Questions about employment and meds | Arthritis Information


I know I am in no shape to do it now, but I need to get a job as soon as I can. All these dr. appt co-pays and meds are devastating our finances. Youngest son graduates this year and we want to be able to help him along in college.

How can I get hired while taking all these medications? Most places do drug tests, and I just don't know what kind of job I really can do. on top of that is loads of dr appts. I would need time off for.

Nevermind, now is not the time to be thinking about working, I guess I am just whining - sorry.

Yeah, Deb we are in the same boat. Except I do not have that many Dr appts. I try to go only when I need to go for something that I just cannot take any longer.

Anyways... we are probably both better off waiting it out to see if we can get our RA under control first before thinking about going back to work. I mean we might cause more harm than good. That is my luck anyways.



you'll have to figure out what your abilities are but don't get hung up on the drug testing.  They have you list prescription medications and will eliminate positive tests for those.  MOst drug testing doesn't include the synthetic pain medications we take anyone so no problems ther unless you are on straight codeine

Even if you are taking codine if you list your prescription drugs it is ok (not for pilots, drivers, etc) but for most kinds of jobs.

Do your best to get a job that you actually like, amazing how much better I feel when I'm happy in my work. Try for something that allows you to sit, stand, walk but not be stuck for hours, stressing the same body parts over and over.

Even steady part time work helps the budget some.

I am positive your kid would rather put himself through college, than have his Mom wreck what is left of her health. (If he could live at home - that would be a big boost). Community college for the first 2 years saves a lot of money, the credits should transfer fine to an in state college.

Everyone's right! Oh, and don't freak out if they DON'T ask you to list your meds. I've been drug tested for 2 different jobs, where they said no list, we'll call you and request a list from your doctors if we need it. So they may go that route, but your meds shouldn't effect any job you apply for - save for something quite dangerous maybe, like an electrician who's going to be climbing poles all day or something.

My doctors office is 40 minutes away (MY RD) so I schedule them late in the afternoon and plan to leave early. Truth is most of my "Time Off" is used up going to appointments.....but I actually miss less work than the majority of the people I work with. Once you get in somewhere and prove that you are an asset to the job your employer will be more than happy to work around you.

Now if you are constantly slacking and calling in sick or goofin off then it might be different....but for the right person it's amazing how much an employer will let you get away with. Everyone gets a certain amount of time off. If it means you need to save up your lunch hours for a couple of days to make it work out often people will let you do stuff like that too. Come in early if you need to leave early. There's all kinds of things that can work.

Don't let RA stand in the way of you working or trying to work if you really want to and need to. Things have a way of working out.

Good Luck to you. I hope you'll be able to do what's in your best interest.

Oh yeah, Lovie's right about that. I could get away with murder here, as I bust my BUTT when needed.


What kind of work do you want to do?

owiedeb i am so sorry i sure know what you are talking about, my wife has great insurance thank goodness but the copays add so fast for the month, i feel so guilty the first time in 8 years my wife had to go to work i have always worked and took care of my family. until this disease hit me i was hardly able to get out of bed. I haven't been back to work since but i want to start looking also to take care of my family again. it's hard when you can't stand to long or sit to long and you can't lift anything to speak of. you figure you take 15 meds a day your can't remember too much you balance sucks and you have to have so many days off for dr appt and the restrictions my rheumy has and my pcp i wouldn't hire me. my wife says it's a fantasy me going back to work but i don't want to lose hope that's what i got besides my wife and kids. i am sorry to keep typing i just feel for you because i do know what you mean so well. best wishes to you and your familyl

I am sorry Darrel. I am sure you will get to return to work again and provide for your family.

It just takes time.

And my "time" is widdling away with the new billing/insurance person at my new RD's office. At my place of employment, they do the drug test first and then if they find anything you'll be questioned about your prescriptions.  So if they don't find anything, it never comes up.  Most of the opiates wash out in 2-3 days, so if you're really worried, you could just skip the pain meds for a couple of days before the test and it won't even be an issue.

There is no way I could go a couple of days w/o pain meds. Right now I cannot even go a couple of hours past time

Hope your son enjoy's his new job. Best wishes

More good news. Eldest son who leaves for basic trainning in Jan just got a job til then. That will ease the gas/pocket money/insur. burden on us a bit. I think since he just turned 18, he can pay for those things and as long as other son is putting his paychecks in his savings, we will continue to cover his insur/gas, and he can have a little from his pay for pocket money. Does this sound fair?

Sorry, this is way off topic 
