OT - Employment web site? | Arthritis Information


Hello all. Last month I saw where someone gave Joonie a web addy for finding work or working at home. If you could share it one more time, I'd be grateful. Losing my mind not working & frankly don't know where to start. I've been a haus frau for 25 years. I am so freaked out trying to figure out what I'd be suited for. Just realizing that I'm a little agoraphobic. Guess I better start working on a resume. It'll be a quick task. Something like this: Helped run family business a million years ago, raised kids, kept house, made candles, watercolored many pretty pictures. Painted our houses inside and out. OMG! I don't know what the hell to do. LOL! Sorry, not much help but I would think the question is more what do you WANT to do?

A friend sent me this the other day - a way to work from home.  She says they were featured on GMA and that they're legit.



Monk, if you helped to run a business, you might be a perfect candidate to become a virtual assistant. I can't remember where I heard of it... maybe Oprah or one of the news-based shows like 20/20. But it intrigued me enough a few months ago to do some searching on it for a friend who is looking to work from home if she gets pregnant. Virtual assistance as a career has really taken off since more and more folks began telecommuting--you do all the duties of an admin assistant, but you're sort of a contractor who works from home. It saves potential employers money to have workers who are not in the office, so they really are more open to this idea than you'd think.

Here, I'm not sure if this (below) is the best website for it, but google "virtual assistant" and read up on it.


Good luck!

I posted www.west.com to Joonie.  West is a customer service agency that hires people to work from home taking customer service calls for various companies.  They use to do some of our overflow work when I was with Home Shopping Network.

WOW! THANKS EVERYONE. See, you ask for something & you get it & more. I  Love it. Really, is it me or has every utility you pay is almost double from last year? Not to mention the gas thing but milk is crazy expensive here. K, not going to rant. Charles Grodin said it best "my wife says no matter how much I make, we are always going to need 40% more to get by". How true. Sad, but true.


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