Neck pain at first? | Arthritis Information


Hi all! Did anyone have neck stiffness and pain in the beginning that improved when you went on meds? I woke up yesterday morning and thought, "Hmm, this is new."  My other symptoms have lasted for about 2 months now (mild finger joint pain toward the eve, painful knees, some mild pain on the tops of my feet, bursitis in one hip).

I could have slept wrong, of course, but this is the second day that I've had it. It's in the place that some websites explain it should be, and now that I've read some on it, apparently RA in the cervical spine area can be very serious.

So now I'm freaking out. Everything up until now (besides my knees) has been so mild that I was sure I had a mild case of RA. It's apparently so mild that the 1st RD I visited last week told me that I have fibro and not RA (still waiting on that anti-ccp test that I insisted he take; all else negative so far). I have an appointment for a second opinion with a new doc on the 25th.

Thanks in advance!

(Edited b/c my spellcheck always misses when I misspell "have!")


On occations I'll have "spells" with my neck and they are horrible. I think the neck is just really hard to deal with because no matter what you do you use your neck and it's painful.

Mine for the most part has passed fairly quickly and hasn't been a continued problem. It's not unusal though to have neck problems with RA. It's very common and yes; the meds used for RA do help.


Thanks, Lovie. I should have posted here prior to researching. The Internet can make you feel that anything out of the described symptoms is going to kill you immediately.

Sometimes I have a hard time reconciling the fact that only two months ago, I had no symptoms at all. It's unbelievable that this can come on so quickly and with no warning.

Thanks again.

I have neck probs, lot of muscles there and lot of bone and stuff..I go to a Chiropractor, he sets my head back on straight....and it is a pain free fixerupper! ( No need for bolts on the side of my neck either! *wink*)lol

Makes all the difference in the world!



It's also unbelievable how many of these things are related too....but it's always hard to know.

This will be your best resourse for information in my opinion. People with first hand experience is always so very helpful.

Luckily for us this site is really active and if you post a question someone with experience will likely have some insight for you really quickly.


Hi, I have been having horrible problems with my neck and one shoulder. Seeing an Ortho Dr soon for the shoulder which might be causing MY neck issues  which started a few months after my DX at which time my pain was primarily in my hands and ankles and feet.  

I feel like my Rheumie kind of blows off my neck issues. And I have been scared to try a chiropractor thinking not be the right thing to do for RA, but it sounds like it is working for Jode and I think I may just try it since my meds aren't working for me yet.

I did get about 1/2 relief which has thrilled me by getting a "water pillow" a few months ago from a home health agency store located in my local hospital. It is also always cool (temp-wise) which has felt nice to me when I have issues with night sweats/hot flashes as I sometimes do. 

Best of luck!



I do occasionally have neck and upper back problems and it can last up to a week.  Try some heat, and some of the aspercream...unless you are taking advil or NSAIDS.  Relaxation...chiropractor or message if you can afford them. 

Take care...shel

Neck problems were what delayed my diagnosis for so long.  All my arm pain/weakness was attributed to the degenerative joint disc disease and three herniated discs.  Once the problems continued down my leg and on the left side of my face blood tests revealed the true(?) diagnosis (I'm still not sure).  The RA drugs I'm taking have helped with the stiffness.  It was so gradual that I didn't even realize there was a difference until a neigbhor mentioned that I wasn't holding my head and neck stiffly anymore.  I do have some increased mobility as well.

About the chiropractor.  Please see another doctor to confirm exactly what is wrong with your neck before you see a chiropractor.  Chiro. are very helpful for some problems, but in some cases, they can do more harm than good.  My neuro and family doctor both said for my condition, a chiro. could do serious harm, even though they support chiropractic medicine in general.  One doctor said, "If he makes the wrong move, you're screwed."  I swear, that's a direct quote.  So, please, tread carefully there.  I was lucky the chiro. didn't hurt me when he wrenched my neck to adjust it.  It just hurt like crazy for a few seconds.  I should have talked to the doctors before going.

Thanks so much, everyone. I'm glad to hear that the meds have helped with the stiffness.

Jode, I'm so happy that a chiropractor has worked for you! I'm actually wtih the other folks who are nervous about going, though, since I'm not yet diagnosed and don't know what's really wrong with me. Not to mention that one of my college friends is now a chiropractor... and the thought of him touching people's sensitive areas is so unbelievable, it makes me terrified that I'll get someone like him (I'm only kidding a little bit here!). 

Again, it was great of you all to weigh in.
