OT: Chit Chat 9/18/07 | Arthritis Information


Morning Friends!!!!!! 
Hows everyone doing this morning/evening/afternoon ?

Ive gota few comments regarding last nights chat convo LOL

Steph(i think) I LOVE hardwood floors too...My dad has a house built in 1850 and he has 6 in wood plank floors, but it was gonna cost a rediculous amount to have refinished so he didnt :(  It woulda looked BEAUTIFUL.

Karen...about your G-spot comment

Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL day!

Shannon you get the surgery and let me know if it increases your "sales" any. 


I have nothing to say but good morning everybody!!!!!!


WOW, Katie has nothing to say?  Are you alright this morning?

Tell me three things that you are happy about today - if you have more than three, that's okay too!

1.  I am happy because we are receiving such a warm, supportive response to our Haunted House plans this year.  People are "coming out of the woodwork" to help us, build things for us, or offer construction supplies.  It is so touching to see how much this has meant to people over the years.

2.  Wedding plans for my daughter are going along well, and she is so happy.  It is wonderful sharing this with her; we are having so much fun searching for things on the internet and showing them to each other.

3.  I am really happy to have my on line friends here.  You make me smile and laugh and cry every day.  I look forward to checking in with you all every morning, and being silly with you every night!


Now your turn!

Why I am happy today:
1. Kelsay is allowed to ride the bus to school which will make me feel better physcally.

2. We are getting more on track financially. 

3. I have a great group of friends w/ whom i can be myself and they know what I am going through (you guys LOL....sorry Karen kinda took one of yours

1. I have all of you who understand what I go through on a daily basis and I can share all your joys/woes too!

2. My boys are growing up to be polite and respectful (and productive) young men.

3. I have a wonderful hubby who is by my side even though he doesn't always "get it" he tries and researches

(katie, that's wonderful news!)

Katie, that was too easy, you still owe me another reason! 

Three things that make me happy today...

1) My 17 yo daughter finally got her license--she can take herself to play practice now!

2) The first thing all 3 of my kids did this morning when they came down the hallway, was hug me and tell me they loved me.

3) I got to drive my jeep one more day without the windows/sides/doors--okay it was a bit chilly this morning, but I knew that I had a jacket in there for some reason.

2.The support on here is amazing and you lot

3.My son picked up the dog poop in the garden!!

That me ole joints are doing much better today too.

My kitten keeps herself entertained by chasing after dust bunnies


On that note... I went to sleep around 8pm last night. Woke up around 2:30am to take my meds and then son woke up around 3am and did not go back to sleep until about 4am. Then I got up at 6am to wake up hubby and to see daughter off to the bus and then went back to sleep around 7:30am and back up at 9:45am and off to the GP's office for appt at 10:30am.

And with all that sleep I can STILL go back to sleep. I am tired and yawning.... yawning even more now because I keep typing and reading that word

Going to call RD today, just waiting on my cellphone to charge up long enough to sit on hold for 10+ mins. It was D-E-D... DEAD when I turned it on this morning so I let it charge for about 5 mions while I was waiting on MIL to come get me and it had enough charge on it to call her and tell her to come pick me from the GP's office. Then it died again

Had Arby's today... was pretty DARN GOOD I might add. Been wanting Arby's for a year now. Yeah... hubby does not like Arby's so I do not get to eat from there. He says they are too expensive.


Edited: As I said "one" for "won".

So MIL took me to my GP appt, and a sales rep walked out in front of her on his way into the Dr's building.

I said "they are like roaches!" She laughed and said "Roaches that make grand a year. Why you call them roaches?" I said "Because ya get rid of one, and 2 more come in to take up the Dr's time."

Yep... and that hour long wait in the waiting room. I seen a total of 7 "roaches". And sometimes they came in 2's!

thankful for...

1. My kids, I do love them.

2. my furries, I do love them too

3. Support from anywhere.

I am thankful for my job. I still hate my job.



Work is gonna be sllooooowww today. Yay for me!


Justin is sick in bed with the nasty head cold still. He called Kevin to work for him tonight, so maybe all this extra sleep will do the trick for him. I sure hope so. I get so worried when he gets sick :(

1. Although I've been away for awhile, the PMs and posts today have given me smiles.

2. It's great to hear that Katie might be in remission!

3. My hubby is over his pneumonia and feeling so much better.

Sorry to hear Justin is sick - I hope he gets well as quickly as you did.  And when you get well, you REALLY get well.  How awesome is that?

Janice I'm glad your hubby is feeling better too.



