OT-Phats Fit Club/Weekend | Arthritis Information


Where are all my peeps?????'

Hope everyone is well.  I'm doing great on my diet.  But,,,,,not so good on exercise.  I have done one walk this week. 

Hope everyone is doing o.k.....


Phats, will join the diet group tomorrow.  I was doing well until we went away for 7 days.  Am trying to slowly get back to our diet and exercise.  Tomorrow will be the first full day back on the routine.  Lindy


Where were you yesterday when I needed you.  I looked and looked and no entry I even looked on the daily chat thinking you moved I am still hear and shrinking with you.  WW rocks I am several pounds down I can feel it already ( my jeans stay zipped and buttoned all day long LOL) I weigh in on Monday  and I will see how much I lost. My sister lost 4 this week so I have two days left to beat her Ha HA. I hope you are doing well I have not been exercising either but I hope to start Monday. Keep the chat going it's very motivating.

Linda from NJ

Hi Phats. I'm doing pretty good on my diet and really good with my exercising. According to my scale I've lost 3 lbs.! I'm excited, but worried about next week when we go to South Dakota for 11 days. Hours of sitting in the car...I'm just going to have to get out and walk around every chance I get. My husband hates stopping. I actually try not to drink very much so we don't have to stop very often. I can't believe I've done that. Not this time.

Swimming has been kicking my butt. I do water aerobics, and use water dumbells, and jog and all sorts of things so that for at least 30 minutes my body is in constant motion and man, when I get done I'm beat. But the water resistance is working! I'm starting to feel better about myself again.

Have a great weekend.

I walked to and from church today (only about 5 blocks each way) and tomorrow we are going on a 5K prostate cancer fundraising walk.  And I went to the gym last night, but forgot to bring my swimsuit.  I still get credit for trying, though, right? JasmineRain, I love to walk! I'm being pretty careful since I can't seem to get rid of my heel spurs in spite of babying them for over a year. But I'm on the treadmill again. As soon as it gets cooler I'll start walking outside again. It's so neat that you're doing a cancer fund raising walk. Hope you have a good time!

Eating was okay yesterday...but I ran 5 miles which made me feel awesome

I had a breakfast bar for breakfast.  Some cashews after my run.

Lunch was a slice of pizza my son made.

Dinner was two fish tacos. 

Of course I had coffee, ice coffee and water throughout the day.

Phats, can I join?  What's your scoop?  I"m as big as a house and getting bigger.


YES!!  Everyone is welcome!  This is a support thread where we post what we ate for the day and what we did for exercise.  It is awesome to have others who have the same goals as you! 


PS  anyone can start the thread of the day!!!!!  just remember to put OT


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