OT: Chit Chat 9/16/07 | Arthritis Information


Ohhhh what a beautiful morrrrrning..oh what a beautiful day...oh what a beautiful feeeeeling everythings going my wayyyyyyyyyyy....

Morning Everyone!  Ok so im not in as good of a mood as it seems..I "sang" that song too Katie last night on AIM last night and wanted to share it all w/ you. 
Whats everyone up to today?  Not much is going on here..Hubby is going to our friends house to watch WWE something or other, I dont remember the name of it tonight...AND hes bringing Kelsay so I will have peace and quiet to get some classwork done YAY...well it hasnt happened yet so I wont hold my breath

Have a WONDERFUL day everyone!!!

It's hot and sticky and I just want some cool weather.  It was 105 degrees yesterday.  I think the sun is stuck on high and pointed directly at Yuma.

Should just about be finished packing and moving stuff to storage and into the RV today if we can handle the heat.  Am going to get a head start this morning.  Will give us a couple of hours of only 90 degrees. 

We can't golf, too hot for even the pool.  The pool is heated to 90 degrees and it's too hot to enjoy.  You can't even take a shower in cool water because the water coming out of the cool faucet is warm.

Well, have I whined enough?  Back on our diet today and hopefully we'll lose the weight we put on in the last 2 weeks.  It took us 2 weeks to put on what it took us 4 weeks to lose.  What's wrong with this math?  I sure feel better when I'm on a low fat, no sugar, diet.  There's a significant decrease in my aches and inflammation when I diet.

Shannon, hope your day is quiet and peaceful. 

Will check in later   


Well, Sunday is almost over (10:00 pm) and it was a nice day but VERY windy.  Got up and went to church and sang. Then went to the mall to return the memory card that wasn't compatible with my camera.  bought a few travel size shampoos etc to take on holiday.  Came home and chatted on my etsy site to other crafters and sold 2 necklaces

Vegged out for the rest of the evening and am winding down .  Tomorrow is my day off so I will be getting ready and starting to pack for my trip.Well, we're not doing the cancer walk today.  Husband doesn't feel well.  Besides, I already donated 0 to my "sponsorship"; I'm sure if they had to choose between taking 0 or listening to me whine for an hour during the walk, they'd take the money and run


                     Good Morning Friends!

Brrr It's chilly here this am, maybe high 50's but it feels sooo good! Sorry Lindy guess I had to rub it in

Whats everyones plans for this beautiful Sunday? I will lay around and rest all day! I hope!

Hope ya'll have a wonderful pain free day,and Pammy hope you have a great night!(that is so weird

Study hard Shannon and Jas you should prolly tale it easy too! No walking and whining



I'm up early today too, for no good reason. The stock market is closed today so I actually get some morning computer time!

We'll be going to the sports bar today to watch the Vikings play, as usual. They don't televise them here in Florida. I take the Sunday paper and have lunch with my hubby and then I leave during halftime. I only can take so much football.

Moana, I'm jealous of your cool weather.

Moana you must be near my side of the globe... can you smell the fall in the air?

Katie I read about your remission.. YIPPEE!!! You deserve it!!!


Well, its 12:30 am and my panadiene forte is kicking in.  I'm feeling slightly buzzed. 

Have a great day folks,  I may drop in later in the day.

Its 3.36pm Sunday here, the sun is lovely again today but not too hot. Hubby has been in the garden all morning and i have been trying to sort out some recipes for winter meals. We are installing our conservatory in the next week and I am having a new sit down shower put inthis week.

Pam- I hope you get some sleep Mornin/Afternoon Ms Katie...Is it the same hand that you bruised up earlier in the week?  Is Justin still not feeling well?   Subway sounds good!  We had that Thursday for dinner, I could totally live off Subway...maybe I'd loose weight like whats his face...no,not the way I have them make my sandwichesJared came to Ninilchik and stopped in the retail shop, nobody knew who he was and he had to introduce himself, 'I'm Jared from Subway.' Our other claims to fame, my boss just got a signed picture from Ernest Borgnine, he comes up here sport fishing and likes our jalapeno canned salmon. Larry Czonka stays at a local fishing charter, one of the really high end ones, and Donny Osmund used to own a motel in town and came to school to give a speech about staying in school. I don't know why I'm saying all this, darn DD hasn't signed on to MSN yet.