Hmm I'm suspicious about something here.......a reason for remission? Is my immune system not working like it's supposed to? I've gotten a small nick/scratch about 3 or 4 times in the past 2 weeks. Even though I clean it out really good, each one has become infected. If I don't take peroxide to it, and neosporin and bandaid it, it doesn't heal! And we're talking teeny tiny little cuts and scrapes. In fact, the one I just doctored didn't even break the skin enough to bleed....yet somehow, it's red and inflamed and infected! What gives? Would that make sense though? It's really got me interested!


On another note, I thought of something while driving to work. I still swell up a little in the heat, and I've always done that, nothing to freak over. However, I'm not one of those people who swells really visibly. My swelling is "inside" and I've never really figured out a way to SHOW a doctor that. It's hard to prove something you can't see. BUT! When I left the house I threw on a cute pink braclet from Claires that's stretchy. When I left the house it was lose on my wrist. When I got to work, after traveling in the 90+ degree weather, it was so tight I had to take it off.

Here's the catcher....you couldn't see any swelling AT ALL. And so it got my wheels turning. If the swelling is inbetween bones and tendons, and under them it's going to push them up and out towards the skin. So you won't feel any of that, you'll feel skin, and then the bone or tendon you're supposed to feel. Well I'm guessing here, but it makes sense. And it would explain why my bracelt fit one hour, and not the next and yet I have no visible signs of swelling.

So maybe that's something others can use as a gauge to see if they're swollen or not? Sounds silly, but in my head it makes SO much sense!

Hello everyone. Today finds me well and happy to be alive. I have been doing my homework assignments for the past two days and proudly passed a practice exam. My RA still gets to me but I try to ignore it and move on to my next task. It requires me to take a lot of ibuprofen and methadone but along with the enbrel and prednisone my RA seems to be under control. Thanks to everyone for supporting me through one of the worst bouts of depression I have ever had.


Live long a prosper!


Yay for Chris!!! It's nice to hear from you buddy!!! :) Don't forget to check in on us between classes n' stuff!!!


What are you going to school for? I forgot...

So whats going on here? Same old stuff different day? Let me know!

Hi Chris

Glad to hear everything is going so much better. 



Chris it was great to hear from you...don't be a stranger. How's everyones night going? I've got a little over 2 hours left here at work, and I'm freezing my butt off. I've got the little space heater cranked on though, and I can feel my blood warming. Mmmmm Nice!Katie do they have the airconditioning running???Man, I have had to have the comforter on the bed the last 2 or 3 nights now. But I also keep the fan on in the room, otherwise I cannot breathe!Ok, Jay I know you're here...join the fun!Yeah they have the A/C running. Its about 90 during the day here, but then it keeps dropping to like, 70 or below at night. Now that the sun is down it's COLD!


hey ya'll

My sister just went to bed, the painters (smell) ran her off tonight

Hope everyone has had a good day

My three things are:

Off today!

Wife got herself to and from work on the subway in DC.

Had a good cup of coffee two days in a row. (yeh it is pretty weak)

Ok I am going to add to my Happy list

I talked to my sister from California, and she said she might come out and visit me in October. YAY!! But she has been saying that for a couple of years now, but never does.

Also, glad that you and your wife are able to enjoy the "feeling-better" Chris.

Please keep checking in. I love it when people are able to say they feel better

Speaking of feeling better...Dear Little Katie, You are still better, though, aren't you? Even with the "internal swelling?" I know what you mean about that type of swelling. Mine is never the typical RA swelling in joints. But they are incredibly stiff in the morning, and I sound like a popcorn popper (with a little gravel thrown in) when I first start to move around.

I do have water retention swelling in my ankles, feet, legs and, to a lesser extent, hands. I take a heavy dose of Lasix every am and lots of Potassium and I still swell up at times. Then they double my, already large, dose of each for 5 days. I can honestly lose 6 lbs in one day. Recently went thru that, and gained 12 lbs in 5 days and have not been able to get rid of it all, like I usually do once they start the extra Lasix. I don't even have pred. as an excuse!

Anyway, back to the internal swelling, has the doctor ever seen that, Katie? Maybe you could take a phone pic of your wrist in the am and another after it swells, and show them to your doc, next time you are in.

Sorry I've gone on and on. I haven't been on much the last couple of days, so guess I was making up for it

Have a good night, all


 Hey Jay, Shelly, and Katie! Where is the rest of the nutella's?

Karen I have to think about my three things I'm happy about. Just to feel good would make me happy right now


I'm bored!!! Work is too slow now. Haha I complain all summer about wanting to rip my hair out, and now I'm practically begging guests to stop and ask me questions.



