. Ugh don't you hate it when that happens??? Hey, not to change the subject, but whatever happened to Kittylitterlove??There we go. No way Katie! I thought Florida only had lizards, bugs, crocs, and alligators! Seriously!


 Golly Dee I bet you get a lot of snow

Poor Karen was so tired this morning! I slept a lot today so I'm pretty goodOh yeah, those too. Haha I forgot about alligators. 

Really Katie I didn't know that and I lived in W.Palm

Brisen are you as near the beach as Katie is?

Well MoNana, I'm closer to Alabama and Georgia and all the wooded areas like that. So we get a neat little mix of wildlife around here. :) We have palm trees AND pine trees! The year our youngest DD was born we had over 6+ feet of snow on the ground, it was amazing, but we usually only get about 3 feet over a whole winter and it usually settles down to just 1 or 2. I hardly ever have to put the car in 4 wheel drive to get out of the driveway.

Mo - I'm more inland...about an hour away from the beach.

Katie - My mom spent a few years in Florida when she was a teenager. To this day, anytime Florida is brought up, she goes on and on about the HUGE bugs, cockroaches, and lizards. She said if you left the door open for even a minute, you'd have a house full of the buggers. YUCK! lol Yup she's right. And the kitties LOVE IT when you leave the door open. You just invite playmates in for them.  I love frogs and lizards though! They're so neat!! I can't WAIT until we get our video camera, I'm going to film all kinds of stuff for you guys!! I think on sunday I'm going to take a bunch of pictures of the area for you though. Would you guys be interested in that at all? Don't lie! If it's not neat I won't do it, I don't mind. LoL YES!!!!! I love pictures! Yes Ma'am I am! Pensacola is where my RD is based out of! But she comes here once a month. I went to college for a little while in Pensacola, I went to UWF. I'm not sure which college you're talking about either, there are SEVERAL in P'cola. We love going to the big mall there, it's so much nicer than ours. And P'cola has a toys'r'us which is RIGHT up our alley you know....  It's about an hour from us or so. Not bad really. I sure hope Karen takes pics of her halloween haunt too!Oh me too!!!!!!! I saw a few of last years, but they were so dark. :(

 LOL Dee I've never seen that much snow at one time and I sure wouldn't drive in it. I hate to ride with hubby when it snows cause he always tries to scare me

I wish we were an hour from the beach, it takes us 5 to 6 hours to get to Myrtle Beach in S.C. or Atlantic Beach in N.C. Now Charleston S.C. is only 4 hrs away and I love going there. Hubby and I are going in OctoberI drive along the beach every day. Both ways! At one point, I cross an island, and it's beach on BOTH sides of the road. It really does make me smile, every day. 


 Just for a few days and I will have hubby's lap top

My aunt in Gainesville had some landscaping done with a pond and waterfall and a gator decided to take up residence. She freaked. LOL

Uh oh.......................the adrenaline rush has left!! Eyes getting heavy........must resist..... LMAO Cindee!! That's awesome. I'm sure the lizards just *loved* you kids. 

 I love pictures Katie! Please post some!

I can't wait to see Karen's either. OH gaa! I bought a butt load of candy at the grocery storeHaha stale peeps!! EEwww!!!  I have a friend in San Diego that buys them after the holidays and punches holes in them and stores them for me. Then a month or so later she mails them to me!  LOL

 Younguns have to get their rest

Nite Nite Katydid

Nite everyone!


 Aw shoot I will probably eat them too!

We had an alligator in a pond beside a beach house we stayed at  in Charleston last year. It came out to sun everyday. It was cool!

 Oh well I guess I will go too
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