Good morning for the second time.  I got up with hubby and we talked for a long time and it was good.  Still some attitudes about hypochondria that he is dealing with(so I guess we both are hmmm).

I took a half a pain pill before he left and was asleep in about five minutes after laying down.  I guess I needed it.  Had to get up to get laundry done and the house cleaned. 

He asked about how many people hold jobs and do their housework??? 


Deidre- its been raining really hard in scotland, just seen it on our news. Where do you live, it sounds like a really interesting place

sorry had to edit- cant spell todayNo, this is my other hand. But you know how I bought that stupid ActivOn arthritis roll on pain reliever? Hahah well I've been using it on it, and it's actually been helping. Which is just strange......but hey! Whatever! 

Hi Katie! glad your hand feels better. Oh and like you don't know exactly how Justin got a cold?

I've napped on and off all day too. Hubby is ticked cause I didn't go to church...again this week


Mona whats KWIM mean?  OMG this dog is sooo spoiled...I was in bed watchin 40 days 40 nights w/ hubby and i was all nice and comfy under my blanket and Jessie was laying by hubby...well ms I wanna be under mommies covers too decided she was to good for hubby and nuzzeled (sp?) her way under my covers..LOL  it was kinda cute..  and just now she was playin w/ one her stuffed animals (well it used to be stuffed, it no longer is) and she was shaking it back and forth and she somehow threw it up on the kitchen table  LOL so she kept whining and i couldnt figure out why till i looked on the table...

 LOL Sannon, KWIM means "know what I mean". Sounds kinda nasty don't it?

Your doggie sounds like mine

Mona...sorry hubby is a little ticked.  I hate when they do this...as if Church will get you to Heaven or some such nonsense.  My hubby does that too, but I did not go.  I did go to the store for a half hour to get vitils for us, and started sweatin' up a storm and then started getting dizzy.  So, I am home to stay. 

Katie I am glad the pain is under control...you just sleep away sweetie.  YOu must need it or you would not be sleeping. 

Shan...my puppies are like that.  My shepherd actually senses pain, and will come and lick my joints in the middle of the night.  What a shock.  Both of them don't like when hubby and I cuddle.  They both go in between us and sit.  My little puppy has been very clingy this weekend.  Although they don't hesitate to wake me at 1:30am to go potty.  LOL

Hehe my kitties are like that. They know when me or Justin isn't feeling well and will come cuddle on us. Samus likes to wake you up by laying on the pillow and putting her little feet on your cheek. Shes SO CUTE!! 

Man... I took my Humira last night around 3am and 2.5mg of pred. As I ordered my refill for pred about 3am this morning, but was not sure if they would have it ready today and I only had 1 5mg pred tablet left, and I cannot go without the pred.

So, I went and picked it up today and it was ready. So, back to 10mg of pred for me. I am hurting and both legs are bothering me. My right leg was swelled last night before I went to bed. It kept waking me up last night jerking. One time it jerked so hard it hurt my hip and knee.

I was trying to talk hubby into going to church last night, but he said no, he gave in one time this weekend and he is not giving in again. I think he was talking about Abi.

But since my leg kept jerking and waking me up and hurting me, I was not in the mood to sit up on a hard pew for an hour and then sit around for about 3 more hours for the lunch-on they were having. I kinow son wanted to go, but I just could not get myself outta the bed and dressed. My fingers are bothering me again. And if hubby is not there to help tend to son, then I would have to and I was hurting too bad to even chase him around the church.

I did not get outta the bed until 2:30pm. I still did not want to get outta the bed then but I had to pee. And then Abi was meowing so, I got her outta her basket and played with her for a while.

