Shocking! Sell Your Daughter Website... | Arthritis Information


This is so disturbing. This is some kind website where people sell their
daughters into marriage. Most of them seem to be "Christians" who
believe in the tradition of arranged marriages. These girls are so young,
too. Can this even be legal? One of these girls is 13
years old!

"Courtney’s grandmother married at 13, her mother married at 13, and
Courtney has decided she wants to keep the tradition going. She would
prefer to stay close to her large extended southern family and loves farm
or at least rural life. She got an A in Home Ec. and has read up on what
else would be expected of her as a wife and is looking forward to it.
Courtney P.
Age: 13,
Location: South

Bride Price:

The median age seems to be about 15.
At first I thought it might be a well crafted joke but these people are

I'm still hoping it turns out to be an internet hoax like the bunny hunting
farm. Anyway, I know it's not about RA, but it's just SO insane....Gimpy-a-gogo39337.3742824074Okay....I read the testimonials page and maybe it is a joke...""Thank God
for your site! Our daughter was really nervous walking down the aisle,
but she seems okay now and the money we got let us keep our farm and
even add on a few acres."

—Mrs. Addrien L.

"At first we were worried that Janine was too young to get married, but
then her new husband bought her a house and a car and jewelry and the
money we got let us buy a house for ourselves. Getting out of the trailer
park at our age was the best thing that ever happened to us, and it’s all
thanks to Marry Our Daughter!"

—Mr. Jack M.

oooooooh....I just don't know.

This is a joke, right?

OMG! How archiaic. I thought this died out in in victorian times. How sad too if this isnt a hoax, that this young girl( i have a daughter the same age) is being sold. Goodness some pervert could buy her.

I know a lot of different cultures still practice this and I read a true life book about it happening to an arabian princess.

Lets hope it is a hoax

Gads...this one sounds like they're looking for a wife beater:

We’re a Christian family and Cheyenne has had trouble with unchristian
desires although at heart we know she's a good Christian girl. She needs a
husband with STRONG Christian values who will provide her a STRONG
Christian home and help her to live a godly life.

She only costs 00, too.

I don't know if it's a joke or not but it sounds horrible if it's true! m

My daughter is 13. I can't imagine anything like that.

If it is true, it HAS to be illegal... Okay, I read on Snopes they don't know but after reading this page I'm sure
it's a hoax.

Sorry for the kerfuffle, folks. These hoaxsters did a good job!

Yeah this is a very well done joke.  And being a hillbilly, I have to say, I find it pretty funny too.  I know it's not PC and may be offensive to some folks, but I got some giggles here.

Who better to laugh at my heritage than me! 

 Too bad mine is to old, I could really use the money. Wonder what I could get for a slightly used 25 yr old?

 About 2 years ago I would have cut my losses but not now! *wink* .....and I would have paid  for someone to teach her how to plow if needed be! lolololol Truth is, she is too stubborn, she would have come back to her mom, regardless........

I am sure there is a bit of truth to some of those ads though...look at all the problems with the child **/ect. here and around the world.Kids are sold, at least according to the news and the programs I have seen briefly while channel hopping. Scary huh?


With all our light humor and joking aside.THis is a horrid nightmare that mankind has stooped to such filth.


Good thing for my daughter that their isn't a market for snotty, know it all, slobby teenagers. Can't imagine who would pay for that!!!

We still do get to see the girl we love shining through now and then, just to remind us she is hiding somewhere inside and will hopefully make her way out again someday!!

Hey, why not make a quid or two? Most men spend a fortune and give their daughters away. So who's the shmuck?

google.... Snopes  selling daughters..


Thank goodness it's not real....although I know it happens "in real life."

Get this though, my DD is also 13, just about 14. She has a friend who is also 13 and is from India. She may have been born here, I'm not for sure. She's being raised by her grandparents because her parents decided they'd rather travel the world than be parents...anyway--they go to India every summer for about a month. Well, evidently this last summer her grandmother tried to have her married while they were there!!! I think she was going to "let" her come back to America to finish school...but she'd be married. It didn't end up happening, I'm not sure why- but THANK GOD IT DIDN'T!

I guess it was normal at one time, and still is in some cultures (SP?) but I'm glad it's not the norm here!!

Holy Smokin' info! Quelle Scoop---thanks Lorster!

I'm glad the site was all clever and political and not a phishing site. For a
while I even speculated it was a sting. This clears up the mystery.