Am I a nutella? Can I be the queen nutella?????


MMMMMM chocolate queens....

Aw sh*t. Now all I can picture is a gay black guy.


I'm gonna buurrrnn for that one.


 Nini you're posts are always the sweetest posts! you have a great way of expressing your kindness to everyone

Hey Joonie

1.. My kids and grandkids are healthy, happy and love each other ( and us !)

2. I am blessed with a truly loving husband. We have been together for 28 years and love each other more every day.

3. So happy I have this group of fun, intelligent people to communicate with. I don't get out much anymore, but having all of you makes me still feel connected. Especially good that everyone here understands...

I can see you're going to be baaaad tonight Katie!  LOL


 Hey Karen and Brisen!

Katie you're killin' me

I do not think I will be up for long tonight. I wore myself out riding the subway and walking around DC. It may not have been so bad if we did a little sight seeing. We had to get Mary checked in then find a store, ride the subway to make sure she new how to get to work for the next month. We also met her brother and his wife who live in DC. for diner. I think my FEET will hurt for the next week


yeah. I have almost no self control tonight.


Fair warning!!!!

 Not down Jay just sick on my tummy


I came home from work today and hubby (who's been on vacation all week) told me to go upstairs and look at my computer. OMG...he bought me a new flat screen monitor and the sucker's a 27 inch! Talk about up close and personal and in your face! LOLI tried very hard to keep you all on the straight and narrow, but you were determined to be naughty.  I can't be held responsible!

Hello, Princess Fatback Nutella?  What's the agenda today.  I hope it is good, 'cause I need a good laugh.

Katie did ya see my joke about Chocolate...hahaha

Katie "Chocolate queens"?!!!

Mona, not to make light of your hypoglycemia event, but when you said your sugar dropped on you in the shower, I just didn't connect. I pictured a bag of sugar falling off a shelf on your head

Hey Link I've missed you!

Karen - You LIE! You started it last night and I do believe you even ended it! LOL

Yeah Ms G-Spot. You really kept everyone in line. HAH!Mona - Sorry you've not feeling that great. I'm SO sorry I didn't get here last night. Sounds like I missed a whole lot of fun! Nini39343.8138310185I guess that means Mo'Nana's ad lib ido isn't up to par tonight! 

Hi Gale, how's things in sunny California?

Sunny Calif. is STILL hot! 

I want Fall!!



Thanks Brisen

Karen was the instigator for sure last night!!

OH Joonie hows you baby kitty?

Shelly are you still sick. I'm sorry

See the "M" on her forehead?



Not down Jay just sick on my tummy


Mona if you were Katie or Joonie and wrote that or little minds would be full of thoughts. Ha Ha Ha

Joonie - She's sooooo cute!

Mo - Yes, I'll forgive hubby for the Dyson! LOL

Mona, what have you been swallowing?

Link thats exactly the way I acted but she was diabetic and I'm not! Does the sme thing happen to both? It was scary!

Well I can certainly see where this conversation is going tonight!

Gale, ok, I don't usually do this for people, but I'm gonna send you our Fall.  One week of it starting tomorrow.  Enjoy!!

OMG kill me now if I'm pregnant

Hubby has no tadpoles

Link - Thanks for giving me your fall! You da best!

Should I read last nights chat or am I better off to skip it?

ZING!So actually it was cooked fecal matter

 ooohhh it is soooo nice and cool here, probably mid sixties...Link I'm glad you're not selfish with your fall...I am

OH Gosh, Katie and Joonie thinking alike... thats scary too!

Jay - You're probably better off not reading it. Karen just got WAY out of hand!

I wish mine had no tadpoles.

Oh that reminds me... daughter brought home a jar full of tadpoles a few months back and left them out on the front porch, and son... well... he opened the jar and "released" the tadpoles on to the ground. We decided to tell daughter the tadpoles knocked over their jar and escaped.... Do you think it worked?

No... she called son a murderer. She sure does like to call him a murderer alot.

  Karen don't start on me tonight!



I just suqatted down to grab some papers, and my leaned my fat butt right into the space heater. YEOWCH!

Thanks Gale.  That sounds just like Karen.

Joonie I think the "M" stands for mischief!

Mona - I think you need a nice big neti pot for what ails you!

Hubby said Abi was attacking the back of his feet while he walked around last night. He said "stupid cat is trying to get squshed."



Yeah well brisen I think I will stick to Phenergan thank you very much! It's my belly not my nose nurse Nightengale

See we are going crazy with this theme - thanks to you!!