I guess I am going to start taking ALL of my meds again. Ya know, they give you meds to take for a reason........

Yea my dog and cat growing up were the same way w/ sensing pain.  Mona what kind of dog do you have again? Its so hard to keep em all straight.  Jessie has this high pitch bark when we play or tease her.  then if you bark and howl like a dog she'll do it too and put her head back so her nose is towards the sky..Its the funniest thing, and she wont stop doing it after you stop less you tell her "Jessie you saved me" LOL

OMG i saw the cutest puppy walking Kelsay home from school one day last week.  It was about a foot high and about a foot in a half long and that was as big as she was gonna get. Dont know what kind she was but she was just the sweetest little thing..Told hubby that i wanted one like that when we have to give Jessie back to mom...It's gonna be soooo hard when we have to do that

oh, Joonie I am soo very sorry.  At least Abi is a light in your life right now.  Now that you have taken the humira it will come through quickly...Murphy's law and all.

Katie?! Are you talking to me? *in best Tony Montana voice*


Joonie, you know if you took all your meds like you are soposed to you prolly would be feeling a heck of a lot better then what you do.  The dr is having you take them for a reasonOh but you appreciate so much more of the movie when you know about the games. I love the games! I also can't wait for the new Silent Hill movie. Those were some kick ass games too!

They just made Stephen King's The Mist into a movie, it comes out in November and I can't wait. I've been screaming for YEARS for that to be a movie. It's SUCH a great story and it gets overlooked so easily.
No Joonie, I'm talking to the OTHER Alabamian who doesn't follow her doctor's instructions......

Dude! What med I am on is going to help with pain, swelling and stiffness, that I am either not outta, or was suppose to not be taking by now as I was to be on Remicade by now?

Amitriptyline? Nope for bladder.

Prednisone? Yes, but was on my last 5mg and it had to last for 2 days if they did not get to filling my order today.

Robaxin? Nope only a muscle relaxer.

Humira? Sure, but was not to be on Humira still. Was waiting to make sure I was not going to need it if I could not get on Remicade. And I was still doing good until, about last week. So why even take it?

IBU? Ahhhh... just need to stop taking so much of that crap. Does not really help swelling and stiffness, but does help a little with the pain, but why take that for pain when I have Darvacets?

Darvacets? No, does not help with swelling and pain, just makes me sleep and I already had enough of that today to last everyone on this board for a day

So... which meds should I be taking? Remicade! And why am I not? Because they did not give it to me yet!

Shelley, I work about 20 hours a week but definitely DON'T keep house.  I cook.  Hubby does our laundry, the kids do their own.  Hubby does the vacuuming and ironing.  He also cleans up the kitchen after dinner.  My life is sleep, work, cook and make jewellery when I'm stuck sitting on the sofa.  Oh and I do the shopping.

If you were to take darvocet long enough you wouldn't be sleepy on it. That's a side effect that will go away with regular use. And the muscle relaxer SHOULD help you with some pain, and if it's not then it's not the right dose, or it's not the right med for you. But you can't expect them to know that the darvocet doesn't work, or any other meds. You gotta be proactive about everything. Weren't you supposed to find out on Friday if they got your remicade straightened out? What happened with that? If they didn't call you, why didn't you call them?

I'm just sayin. You're always in pain and you're always in need of relief, and damn don't you ever get fed up with it? So what if you have to get in a doctors face to get some help, so be it! You don't deserve to be miserable all the time. Ya know?
Joonie, ibuprofen, naproxen or other NSAID's will work in tandem with the darvocet.  They will enhance each other.  Also, darvocet is a pretty crappy pain reliever; many studies have shown it to be no more effective than plain old tylenol.  It does tend to make you sleepy and relaxed, so that could help a bit.  But you might try asking for a different opiate - perhaps tylenol w/codeine or vicodin.  They even make Vicoprofen, which is hydrocodone (the opiate in Vicodin) combined with ibuprofen.  It contains no acetaminophen (regular vicodin does).

