Cat scan results | Arthritis Information


I had my 2nd CAT scan Wednesday for the 2 nodules on my lungs. My Insurance Told my doctor a PET Scan was overkill and they wanted him to do a 2nd CAT scan first.
So, The results are my nodules have actually gotten smaller. My doctor said cancer absolutely never gets smaller.
So, we,ll keep an eye on it and check it in 4 to 6 months. I'm going with the 6 months.  I am relieved. I am lucky to have my internist to be a cancer specialist.

Well, your news makes this a GREAT day!!!  I am sooo happy to hear it


That's wonderful news thinkthinn! What a relief. I'm very, very happy for you.


Great news, TT!!That is wonderful news T. I'm real happy to hear that. Yeah!  I am so happy for you!My aunt had a similar scare a year ago... despite the doctors reassurance, she was sure she was dying of lung cancer.  She was a hysterical mess.  Luckily, this time the doctors were actually right for a change. I was convinced it was nothing. Mostly because I felt great. Maybe if you have breast cancer you wouldn't know right away but if you have lung cancer I figured you'd have some kind of sign like colds, cough, breathing problems and I didn't have any of those. So it's nice to have good news for once and thank you all. 

Im so glad you got good news!  What is the dr going to do from here? Is he going to keep getting CT scans to keep an eye on it?

I'm so glad to see this post. I had a lung xray in May for pneumonia, then 2 weeks later my doc ordered a CT scan to be sure it was cleared and there wasn't some other problem. They saw a small nodule the size of a pencil eraser. He sent me directly to a pulmonary specialist who is also an oncologist. I was in a panic. They wanted to do a PET scan, but upon some research, I figured out that RA nodules as well as cancerous tumors both show up as "hot" on the PET scan. So, it really wouldn't rule out the biggie. I convinced them to wait 3 months and repeat the CT scan. Just had it done and the nodule is still there, but no larger. I'm to repeat in 6 months. So, I understand your elation. It's so easy to assume the worst.

SnoopyKelsaymommy, Yes in 6 months he will do another scan. Who knows maybe they will disappear.
Thanks all
Good news and wish you well for 6 months time. I am so pleased that they are getting smaller