Not a pretty night | Arthritis Information


Well, I've had my nightly meds, including xanax, ambien, those pills that help you rest. I started to try to wind down around 9 pm, was actually tired. Some plan that was, no sleep, major indigestion and hicups from HELL! I can't decide if I should stay awake or try a little JackDaniels to help me. This is very frustrating!!!!!


Sorry you cannot sleep Mike. I hope your meds kick in real soon!


Go for the jackdaniels, got help something! Hope meds kick in,sherry

Jack and all those meds.  I hope we hear back from you soon Mike. 


Mike, I'm glad you are better. 


I'm so glad you're better.  My cousing once had the hiccups for 2 weeks non stop and had to be hospitalized for exhaustion......I wish someone would have given him some lemon juice.  I was just a kid, I don't remember how they stopped them.  It was so sad everyone was always saying "Did Art get rid of those hiccups yet?".

You should sleep good tonight.....I hope so. 

glad you're better,
