Autoimmune induced hepatitis | Arthritis Information


I have some articles on some therapies involving about some interesting stem cell work out of Oxford.  Thats the stuff I was talking about where they rewind your own stem cells back to 2 - 3 days old then reinject it back into your body.  If I remember correctly 2/3's of the patients had their livers regenerate.  The other 1/3 had no effect.  Did they say "PIB"?

If you PM me your email address I'll forward what I have if you want it.

There is an extremely rare side effect of Minocin-induced-hepatitis.  Is she on ANY antibiotics now?  If so...she might be herxing.  Especially if they gave her a ton of ABX during/after the thyroidectomy.  Plaq is an anti-microbial so...

The Whole Lemon/Olive Oil drink should flush her liver.  Don't know if it will help for PIB.  It should buy her time if it is PIB.



PIB should read PBC. 



Actually while both are considered autoimmune diseases Autoimmune Hepetitis and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis are 2 seperate diseases and are treated differently index.htm cirrhosis/index.htm

Lori, I just want to say how sorry I am for her.  I hope she can go through all of the testing and get to the bottom of this. 

Keep us informed, k.



   Oh my goodness. I have never heard of either of those. I hope everything will be okay for her. 

Lori, my sister has lupus and developed autoimmune hepatitus 3 years ago. 

It is much more common in conjunction w/lupus, but certainly not unheard of with RA.  My RD thought I had it, but it turned out to be fatty liver.

Sure hope your friend gets treatment soon and feels much better.
