Saw RD today :0( | Arthritis Information


Well after counting down to the RD visit for it seem like forever, I finally went today.....what a bummer!  I left in tears.

I told him the pain is getting progressively worse and that the fatigue is huge. After poking around and asking questions, he told me I have Fibro.  I told him my hands have been hurting terribly for the past few weeks and that my thumb has been swollen and painful, he never even looked at it.  Said it was probably Tendanitis.  I told him my jaw is stiff and snaps all the time.  He told me to see the dentist for that.  I told him  the pain is in all of my joints and sometimes severe and stabbing.  He told me arthritis pain does not stab.  He said he does'nt think the NSAID is at the correct dosage and that he needs to add a DMARD, but can't until the anti inflam dose is correct. Had bloodtest to determine level of med in my blood and he will see me in 2 more months. That seems like forever. I told him I just want to feel better.  He gave me a low dose of anti depressant he said was to help with the Fibro pain.

  BP was 140/110  so have to deal with that tomorrow with GP. She no prize either

He sucked all the cheerful I had left in me out

I am exhausted, I know it could be so much worse, but this just pretty much stinks.

Hate to be such a drag, but that's what's on my mind I need a good dose of Joonie:0)

Thanks guys!!



Pam, it sounds like you need to see another rd.  Did you have bloodwork done?  If so, what was your sed rate and your rf?  And if you don't like your gp, maybe you should see about switching there too.  Because remember it's all about you.....

I'm sorry you got bummed out today.


That's disgusting.  I would not wait.  Get new Dr.s (plural) right away.  I can say that, as I do not get the brush off with mine, as you do.  That is unacceptable.  Sounds like he could give a ....

Can you get some referrals from someone/somehow in your area?

I am angry!!!!!  Want to wheel on over there and tell them off, myself!  (well, wheelchair would need wings, I guess)


Ouch!  Some doctors are real A**es.  I know exactly how you feel.  The frustration is so unbearable sometimes.  Go to another Rheumatologist and keep going until you get some answers.  They have absolutely no idea about the pain involved.  Wouldn't it be nice to be able to see a rheumatologist who had RA (and maybe seroneagtive) least they would be understanding.


Can you find someone else? I'm so lucky. I have aan rd who really cares and is an internist as well. Also it helps that she is really smart.

It took a long time to find her though so I would say try another doctor if you can.

Pam - YES!!!  You rd sounds like a dud!  i saw mine yesterday & there is no excuse for an rd to be any other way.  She sees me at the MOST 5wks apart, listens to all my concerns...( which I have written down when I go in)...and tests for EVERYthing  that could possibly be causing my symptoms.  You deserve to be treated with respect!   On another note......she pointed out last time that dpression goes hand in hand with how intense your pain is AND how responsive your body is -suggested I see my pd and adjust my antidepressant, which I did(bumped the Zoloft from 50mg to 100mg) and there has been a visible improvement of my overall health.

This has happened to me again & again for the last 14yrs.....when you are depressed you have more pain & the shooting pains are definitely a fibro/chronicfatigue type symptom!

I have had the CFS & Fibro for 14 yrs and never connected it with my arthritis until now.....DUH!

Pam..I hope some of this helps - go for a 2nd opinion!


Pam~All our friends here are very wise Honey.

I have to agree; See another RD. Remember this is a relationship that will last a life time. You need to find someone early on that you like and that is compassionate, caring and understanding of your problems.

Keep your chin up.


Hi all,

Thanks for all the great replies.  I feel better today, really tired, but not as angry.

Hula girl;  you are my super hero, get the runway ready

Mike;  Yep, I am stuck with these dopes at the moment.  can't afford to go out of network as we just did that for our son and it cost us a fortune.

Niki;  Its so weird, I am RF positive dx with RA in May of this year.  This guy himself says he believes I have had RA "smoldering" for more than 20 years, yet wants to attribute all of my complaints to something else.  He smiles and is pleasant the whole way through, but I just don't get him. 

Thanks Mina and Kathy.  Lulu, the potato head was a nice touch

You have all lifted my spirits and now it's off to the GP to see how she can plans to bring me down again

You guys are the best!!

Pam,  I am sooooooooo sorry.  You need to flush that doc

Your rd sounds worse than mine!!!!  My rd has never been reluctant to try new meds.  He put me on DMARD and NSAID right away.  Had you been told you have fibro before?  If he won't look at you, or listen to you, or give you medicine, what good is he!!!!! 

I am so sorry Pam.  Go to your gp and get a referral asap.  This is ridiculous !  Is he Oscar's rd?  YOU NEED A NEW RD.  My heart breaks for you

My heart goes out to you.  I went thru the same thing for a couple of years.  After two joint replacement surgeries and living with daily pain, I changed to a different rd.  He started me on Humira right away and I feel much better.  Sometimes, I think they just don't realize how long 4 weeks of daily pain really is

Hang in there!  You can get a lot of good information and support here.


yep, get a new doctor. Two months is too long to wait for a another appt. , let alone the jaw pain. I don't think you have to go to a dentist for it, it's prolly RA. When I get a bad flare sometimes it goes to my jaw too and I can't bite down or feel my teeth when I bite.  It goes away when my flare goes away.

