The Affliction Act Three | Arthritis Information


Scene One

Mind and Body are sitting side by side in an examing room, backs to the

Rheumatologist comes in, says,
                "How do you feel?"
Mind and Body look at each other, look back at the rheumatologist.
Mind:        " Like a beached whale."
Body:        " Like a giraffe with a neck sprain."
Mind:        " Like a slug....
Rheumy:   "Yes, I get the picture, I think you might have PMR,                                                                                      
                   considering the way you respond to Pred's pills. He is not all                   
                   that good you know, rather a Phantom of the Opera type.                       
                   (thanks Lonna!)
Mind/Body nod together.
                   "Yeah, we know, we know. What's PMR?"
Rheumy:     "It is similar to RA, AS, SLE, MS, GBS, MG, PA, GCA, CFS, FM
Mind/Body; "Huh?"
Rheumy:     "Autoimmune disorder."
Mind?Body: "Huh?"
Rheumy:     "We need to run some tests, take this slip to the lab,and
                    make an appointment for next week. Oh, and start to reduce      
                    the number of pills Pred gave you."

Playwrite experiencing writer's block. Please wait.

This is a must view topic... thanks Libeth, keep them coming. Its better than Days of our Lives.... Just a thought could we do a series on Golden Girls along side this? Used to think I was Blanche but now know that is Betsy! You go Girl!

Love to all, Lyn

Hi Lyn,  Two Blanches are better than one!

  Oh by the way, I have a new job besides the mural work.  I'm a spiritual gift consultant.  It's just part time.  So, if you know anyone who needs help, just send them to me.  I got some teeshirts printed up with that title on them and my phone number.  So far no one has called.  Do you think people are just shy or what? Bye, I have to go to church and work on seducing that old man again.  It just wears me out. 

Morning Libeth,  I'll bet you woke up with the second and third scenes jumping out of your head.  The mind is so good in the morning.  I lose my powers at 5:00 PM.

Love to everyone, and have a blessed day.

Interesting that mornings are the good time for you... I find I can't start in
the morning with the PMR/Pred. I wake very early, but can't get my body
moving till about 10. Getting to work has been really hard. Seems to be once
the speed of the pred kicks in I move.

Beautiful day here... hoping ot have the energy to be out doing stuff after
the 2 horrible days of rain.
pgrLibeth ~ you are fantastic.  Keep 'em coming, then PUBLISH.  I know I have a novel in me, but knew I was held back physically and mentally until I got this disease diagnosed and sorted out.  Maybe someday ... Take care ~~ Cathy