Better living through chemistry! Katie....I don't think Stephen King's Mist is the same as the PC game MYST.  Wouldn't bet my life on it though.No, it's not. It's his short story and it's a WONDERFUL scary as hell story! I read it ages and ages ago, and always wanted to see it in movie form! I can't wait!

Hmmmmm......I didn't know that SK had anything to do with the game.

He doesn't? The MIST is totally different than The MYST.

The Mist

The Myst

Evening guys!

Some people aren't the type to get in people's faces.  It just isn't in them to do it, or it has to be for something big enough to them to make them do it.  Nothin wrong with that, everybody's different.

Katie~ oops

Just finished cleaning house...took me all darn day! Maybe getting in their faces was too strong of wording. I just mean, if you're miserable, why wait around for 3 weeks to hear what they want to do with you? Why not call and bug them until they start helping you?

It seems like you were just doing that!!


Anyone watch the Emmy's? It's not even on yet here on the west coast but Yahoo already told me who won. Not that I really care about the Emmy's, but I HATE being the last place on the planet  to see something! Ew Gale! I slept. *grin* I had your lazy day today!!!!

Link - s'ok, almost no one's ever heard of his short story, so it's no big thing. I just looked at the release date and now I'm confused. It says November 21st, which is a wednesday. So is it straight to DVD, or in theaters? Theater releases are almost always friday, and DVD releases are almost always tuesday. Weird!!!!

Yeah, katie.  That's what I would do.  But then, I'm wondering if I'll chicken out tomorrow asking for more pain meds.  I don't know why I get so embarrassed about that.  But there it is.

Gale, that's the trouble with housework.  No sooner do you finish up than it's time to start it over again.  An exercise in futility.


    Hi Guys! how ya'll doin?

Whose face you getting in Katie?Gale we caught a little of it and it was boring! I just wanted to see John Stewart! 

That's why it took me all day to clean house...I've been sleeping on and off all day too! 

Around here every now and then they'll release something on a Wed. 


Hi Mo'Nana! I don't know who's getting in who's face...I just got here myself!

Man it's Misty in here. 

Mo....I might be down in your part of the country in a few weeks visiting my son and his wife.  Please don't let it get cold by then.  I need a bit more summer


...and Karen come's in with a bang! 

Joonie, feel better.

Hey Peeps! It's rainin' in Wyomin'

 Oh Yeah Katie, that's true

I hate cleaning house! Brisen, like I said before I live with pigs

They sure don't mind a dirty house though.

I downloaded Celtic music all day Karen you're a trip. It took me a minute....

Night Link! 

Really I don't smell Link...hmmm, did I take a shower???IDK???

Mona - I like Richard Searles. The one I listen to a lot is 'Emerald Castles'. Where do you download from??Cya Link.  Catch ya tomorrow night! 

 LINK HATES ME! Everytime I get here she leaves

Hey Karen and Shelly how you guys?

Just kiddin Linda I know you get up early

It is sooo cool here it's wonderful!

Where are you coming to Linda?

Hey Princess Fatback, do you clog?I wear clogs to work everyday! Does that count??


 I download from Limewire I think is where Trey has it, I found some really good ones! Celtic Woman, Enya, Chloe Agnew , Lisa Kelly, Sue A. Cornwall and a bunch more I forgot.

No, vegetarians can't clog.  It's in the rule book.What rule book? There's a clogging rule book????

I have been sitting here all day at the computer, I should at least put a load of laundry on to make it look like I did something today.  Well I ran the dishwasher  does that count?

I'm waiting for my hairdresser to come and do my hair.  Thats my excuse for not getting into any housework

 You're not the Princess Brisen

that was funny Special K...

I am going to check laundry again.  Son is concerned about havin' jeans tomorrow. 

You mean your long beautiful BROWN hair that isn't weaved?? 

Hey Pammy!



gosh Gale, Princess got a 'tude today!

Princess always has a 'tude. 


Princesses are born with a "tude", it's a requirement

My hair is long, blonde and beautiful if I say it is Brisen

Yep...just agree with her Gale...it will save time!

mine is short and mouse coloured for the moment.  Hopefully it will soon be shorter and spikey and blond and red.

