Dry Skin and MTX ? | Arthritis Information


Hi All

I know too well that those with R.A. and arthritis related conditions can have problems with dry skin, but does anyone know if MTX makes this even more so?  I noticed as I increased to a higher dose of MTX (once I passed 15mgs). 

Maybe I need a richer moisturiser or a treatment at a salon, but my skin is quite tickly, and I already use gentle products for face and body.  I just wondered if the MTX made it even more so?

Any one notice this? 


I noticed a slight drying of my skin when I started MTX and Plaquenil but I wasn't sure which was responsible.  Soon after, summer came so I haven't been bothered with dry skin since, even though I'm up to 20 mgs. weekly now.  I guess this winter will tell. 

Really Joolie?

I have no idea about MTX and dry skin - sorry.

But I DID NOT KNOW that dry skin was related to RA.  Our daughter has dry skin around her mouth and face and hands - I just thought it was unusual and was going to post to ask if it was a 'symptom'.

SO ther you go.  You just helped me without even trying.

Sorry I can't help you.  Go to a salon and have a treatment if possible - you deserve it I am sure!

mystery illness39338.6863310185Hi Joolie,

I suffered very very dry skin with MTX through winter, I was so itchy because of it. I ended up using a bath oil when i showered. Just rub it on liberally in the shower, rinse off then pat dry. It gave me great relief. Hope this helps.

< ="text/">_popupControl(); I think it is high possible, Joolie. My skin is definitely drier since being on MTX. You probably need extra moisturizer especially through the winter. Next time you are at the RD ask about it but I am sure they will say it can be. 

Hi There

Thanks for your responses.  So prompt and helpful as always! 

Mystery - I certainly will do that - go for a moisturising salon treatment  I think I might deserve some pampering - thank you!  We all do!

Cordelia - Thanks for your comments.  I think I definitely do need to get a heavier duty mosituriser.  I am sure the RD would say highly likely. I don't go back till mid october but I will put it on my list of things to discuss.  Maybe the nurse at the MTX clinic may have some advice. 

Jennee - I see you've had what I have just now!  Itchy itchy.  Yes, that way the oil would be "locked into" the skin better.  Thanks for very good advice that's worked well for you!

Jessee - Thanks for your comments.  You've had the same too, I see and I'm on a similar dose on MTX to you.  Here's to moisturised skin this winter.  I was only on low dose MTX last Winter so didn't have the problem then. 

I never had any problems with the dry skin in the past 12 years since being diagnosed R.A. so maybe it isn't actually a symptom of R.A. I don't know that for sure, but my inkling is that it is associated with it. I do have sun allergies so maybe I am a little bit sensitive in general and the R.A. heightened skin dryness more recently.  It's often difficult to tell what's causing what when we take a combination of meds., isn't it?

Thanks all, take care


Hi Joolie, my skin doctor, just last week, shook his head and said, 'yes, mtx' is tough on the skin.....as he was zapping me with that freezing (nitric oxide...or something) stuff. I had scabs for a month!! everywhere. I go again next week just as they have all healed. I'm asking about lazer treatments??? dry skin is a part of all this medication, he gives me samples and 'coupons' for neutrogena (which I can't afford) . Lynda

i reckon i will  have  to  stock  up with  it for  when i   go on MTX   soon 

Hi Lynda

I deleted my bit replying to you - doh.

Yup, Neutrogena can be so expensive!  I hope there's buy-one-get-one-free, where you live, or a price reduction, so you can fill your bathroom cupboard up!  I love the little Neutrogena DailyGlow exfoliating face pads which are nice and gentle for anyone to use who can afford, not just people with R.A./arthritis and related. I am almost at the end of my box of those now

The Neutorgena shampoos used to be really good too, I remember - very gentle products.  I just buy what's the most gentle products on offer at the supermarket/chemist.  I did splash out last month on a nice shampoo made by Klorane (French I think, maybe Swiss?  I threw the box away in the recycle!) but it has stopped my head being itchy (it's the oatmeal gentle shampoo) and it didn't take much of it at all do a good shampoo.  however, I would not be able to afford that all the time.  It was almost £9 a bottle (don't faint) ... but my hair and scalp were making me go crazy.  It has made a big difference. 

Good luck, Lynda with your dermatologist and hope there's no more probs. from the stuff he used on you.



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