nsaids-stomach ulcer | Arthritis Information


hi everyone, just wondering if any of you have had stomach problems from nsaids like celebrex for eg. I have had a constant stomach ache for about a week and today have black runny diarreah ( sorry too much information).i have stopped the celebrex and will see doctor friday just in case it is a bleeding ulcer.

Yep...I would say that something is bleeding.  Take care and let us know. 

I personally am allergic to all NSAIDS, so I am no help.

Do you take any iron tablets, they can cause black stools.  Iron gives me black diarrhea.  I haven't had any problem with celebrex but I did have a problem with aspirin and naproxen.   But stopping the celebrex until you see your doc is a good idea.  Hope everything turns out OK.


    So far I haven't had any tummy troubles with celebrex. But before my Dr sent me to my Rummy Dr, and I was complaining I was having trouble with stiffness. Dr put me on Arthrotec. Boy did it do a number on my tummy.... Hope everything turns out okay allycat.

Don't wait until Friday. PLEASE call your doctor TODAY!

Hope you feel better.
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