Glad you found something you like Princess.  But Enya?  Really?

I think we should name Enya -  Upya!

LOL Y'all are all nuts.

How 'bout some good Manson music? You know he did the Resident Evil soundtrack.......
I'm having trouble lifting my kettle.  That poses a HUGE problem.  If I can't make tea I'll die

Karen LMBO

Manson BLECH! He scares me My computer froze up too...but only on this site. My ALL TIME favorite group is Dave Matthews Band. Daughter and I go see them every year! I LOVE a couple of lesser known bands, but you guys might actually like them. Blue October and Ringside. Hit up youtube and see if you like them!!

I like some bluegrass, not all. 

I like classic rock, and some hard rock mostly.  You know, "That Old Fashioned Rock and Roll".



 I think we're overloading the site posting at the same time

I hate bluegrass singing, not the music. They whine through their nose

 Dave Matthews is good

My favs are Matchbox 20, Creed, Hootie and the Blowfish, Beach Music,and now I'm into CelticOMG Mona! MY kids make SO MUCH fun of me because I listen to Hootie and the Blowfish!You guys listen to my mom's music.......

That's cuz we're all old enough to BE your mother! 

I will check out Ringside!

Yes, yes you are! Hey Karen...just wanted to let you know the people a couple of streets over that were working on the sunken ship have taken it down and now today there's an old organ and a bed in the front yard. It'll be interesting to see what they're up to now. LOL I wonder why they changed ideas? How weird is that!

How about some Pink Floyd, CCR, Pete Seger, The Doobie Brothers, Lynrd Skynrd, and Black Sabbath?


Oh, and of course, the greatest of all - THE ROLLING STONES!

I don't know...maybe because they did the same thing last year and came up with a better idea???

Whatever, last yea's was freakin' awesome! When they finish this one I'll drive by and take pictures. I'm sure it's going to be just as awesome!


 LOL don't remind Brisen of her age Katie, she has a complex

 I'm not much into todays music, it pretty much sucks, and all Trey listens to is country. I do love Tim McgrawNot as cool as Special K's 

Pink Floyd ROCKS! CCR is OK, I love Pete Seger and the Doobie Brothers, Lynrd Skynrd and Black Sabbath are just OK.

How about the Who and the Guess Who...both really good bands!

Wise woman, your mother!

I wear "Mom" jeans too, LOL

LMAO She ditched the mom jeans last year when she lost weight. She wears "low rise" jeans again!!!  It's kinda weird to see it, to be honest. When I was growing up she was a mom jean and stretch pants person. Big t-shirts etc etc. Now she's almost as in style as I am! Gale, I like both the Who's from Whoville!


 Now thats MY music Karen! I've seen most of them! But who is Pete Segar? I love/saw Bob Segars. You forgot the EAGLES!!! woohoo OZZY FREAKY OZZY


Okay even I like the Eagles....

I'm a big Billy Joel, Michael Jackson, Elton John, fan....there's a few others but I'm really spacey right now. LoL


 I don't were no granny clothes

You know you're getting old when you forget the names of of your favorite artists!

What about some Palazzo pants? 

That's OK Karen, my brain went right along with your Pete Segar! LOL


Ok, we're gonna bore Katie to tears, but what about Steppenwolf and Peter Frampton!Yeah I think my mom jeans are cutting off the flow of blood to my brain!


I started to say Brisen.....

Umm Katie I'm to short for palazzo pants unless I'm in really high heels and thats very seldom"I had a small scene in a movie with Peter Frampton. And we had to smoke pot for our scene - but it was fake pot! Do not buy pot on a movie set. But I got to smoke fake pot with Peter Frampton, that's a cool story. It's as cool as smoking real pot with a guy who looks like Peter Frampton... I've done that way more."