What is a neit pots?

I think it's some sort of 'southern' goop you stick up your nose!

 Yeah Karen and make sure you upload your Avatar too!

I can't wait to see this project!

Perhaps you can teach your son to use the litter box!I have thought about that, Karen

Gosh Joonie don't tell the kids stories of your childhood and cats eating kittens.  Wait until their teenagers.

You all just crack me up...i have tears in my eyes.

Well... at least I did not tell ya'll about the time the mexicans that lived down the road from me when I was 8, that skinned and had my new puppy rotissering over a fire!  


eeewwww Gross Joonie, do you ever forget anything bad???

lol Karen

Stoopid 'puter is freezing up again


Joonie do you have any normal GOOD childhood memories?

Karen, I'm thinking joonie might make a good addtion to your halloween haunt...I'm sure you could use her somewhere!

Mo mine is too.  I think we all talk tooo much.

No, I do not think I have any GOOD memeories from childhood. My childhood was... well... mostly against me. That is why I do not really have a optomistic attitude. I always figure everything is going to go wrong, and most times it does. I do get the occasional surprises. joonie39343.8501736111Awwww, don't tell Mona she's not special! *yes, mo...your computer is the only one freezing up* 

Back in the day the site use to go down for days. It was scary!

Deep Dark Depression, Excessive Misery

If it weren't for Bad Luck

I'd have no luck at all,

Gloom, Dispair and Agony on ME!

So Karen, I take it you see your cup as half empty! 

And she's seen too many episodes of HeeHaw!

No, just a sucky childhood. Was around a family of drunks, a sister that was ALWAYS out to get me in trouble and she was in her 20's, married and had 2 kids!, my crazy uncle he was always tripping me with his foot, I was told at the age of 4 there was no such thing as santa, easter bunny, or even the tooth fairy. I got one present at christmas. This old lady at the nursing home my mom worked at kept telling me not to sit so close to the tv or I would ruin my eyes, but she actually wanted to change the channel from Magnium PI.

I can go on!

joonie39343.8553935185Dude, I don't know where in California joonie's from, but I've never seen roasted puppies in my neck of the woods!

Everyone is floating around in cyber space

*throws someone a rope* Here catch!

I lived in Lake Elsinore. Off of Lake Shore Drive. You should see Lake Elsinore now...really dirty and nasty!

Good night ladies and gentleman.

I am so sorry Joonie.  It sucks to grow up in a terrible environment. 

Love to all

Good night Shelly!

Gale... it was like that when I lived there


You know, children's minds tend to exagerate memories.

Aye, very passable, that, very passable bit of risotto.
Nothing like a good glass of Château de Chasselas, eh, Josiah?
You're right there, Obadiah.
Who'd have thought thirty year ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Château de Chasselas, eh?
In them days we was glad to have the price of a cup o' tea.
A cup o' cold tea.
Without milk or sugar.
Or tea.
In a cracked cup, an' all.
Oh, we never had a cup. We used to have to drink out of a rolled up newspaper.
The best we could manage was to suck on a piece of damp cloth.
But you know, we were happy in those days, though we were poor.
Because we were poor. My old Dad used to say to me, "Money doesn't buy you happiness, son".
Aye, 'e was right.
Aye, 'e was.
I was happier then and I had nothin'. We used to live in this tiny old house with great big holes in the roof.
House! You were lucky to live in a house! We used to live in one room, all twenty-six of us, no furniture, 'alf the floor was missing, and we were all 'uddled together in one corner for fear of falling.
Eh, you were lucky to have a room! We used to have to live in t' corridor!
Oh, we used to dream of livin' in a corridor! Would ha' been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woke up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! House? Huh.
Well, when I say 'house' it was only a hole in the ground covered by a sheet of tarpaulin, but it was a house to us.
We were evicted from our 'ole in the ground; we 'ad to go and live in a lake.
You were lucky to have a lake! There were a hundred and fifty of us living in t' shoebox in t' middle o' road.
Cardboard box?
You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t' mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep wi' his belt.
Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at six o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of 'ot gravel, work twenty hour day at mill for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would thrash us to sleep with a broken bottle, if we were lucky!
Well, of course, we had it tough. We used to 'ave to get up out of shoebox at twelve o'clock at night and lick road clean wit' tongue. We had two bits of cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at mill for sixpence every four years, and when we got home our Dad would slice us in two wit' bread knife.
Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah.
And you try and tell the young people of today that ..... they won't believe you.
They won't!
I never went there growing up, but pass it now whenever I go to Fallbrook or San Diego. It's really bad.

