OT-Phats Fit Club-09/13/07 | Arthritis Information


Hey All!

I'm pooped today!  Must be the combination of decreased calories and running my self in the ground this week.  I have been really busy (as everyone

We'll see how I feel tonight as far as a walk.  But, I need some exercise!!!  I only have one under my belt for this week.  I have no idea what I'm going to eat today because I got home late and didn't fix anything last night.  It will be o.k., though.

Have a great day!!!!


Reduced calories should not leave you feeling pooped unless you are below your basal metabolic rate (the amount of calories needed to maintain body systems).  However if you aren't eating a balanced diet with those reduced calories you can end up feeling fatigue

make sure you are eating protein at every meal.  It helps prevent that tired feeling and helps to keep you feeling full.   It is important especially for vegetarians to seek out protein because you often don't get enough.


I ate a honey bun, and robaxin so far.

My exercise... hummmmmmm... NOTHING! I am swelled today. Darn overcast day... I just wish it would rain already.I'm not feeling so hot myself. I have been freezing for two days so I know i am coming down with something. Last night I went to bed around 6 and got up at 7 today feeling just as crappy. I have the worst headache ever and had to go have an ultra sound done. Came home and went right back to bed. Everything hurts so I wont be exercising today and only food will be whatever someone else cooks. In the meantime I guess I will grab a banana and an extra glass of waterWell, a bout with strep is a great (though not recommended!!!) way to kick off a weight-loss campaign!  I've lost 5 pounds in the past week, and I still don't have my appetite back.


Thank you for the reminder.  I have been eating really good.  However, I often wonder if I am getting enough protein. 

Owie, I'm sorry you feel bad and hopefully tomorrow will bring another day.  Jasmine..strep is not my preferred weight loss method either, but it is successful!


PS...Joonie, you are a turd!!!!!!

Hey... you said I could join in. It is a good thing I did not feel up to posting about what I ate yesterday... let's put it this way... for dinner.... I ate enough food to feed a horse for the day.

Well... for lunch I had 1 egg salad sandwich. I usually have 2.

Then for dinner I ate 2 soft shelled tacos and a root beer.

I am cutting back on how much I eat or at least trying to.

It does make me feel bad when I post about my "junk" food I have ate after ya'll are eating hardly anything that would feel me up and I would have to eat double of what you ate just to feel full.

I did make it to the gym today.  20 minutes on the elliptical and 10 on one of the other machines.  AND I lived through my 17 yo daughter getting her drivers license.

Joonie, I am a big advocate of moderation rather than cutting things out completely.  Otherwise I go crazy when I do get them.



Of course you can post what you eat.  I'm just jealous that I can't eat like that

I'm glad you are participating in the Phats fit club thread.  We need help from everyone!!!


We ate at Sonny's Real Pit BBQ for lunch today. I missed breakfast cause I slept in. Hehehe Anyone have any idea how much of ANYTHING is in BBQ pulled pork? MAN IT WAS GOOD! And I had slaw, cause I figured it was healthier than like.....baked beans, and mac n cheese...lol though I did indulge, I had corn nuggets. I'm addicted to them!! They've got to be TERRIBLE for you though!

Tonight I'll eat light since I indulged on my lunch. I'm chugging the water today though, and I REALLY need to cause I slacked HARD yesterday. I only had a glass! eek!!!

We've been slacking on our martial arts work, as Justin's been down with the cold that I had. Joy!

Ok... we ate at Huddle House yesterday for dinner. I ate a Huddle Burger w/fries and biscuit w/sauage gravy and 3 glasses of sweet tea. And guess what? I did not even feel over stuffed or even full. Oh and I helped son eat his grits too.

I told son, breakfast is ALWAYS better for dinner.

I took a day off from exercising but I will do my daily crunches on my exercise ball. Yesterday after riding the bike for 30 minutes and then another 30 minutes of water aerobics, I was wiped out. I mean, way more tired than I should have been. But...I think I've lost a couple of pounds! My pants aren't as tight. Knock on wood. I'm afraid to weigh myself because I don't want to get disappointed. I always lose my waistline first and I could button my pants with no problem. This is the first time I've lost weight in awhile and it feels so good, almost like I'm normal again. It just makes me want to exercise and eat right even more.

I have a confession to make. I have hypothyroidism and my Dr. gave me medication to take several months ago. I haven't been taking it because I wanted to take over the counter diet pills instead and you can't take both at the same time. I saw my Dr. 2 weeks ago and I told him this and he said "so how's it working for you?" and I said "It's not". So,now I'm taking my thyroid medication and I've started to lose weight. I know, I know. Very stupid, I'll admit it.

Hope you are having a great evening.

LOL You said it, not me!

Hummm... glad ya feel like you lose weight, Miles2Go!
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