Not sure what it is... | Arthritis Information


Hey all! I haven't picked a forum yet cause the docs don't know what's wrong. I just know I'm always in pain and very frustrated.

My knees, feet, wrists, arms, and legs hurt. Tingling in feet and hands. I was tested for nueropathy but came back clear. Also had a blood test for RA and was negative. I have my first appt with a rheumatologist next week and I hope she can tell me something.

Anybody with the same symptoms. Any questions I should ask or tests to request?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Tash GL TAsh, I hate to burst your bubble, it took them 6 years, 15 specialists, 4 hospitals, for ONE RA Doctor to finally diagnose me. All it took was blood work for him. Mine travels always near joints, with severe sweeling and gout like pain (can't even touch the area). Years of pain and frustration finally got to me. The funny thing was, the area lasted 3 days on average, then moved to another spot. Sometimes several areas at once. I found the latest Dr. by accident, and it's changed everything. Be strong and don't give up.Thanks for all the responses and support. The rhuematologist I saw on wednesday ran some blood tests for lupus and other autoimmune disorders. She ruled out RA cause theres no swelling. My next appt is in 3 weeks. She said she pushed it out so far to make sure all the tests are back. Does it really take that long for results?