"I worked on a movie with Peter Frampton. Peter Frampton is a musical legend, but I don't know his body of work, so I had to think of something to say. "Hey Peter Frampton, do you like toast too? As do I. It is warm and crispy. And the perfect place for jelly to lay. Now get away from me Frampton, I got sh*t to say to you!""


 The greatest invention ever was for stretch jeans to be fashionableAren't Palazzo pants really just recycled parachutes?

They certainly look like recycled parachutes...not my cup of tea.

I had a bowl of canned vegetarian chili for dinner...with saltine crackers.

I've always been an easy girl!  

Have you ever made The Impossible Pumpkin Pie?  It makes it's own crust.  I like that one.

Or Apple Crisp made with old fashioned oats and canned apples.  Yum!

Anyone that has a limping man with a big ding dong swinging back and forth as her avatar MUST be easy! 

I yearn to be tall

I had calzone but now I'm hungry again, all my candy corn is gone

Trey sit right here and ate it ALL

I love Kielbasa and sour kraut ummm

It's a loin cloth. :|

No Karen, I haven't. Do you know any quick easy one person meals?
Me, me, me! I want the impossible pumpkin pie recipe!!! I love saurkraut with ketchup! How about a baked potato with bacon and a little ranch dressing?Son of a bastard! My shoulder just said "HEY YOU! HOW DOES THIS FEEL!??!?!" 


 Katie I make a super simple chicken and rice casserole and it is sooo good. You want it?

Brisen is nasty! shewww! Karen didn't even know that was there

Palazzo pants are SO 80's.

My daughter won't even wear clothes like mine, I refuse to wear mom clothes.  Never have, never will.  Merryn is VERY conservative in her clothes, comfort over fashion every time.

Still waiting for my hairdresser to show.

How do you make a fast baked potato???????




 Oh Yeah Pammy been meaning to ask you....how the crap do you get a hairdresser to come to your house?

If you like to eat the skin, you have to bake it so it'll be crunchy. But if you don't like the skin, nuking it is fast and easy and the potato tastes the same.

 HUMMM a cheesy baked potato/with broccoli and bacon yum!

I buy a lot of frozen bag dinners like Bertoli's shrimp scampi and pasta. Or Garlic chicken pasta. they're yummy!

We need to give Mona some notes, so she can keep up with past discussions about my avatar!

Impossible Pumpkin Pie

16 ounces Pumpkin pie filling
12 ounces Evaporated milk
2 tablespoons butter
2 Egg
3/4 cup Sugar
1/2 cup Bisquick
2 1/2 teaspoons Pumpkin pie spice
2 teaspoons Vanilla

Heat oven to 350F Grease pie plate, 10 x 1 1/2". Beat all ingredients in blender on high speed 1 minute or until smooth, or beat the mixture with a mixer on medium speed about 2 minutes or until smooth. Pour into pie plate. Bake 50 to 55 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean.

Katie - poke a few holes in the potato with a fork, then nuke it for about 5 minutes on one side, turn it over and nuke another 3-5 minutes on that side. Viola, it's done!That really does sound impossible. Around thanksgiving at work, the restaurant makes an INSANELY delicious pumpkin cheesecake. OMG I've never had something so good. We look forward to it every year.

Just throw it in the nuker Kartie  stick it with a knife and put it on for about 8 minutes depending on the size.  The outside isn't crisp but the inside is cooked.  If you want the outside crisp just stick it in the oven for 10 minutes when it is finished in the nuker.

Mona, she is my best friends daughter and a great hairdresser, todayis her day off and she will often do friends and family at home for extra cash.

Katie, just stick a fork or knife in the potato a few times before you nuke it.  I nuke mine for 4 - 6 minutes, depending on how big the potato is.

Thanks guys! We do frozen dinners and sandwiches alot, it's easier since we're on opposite schedules. But I get bored after a while, and want new foods. I LOVE potatoes! :)

Well if Katie doesn't know how to nuke a potato by now, she's hopeless!

 Katie! dont put foil in the microwave!!! Wash potato and stick a knife clear through it, wrap in plastic or paper towel. It takes about ten mins to do a BIG potato, little ones about half the time.

