CFS | Arthritis Information


I saw this on another board!


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Why, that's CRAZY talk!
Heh heh....sorry....just feeling a little frustrated.

Around the turn of the last century there were many once respected doctors
who voiced the opinion that in the future it would be discovered almost all
illness was caused by bacteria and viruses. Boy, were they laughed at! Just
like Barry Marshall.

Thanks for sharing this, Pip! It's a great find. Especially for CFS sufferers,
who as far as i know don't have much in the way of treatment or medication
so the establishment will have nothing to gain by supressing or rejecting
this research.I just reread that article...this part was particularly interesting:

"Unlike traditional viruses that infect and kill cells, the enterovirus "has adapted to grow inside of a cell but does not kill it," said Chia. The cell protects the virus and allows it to thrive. So although the body's immune system tries to fight off the virus, it does not succeed."

So it's another "stealth" pathogen like mycoplasma.