Hubby is asleep on the couch with his mouth WIDE open. I wish there was a fly in the house so it would land and go into his mouth. That would be SOOOO FUNNY to me!

Flash back... one of my nieces slept with her mouth open all the time, one day a fly landed on her nose and walked down to her mouth and it went in and came out and went back in and came out... went on for like a min before we woke her up laughing at it soo hard. My mommy always told her to close her mouth or a fly would fly in it and it did LMAO!

Karen, you're scaring me! 


Night night everyone!!!!!

Man some girl on MySpace has her display name as "The Pirate Slut"Night Katie! Tell Liz hi!Maybe that's Miss Piggy's alias!

Nite Katie!



OH Crap I'm here but this is taking so freaking long to go from page to page I've missed everything

Com'on catch it this time will YA!

Mona - clear your cache and the page moves a little faster

 SWEEWW THANKS for the rope I'm all cached out

*Jay and Mona sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!*  

 Good night Jay

ewww on the roasted hot dogs, but a bunch of Laotians moved  close to my sister and all the stray dogs and cats went missing

No but I do tease still tease him about his Hanoi Whore

No but I do still tease him about his Hanoi Whore

 I keep waiting for a Blonde haired blue eyed Laotian to knock at the door one day and ask to see "daddy"

  Not! I don't eat roasted dog!

Yeah raising kids, a piece a cake my eye!

I am hungry, but for a cake, now that SOMEONE mentioned CAKE!

 Actually the raising part was easier, it's the getting them to stay there I have a problem with.

My lovely daughter and niece have planned this big ole family reunion for this weekend and all the catering, invites, menu, place, time and everything has been dumped on me! Sheesh!

Where are you having this family reunion?Awww Poor Mo'Nana! I would just baby sit a few kids and give them crayons and markers and let them  make the invites, food and all.


Karen, you always make me laugh...and I like and NEED that!

Nighty nite!

So joonie, fess up. Do you have an alias myspace account where you post back and forth with Miss Piggy?

Nite Everyone! Hubby is not feeling well

 We are having it at a really pretty campground/picnic area up close to Linville Falls (Brown Mountain) that my BIL's uncle owns. It has two trout ponds, Linville River running through,a man made rock swimming pool filled with river water, 3 cabins, volleyball ct, a tiny creek for the kids to wade and catch crawdads, A nice bath/shower house and a huge covered shed with picnic tables. Walking and biking trails,and electricity! woohoo!

It actually sounds like fun! Too bad you have to do all the work though.

Man... we saw her again at wal-mart... and well she was wearing hubby's boxes and a tattered t-shirt. She looked like CRAP, putting it nicely

Told hubby that could been all his LMAO!

LOL joonie!Oh her hubby's boxers, not mine

Oh listen to this My 4 yr old neice started preshool last week and she's already got in trouble once

*can't spell*

Brisen39343.9105555556Hi and good night!

I just got back from a school board meeting (well, actually, from a bar, but we started out at the school board meeting!!!).  This is not the school board I sit on; it is the public school that my taxes support but that I refuse to send my children to.  The state is about to take over the high school so they have a "brilliant" restructuring plan.  What a crock of crap.  Anyway, it's late, and I'm tired!  Later all!

Now back to your regularly scheduled mayhem. Nite Kelly! Thanks for popping in!  LOL


 I hate the spelling police don't you Joonie?

Anyway our menu for the reunion is'

Barbeque...Hushpuppys.....tater wedges....cole slaw....bbq red slaw.....bbq beans......ranch style baked beans.......potato salad....pasta salad...Chicken tenders......potato chips...buns....pickles....deserts and drinks!



 I thought you were making fun of my spelling Brisen

You did say you're catering this, right? Or is everyone bringing a dish?



 I hate the spelling police don't you Joonie?

Anyway our menu for the reunion is'

Barbeque...Hushpuppys.....tater wedges....cole slaw....bbq red slaw.....bbq beans......ranch style baked beans.......potato salad....pasta salad...Chicken tenders......potato chips...buns....pickles....deserts and drinks!



HOOO-WEEEEE!!! Where's my invite!

Most is being catered from two places, deserts will be homemade, and the beans and potato salads will be too.


So what do ya'll do with the crawdads that you catch?

The kids will carry them around in cups of water and throw them on each other as they wade the creek! Some kids will be pinched and they will cry

 Well my son just came in and wants to talk so I better get him settled in for the night. I have to wake him up at 4:30 am

See you all tomorrow night!


 I know! Sounds like a whole nother culture don't it?

 Hey Brisen you still here?

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