Oh I remember the past discussions about the gimpy man Karen

Yuk! Ketchup on anything Mona....Happy Birthday!!!!

 LOL Karen I was just cracking up at all of us telling Katie how to nuke a potato.

Ahhh Pammy I see! You lucky girl!

Mrs Smith bakes all my pumpkin piesYay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  HOW the FLIP did you know that !!! YOU NERD! I wasnt gonna say nothin


Happy Birthday Lady!!!!!


Aww thanks guys! Ya'll are so sweet

Thats why hubby took us all to dinner last night and brought me calzone tonight.

Yeah, when you asked me when I turn 44 I looked at your profile...LOOKED, not SNIFFED! I pretty much suck at dates too. But I do remember you have a birthday coming up pretty soon Miss Katie!


Oh yeh when will you be 44 Gale?

Karen I really needed that polish, everybody wants to touch it

Katie now I really could be your motherYes Ma'am! Sure do! I think it's on my profile too. But I'm never shy about my birthday. LOL Mona...*gulp* I turned 49 in April.  Now who's sniffin' profiles Mo'Nana!

to the Princess!

You're a month older than me GaleLMAO! But he's AWESOME!  NO you didn't Brisen! I thought we were the same age for some reason

It took me a long time before I could catch up.  I went away to clean the bathroom, and see if Brandon's jeans were dry....and oh, I took a shower. 

That's strange Mona, 30 was the hard one for me too.  Nothing else has bothered me so far.Whew, I didn't know you were older than me Gale.  Somehow I feel much better now!  Life is good!  You're almost at the top of the hill you old farts!!!!Gosh I fell apart at thirty too.  I think I was in a funk the whole year.Ages don't scare me. Do you suppose it's "cause I'm only 23" or am I just weird? I always can't wait to be the next age. Just to see if anything is different. But none of it worries me, or depresses me or anything.


I could not wait to turn 40!  I almost threw myself a party!

Thank you Shelly, you're so sweet!

And Katie I didn't go sniffing! You told us a couple weeks ago when your birthday isOK Karen, fess up. Just how old ARE you???LOL I was thinking you'd say that!  I swear to almighty, if I'm the oldest one here I'm leaving!

I DID make my hubby have my friends throw me a big 40th!  

Didn't ya know Karen is 25!  She's just mature for her young age. 

LMAO so she had her daughter when she was what? Like 3?  Katie - I've never acted my age and I still refuse to grow up!

Brisen it's ok, calm down, my hubby is 54 and he's right next door in the bed

I am always told that I don't look my age.  They really faint when I tell how old my babies are.  I like that, 'cause in High School I always looked a lot older.  Yep!  A couple of guys walked away disappointed when I was a freshman. 


So, Bris...you are the "Old Fart"

No one ever believes my mom when she tells people her daughter is 23. People have asked us if we were sisters SO many times. I still think she just looks like my mom......

OK, ya'll are gettin' on my last nerve now!

Yep!  I love that when it happens...Eleya's not too keen on it though. 


Did you know a pudgy fat face hides wrinkles?

Would any of you have plastic surgery? I would in a heart beat! Yes I can be vain

Bris...we love ya!I'd fix my nose. I hate hate hate it. Broken the tip off the cartridge in it one too many times. It was already too big, but THAT didn't help, that's for sure.

OK  housework is dangerous.  I just emptied the dishwasher and dropped something on my toe.



Brisen you don't look 30, why are you worried, I hope I look the good in a few yrs

Oh no, I would never have plastic surgery Mona.  I hate that look everyone in Hollywood is getting with their faces stretched so tight they can hardly blink.  It is so awful.

I have to admit, I like wrinkles - I really like them on men.  That little crinkle at the eye is really sexy I think!



Heck ya...I'd get everything plastic, and I'd get a tummy tuck and charge it to my Beloved Brandon!!!!!!!