Good need to see someone new asap. Do you live by any of us where we can help you with a doctor?

Same here with the jaw pain.  My Rheumy confirms its RA.  Comes and goes.  Usually last 24 hours at most.  Can't chew normally as hurts to bite down, at all.  But..... I have learned to use it as an excuse to eat plenty Ice-cream!!!! 

And no, did not get referred to a dentist for it.





OMG Roxy, I like the put him in the potty idea

You're right Linda, what's another 2 months to them, they're fine.

Thanks Murphette,  you know he told me to see the Dentist and said they will probably tell you it's RA and try to refer you back, let them know I've told you to see them.  I told him the only other time my jaw bothered me this way was during a terrible flare in my 20's...he said...nothing.  What a Whack job!  I'm in Calif with poor insurance.  Lovie had a great behind the scenes suggestion to speak with an RD friend of my hubby.  I can't afford to see her at the moment, but can get some good advice.

Hope you all have a good day, I should have more fascinating info after I see the GP this morning



Pam where in Ca are you, and who's your RD.  My doc is great and real understand with a wit about him, I'll even drive you to him.

I may be wrong but to me it would be a waste of time and money  to go to a dentist. I've even had toothaches during flares that had gone away. I waited out the flares cuz if I didn't feel better and the toothache didn't go away, then I KNEW it was a real tooth problem. Pam,  Can your hubby's friend rd write you a script for pain and DMARD?  It may be worth it until you get an rd to replace this one.  I would get my blood test records from this jerk's office and your history.  I made my rd give me copies of my blood work last time.  You could tell he was not too thrilled. 

I tried to reply earlier this morning but, the site went down.

Hubby said to tell your RD "choke on that slap-nutz!"

Sorry you are having such a hard time with your RD. He bites BIG, sweaty, hairy, N-U-T-Z!!!

I would change if I could, but you cannot, so maybe make an appointment to tell him how you feel about how he treats you. Or better yet go to the heart of the RD and call his wife and tell her how he treats you when you go in. She would probably nag at him to be nicer to his paitents, or maybe she is a greedy blood sucker too, and would not care.

Just an idea.

If you can't change, maybe try what my mom did recently. 

Her Dr. brushed her off, would not listen, even return phone calls.  She wrote him a letter.  A letter from the heart.  Not mean or angry...just exactly how she felt.  Slighted, hurt, abandoned, scared, frustrated and the physical pain.  She must have really made him feel bad.   He had her in and apologized, listened, spent the time and gave her plenty pain killers, to boot.



Pam, that is a load of crap.  I have been in the same situation and I hate docs who act like that.  You should have told him that the only thing that was depressing you was HIM.  If you can, get a new one. 

I hope you feel better soon. 

Personally, they should take all docs who act that way and get them a one way ticket to hell!


I'm so sorry to here about your RD visit. There is
nothing more discouraging than to be looking
forward to an appointment where you know you will
get answers and relief, only to be brushed off and
mis treated. It's like all your hopes are dashed and
you have to start all over again.   

Anyway, I definately agree that you need a much
better RD when you are able to financially do so. I
wonder if you could go ahead and make an
appointment sooner and just go in and talk with

And Hulagirl, that' a great idea that your mom had.   

Don't give up! There are some really good doctors
out there, sometimes you just have to go through a
couple first to find one.

Hang in there and keep us posted.

thanks for all your help.  Oh and Joonie, be sure to thank your hubby, when I write that letter about how I feel I'll be sure to include that wonderful phrase "Choke on that Slap nutz!"

Saw my GP today,

Anyway, I'm going to try my best to be positive, and I'm so glad to have all of you close by

Love to all,


Hope this makes you smile.  This is what I am looking like right now after eating NON - STOP all day.  FOUR BOWLS OF PASTA SALAD, THREE ICE CREAMS, TWO POPSICLES, TONS OF CHICKEN, TOAST, CEREAL AND NOW I AM LOOKING FOR DESERT !  You got to love that prednisone. 


              Please give us daily reports on what you've

              eaten, I am seriously

               at work I was typing an email to a customer

                thank god I double checked before clicking

                 send.  I started it with Hi Rox,

                  see I think about you all the time

                  Keep on Snack'n !!

That saying "Choke on that slap nutz!" is back from hubbies wrestling infatuation days (years). It was Jeff Jarrett that use to say it. And hubby so lovingly would tell me that when he would do some thing that was right or I was wrong

The wrestling infatuation days (years) were the worst days (years) of our marriage. I am soooo glad he is now over the wrestling.



                    Thanks, no wonder I've never

                    heard that before

                     those days are over too!


Me too!!

He still watches wrestling every once in awhile, but he usually falls asleep watching it