I had a rhinoplasty when I was 33, and couldn't be happier. He did a great job! I would love to have an endoforehead lift and abdominoplasty...I'm saving for it as we speak!  LOLSo far the wrinkes are minimal and there is very little grey so I'm not faring too bad.  Now if I could get rid of a few pounds....


I really don't have that many wrinkles yet, I was talking more along the lines of lipo suction, tummy tuck, butt lift, breast reduction. No I don't want to look like Joan Rivers in the face

I looked into a bleph because my eyelids sort of sit on my eyelashes.  If it is bad enough they can do it through medicare and it won't cost but if its just cosmetic you have to pay for it.  I don't have 00 at the moment but if I can get someone to say that it interferes with my vision then I might get it done.


Well then Special K...you'd think my hubby is sexy...he has those lines around his eyes and he is 45.  He's gonna be a prune someday!

The kids in my classroom looked at him at the Christmas play last year, and said Mrs. Randall...is he about 20 yrs older than you?


It's not that I'd want to look a whole lot different. It's just that that's the one thing that I've never gotten over the look of. I used to get teased A LOT for it. I don't care if anyone says anything to me now, I've grown beyond that. But at the same time, I feel like at this point I can never be happy with it. Does that make any sense?

Do any of you watch Nip/Tuck? I LOVE that show! But someone just told me recently that it ended last season and won't be coming back.


 Did it hurt Brisen? How long was the recovery? Will insurance pay any?

Pammy my grandma had that done. Her eyes had been like that for 20+ years and they finally decided it was interfering with her vision,and fixed them. My dad has already started to get the same thing. I wonder if I'll end up with it too?

Wow, Shelly, you're very kind to share like that.  Thank you.

My hubby has some crinkles, but not too many yet.  He has a very gray beard though, and that I wish I could talk him out of !  He says it hides his double chin.  



Insurance paid for my Rhinoplasty because I broke my nose in an accident. I'd always HATED my nose, so it was the perfect time to get it fixed. It was rather painful, and a lot of bruising and swelling, but VERY worth it!


I used to watch nip/tuck when it first came on, my luck would be to end up with a psyco surgeon

Well, ladies I have to check the subbing website tomorrow at 5:30am, to make hubby happy.  I sure hope there is nothing there.  I really need to get these stupid sinuses looked at. 

So, I will talk to you all tomorrow.  TTFN!

Good night Shelly!

Oh my son Jamie broke his nose and the doctor fixed it right there in the examining room with a huge set of pliers.  I will NEVER forget that sound it made.  {{{shudders}}}


I had 2 rhinoplasties when I was about 13 and 18 because of my breathing.  It is still crooked and I would love to get it fixed still mainly because of the breathing, I only really breathe from one nostril.

I have an appointment with an Opthalmologist in a few weeks so I might ask him how bad my eyelids have to be before something can be done about it. 


 Good Night Shelly!


Sorry Karen!

 I KNOW. My older sisters friend had the dr say she needed the eyelid thing and insurance paid for it. She looked awesome! I have the Youngs bags under the eye


She's sorry your turning 49???No they were rhinos I had broken my nose when I was a child and they were trying to fix it it was pretty crooked.  My glasses still sit crooked across my nose. 


hummm kinda lost here.....

Gale wouldn't you be able to find a respected Dr in your hospital? Or someone recommended.?

Did you have trouble breathing before the rhinos or after?

Well ladies, I'm outa here. I napped today, but I never got GOOD sleep. So I'm off to get it now!!

Nighty night!!!
Yeah, Mona...we have a really good plastic surgeon that works out of our hospital. I would definitely use him. Night Nite Katie! I should probably be getting to bed too. I have an 8:00 dental appt. in the morning. Ugggh!

I still can't breath right

there is a big hump on the right side of my nose.

The doctor didn't do enough work because I was still growing and he didn't want to do too much at the time.

I'd love to see someone now who could fix both the looks and function of my nose.


 I'm off to bed too, Good night everyone. TTYL

Sweet dreams all


Nite Katie!  Nite Gale!

How do you like that the youngest one and the one in the western time zone go to bed first!

lol karen
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